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‘Punch Hurt Too Much’: Female Boxer Forfeits Match Against Male Boxer After 46 Seconds

‘Punch Hurt Too Much’: Female Boxer Forfeits Match Against Male Boxer After 46 Seconds

Angela Carini: “I am heartbroken… I went to the ring to honour my father. I was told a lot of times that I was a warrior but I preferred to stop for my health. I have never felt a punch like this.”

Why did I choose to die on this hill? I have two teenage females very close to me, if you catch my drift. I don’t talk about my personal life much but this just might push me over the edge.

The IOC allowed two male boxers to compete in the female category.

One of those males, Algerian Imane Khelif, destroyed Italian Angela Carini after 46 seconds.

Why? The answer is simple: KHELIF IS A MALE. The International Boxing Association found Khelif to have XY chromosomes, making him a male.

Khelif’s chromosome and testosterone tests got him disqualified from the Women’s World Boxing Championships last year.

Carini forfeited after 46 seconds after two punches to the head.

FFS, there is a reason why sports are split into male and female categories.

Will it finally take a literally beaten-up female to open everyone’s eyes?


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At least she survived without serious injury. Not all women who involuntarily participate in sports against men do so. Not all survive at all.

    She should have refused to fight. They all should.

    Remember when girls started wanting to get into boys sports at the high school level and a lot of the boys refused to wrestle them- and were then called cowards because the “girl bosses” won a few matches?

    I’m not saying girls have brought this on themselves. I know a lot more conservative women who are sympathetic to the tranny cause than I know men who yield an inch on this.

    Women caused this, only women can end it.

      No offense, but I am old enough to remember when girls at the high school level played baseball because either there was no fastpitch softball teams, not enough teams to make a league, or the quality of play was so terrible in the softball games that the girls weren’t developing their skills enough to compete for scholarships at the D1 level.

      Those were cases where the girls had to compete against men and no one thought the worse for them or of it.

      One of the girls in the area actually went to play on the Olympic softball team, won a couple gold medals and played fastpitch professionally for many years.

      My point is there are cases where women can successfully compete with men and if they want to, should be allowed to do so,

      That being said, allowing trans athletes in events will kill women’s sports eventually. There are some sports where the strength, height, weight, etc of men will simply overwhelm the women.

        artichoke in reply to gitarcarver. | August 1, 2024 at 12:11 pm

        So your argument is that these girls didn’t hurt anyone or get hurt, and they benefited from being on the boys’ team. And disregard the boy they displaced, who didn’t make the team because of her.

        So presumably in sports where boys could not harm girls, like golf (fore!) or swimming, if they can’t make the boys’ team but would benefit from being on the girls’ team, you would allow that too.

          BobM in reply to artichoke. | August 1, 2024 at 5:58 pm

          In physical activities, like sports, each traditional gender’s (M/F) abilities follow a bell curve. They overlap. Even in circumstances where female performance – on average – is lessor there are female athletes whose abilities exceed that of many male athletes.

          if a girl loves (say) ice hockey and her only outlet for that love is by trying out for a boy’s team – and if she can make the cut – why the heck not? On the other side it’s almost impossible for a boy to have no athletic outlet for his sport but it’s not uncommon for a girl athlete. And if that girl doesn’t use a DEI slot to make the team a lesser athlete who’s a boy has no more cause to complain than if another boy athlete edged him out – also without using a DEI slot.

          Its a physical fact that in human beings growing up with male hormones driving development gives you a life long advantage in athletics and physical activities that someone with identical genes besides the gender ones lacks. My elder sis was a volunteer firefighter. The first in her company. She had the ability to meet all the physical requirements without a DEI handicap. she was at the top end of her gender bell curve that way. In any male-dominated field or sport where physical ability is crucial, physical ability should be the filter, not birth sex. That’s a given.

          But we carved out niches for lady athletes for a reason, because without them lady athletes would be – at the best – like lightweight boxers forced to battle heavyweight boxers. At the worst lady athletes would be facing risk of death by sport.

        DaveGinOly in reply to gitarcarver. | August 1, 2024 at 2:49 pm

        “Men’s” sports, at all levels, was never closed to females. So few females were seen in what was “men’s” because they generally weren’t competitive. Men’s sports are for men by default, not out of a desire to prevent women from competing/playing.

        OTOH, women’s sports were established exclusively for females, to give them a place where they could be competitive along with others similarly handicapped by a lack of testosterone. Allowing men (who have benefitted developmentally from having high testosterone levels at puberty) violates the purpose of having sporting events that are exclusive to women.

        I agree with Andy. The women/girls need to refuse to participate in any event in which there are trans players. But I’ll go further – women should abandon their “women’s” leagues/associations that permit trans players, and form a new league exclusively for biological women – no trans persons allowed. Period. It’s called “freedom of association.”

        mrtomsr in reply to gitarcarver. | August 1, 2024 at 3:25 pm

        The year I graduated high school was the year title IX was born. As far as my peers were concerned, it was too late. One of my graduating classmates was allowed to practice with the boys team, but not compete. She was the fastest downhill skier in the school, could turn, accelerate, and out mogul any of the male skiers. What she wasn’t allowed to do was compete and receive a letter.

      artichoke in reply to Andy. | August 1, 2024 at 12:17 pm

      The boys were in a no-win situation. If they beat the girl, that’s no glory they only beat a girl. Maybe they would be seen as being rough or beating up a girl, contradicting their own or community morality. Or they could lose and that’s bad too.

      And they might lose regardless, esp. if the girl did what we’ve now seen in videos, intentionally stimulating the area of the dick.

      There are reasons for sport segregation, and if mixing is bad in boxing, it’s just as bad in wrestling. Really it should be for no-contact sports, at most. Boxing is a terrible choice for allowing mixing.

      txvet2 in reply to Andy. | August 1, 2024 at 5:03 pm

      “”She should have refused to fight. They all should.””

      True. More to the point, the referees should absolutely refuse to participate in this totally unsportsmanlike charade.

    artichoke in reply to Epimetheus. | August 1, 2024 at 12:14 pm

    It was voluntary. She knew he was a man. She just thought she could win anyway, but then she found out that his punch was stronger than she expected.

    Calculated decision initially, and also when revised by updated information received in the ring.

      SeiteiSouther in reply to artichoke. | August 1, 2024 at 12:35 pm

      There is absolutely no shame in what she did. I’d be hard pressed not to do the same if I were in her shoes.

        artichoke in reply to SeiteiSouther. | August 2, 2024 at 12:41 pm

        Agree. Nothing was shameful or even irrational. She faced a better opponent, and it can be argued that opponent should not have been allowed in her competition.

      DaveGinOly in reply to artichoke. | August 1, 2024 at 2:51 pm

      True statements. Because I agree with Andy (above), I too think she should have refused to fight. But the fact remains she should never have been put into that situation.

      AF_Chief_Master_Sgt in reply to artichoke. | August 1, 2024 at 3:11 pm

      She worked hard to get into the Olympic Games. There was nothing wrong with her at least trying to make a go of it. But those two punches made her realize the gravity of having a male boxer as an opponent.

      She shouldn’t have had to bow out. She should have been fighting a biological female.

        The IOC and press try to make the guy as born “female” which isn’t the case with intersex which is poorly defined or ambiguous genitalia. It’s the XY chromosome and the elevated testosterone that makes the physiology…. unless complete lack of testosterone receptors. The size with arm length and habitus that really puts the hammer down. Pound for pound, this is a mismatch.

      henrybowman in reply to artichoke. | August 1, 2024 at 4:15 pm

      Some people learn only from their own mistakes.

    If the women want to stop it they can. Just quit playing in an unlevel field. Start their own leagues and write their own rules barring fake women.
    Until they walk away from any contest with trans approval they’re just going to get the snot beat out of them.
    On the other hand, if they’re feminists or just liberal idiots, well, have a whole bunch of equality to men there feminist.

I read about the idiots allowing males into boxing and told myself I wouldn’t watch.

All the female boxers should demand they be booted out of the competition and all the female athletes in the entire Olympics should stand together and refuse to compete until they are gone

So you hear me Simone Biles and the American women swimmers?

This is bigger than your gold medal!!

    artichoke in reply to gonzotx. | August 1, 2024 at 12:07 pm

    And you see, they don’t. They are not at this athletic competition for a cause, but for the medals and the competition. Nor should they be expected to do more. I think in both swimming and gymnastics, the poobahs in charge of that sport decided males could not be in female competitions, so they would be screwing their own organizers who helped them by dropping out.

      mailman in reply to artichoke. | August 1, 2024 at 12:14 pm

      At the moment those women with the loudest voices aren’t doing anything and if women cant, or will not, stand up for women then that is a problem in itself.

        AF_Chief_Master_Sgt in reply to mailman. | August 1, 2024 at 3:13 pm

        Women only stand up for women when it benefits them.

        Otherwise, every woman for themselves.

        artichoke in reply to mailman. | August 2, 2024 at 12:43 pm

        The women with the loudest voices are the ones whose personal success is at stake. You don’t see unathletic nerdy girls or women getting worked up over this. It’s always women claiming a principle, but it could also be their personal benefit. Nothing wrong with that, but they are not heroes either.

E Howard Hunt | August 1, 2024 at 10:23 am

I went on a date with a chick who told me she was a fighter, but I never saw her box.

I wish the women athletes wouldn’t even dignify this insanity by not competing against men at all. Don’t even step into the ring or on the field if a man is competing on the opposite team. Boxing, swimming, track or whatever it is.

This is why I won’t watch the disgusting Paris Olympics.

It should have been obvious after the “Trans Supper.”

I just don’t know if it is French support for men beating women, or if they are trying to appease their new Muslim overlords.

    artichoke in reply to Dimsdale. | August 1, 2024 at 12:05 pm

    I heard the IOC let each sport decide this issue for itself. So olympic boxing decided to allow males into female boxing.

      DaveGinOly in reply to artichoke. | August 1, 2024 at 3:36 pm

      That may backfire (or was it planned?). Seeing the results of allowing this sort of competition may help put an end to it.

JackinSilverSpring | August 1, 2024 at 10:35 am

Better for the women to walk away from this all together than to get badly injured or killed by a male boxer pretending to be a woman.

If the next woman decides to compete against this dude, then she should punch him squarely in the balls right after they touch gloves.

The armed forces box and wrestle men against women (same weight class) and usually the women hold out for a while. Those aren’t technically thoroughly trained punches though. As in a boxer’s fists are a lethal weapon.

This is 100% beyond disgusting. How the International Olympic Committee could possibly allow this is completely beyond me.

I’m confused about something. Didn’t IOC say that each sport could determine what to do about this trans issue? And I recall that in swimming, biological males are excluded from female races at the olympics. And the article says that at least one boxing organization, the organizers of the Women’s World Championships last year, excluded biological males.

So what boxing decision makers decided to allow biological males in olympic female boxing this year?

    Because “Shut up bigot!”

    DaveGinOly in reply to artichoke. | August 1, 2024 at 3:38 pm

    There’s a committee within the IOC that make decisions for each sport. So, the swim competition committee could decide against trans athletes and the boxing competition committee could allow them.

    Apparently, the athlete in question has a real medical condition that results in having female reproductive organs despite an XY chromosome composition.

    In other words, this person isn’t “transgender”. This is not the case of a biologically normal male identifying as a woman or girl. This is a person born with the lady parts, and thus not a man like most people are assuming.

    Human beings are a sexually dimorphic species with two sexes, whereby two XX chromosomes lead to taking on the form of a woman while an XY pairing leads to taking the form of a man—absent a medical condition that screws up this natural development. ‘Twould seem that this person has such a medical condition.

    Such medical conditions do not imply that there is no sex binary or that biological sex is a spectrum. All they show is that there are bone fide medical conditions that screw up this differentiation that happens in utero.

    There are legitimate stances to take that would bar such individuals from competing on either men’s or women’s divisions. But this is not a case of a biologically normal male competing in the women’s division.

    To equate this person with a biologically normal male is to claim that a man can be born with a vagina… which is the conflation that the transgender ideologues use to normalize normal biological males identifying as female! This is the hill they *want* you to fight and die on.

      beautifulruralPA in reply to The Political Hat. | August 1, 2024 at 10:32 pm

      Mr XY may have lady bits due to some anomaly but is missing something on the chest that is generally characteristic of women. Testosterone is probably the better indication of how this person should be analyzed if TPTB are not going with actual chromosomal reality. While I don’t think it tells the whole story, often the determination is based on how long the levels of testosterone have been diminished to a reasonable level. Do we even know that for this person?

The IOC has made a mockery of itself, and the Olympics should die.

I hope the ratings have been as terrible as they deserve to be.

In the near future, when //our side // is in power, we’re going to hunt down and punish every single one of the parents who transed their kid, doctors who did the surgery, politicos who imposed this madness, and ‘influencers’ who help funded it like we hunt down and punish 101 year old Auschwitz tower guards and bookkeepers.

Every. Single. One.

could not watch the video–am glad this young woman was not seriously injured ( albeit a broken nose perhaps )–the young lady made a wise decision–as for her opponent, am wondering if there were any men in attendance ?–boxing or no, good men don’t stand by and let other men beat on women–period

there is no excuse, none, to absolve the ioc for allowing this insanity

bless that young lady for her grace, wisdom and composure when dealing with a situation not of her making

    artichoke in reply to texansamurai. | August 1, 2024 at 11:59 am

    You’re going too far. You’re such a hero, would you have stormed into the ring evading security and stood in front of the other boxer? Is she such a graceful, wise and well composed young lady for knowingly getting in the ring against a man? And the rest of us are somehow not as manly as you for letting two athletes have the competition they both chose? Bull.

    “But it’s the olympics!” If we have principles, it means we are willing to give something for them. She was hoping beat him.

      texansamurai in reply to artichoke. | August 1, 2024 at 12:41 pm

      she’d never fought in the ring with a man–” she had never felt a punch that hard ” –of course she was hoping to beat him, she’s a competitor, a warrior–but she did not “choose” to box with him, the ioc decided “he” was a “woman”–and yes, would have climbed in the ring myself and stopped him–especially if were my lady, daughter, loved one

        artichoke in reply to texansamurai. | August 2, 2024 at 12:50 pm

        Oh, especially if it were your loved one. That’s quite a bit different than what you said earlier. So would I perhaps, trying to imagine that situation for myself, but it’s not the same as men having an obligation to do something out of line because an athlete made a decision. What if she had beaten him? Then you would have been oppressing women and not giving them an opportunity to compete with men, according to many people especially feminists. I’m sure she’s tough and could beat some men, just not this particular boxer.

          texansamurai in reply to artichoke. | August 2, 2024 at 1:41 pm

          if she’d been in the ring with an authentic female, your entire perspective/supposition is rendered moot

      DaveGinOly in reply to artichoke. | August 1, 2024 at 3:59 pm

      Unfortunately too many women, some of them professionals in their respective sports, believe they are a match for the men in their sports. In some instances, this may be true. But rarely does this apply to contact sports.

      A few years ago someone (John McEnroe?) was asked to rank Serena Williams with the men. His reply placed her in the lower portion of the top 100. Horrors! Misogyny! But when Serena was asked the same question, she placed herself in the 70s (73rd or so, if I recall correctly). Not all women athletes have that kind of clarity, especially those who have to endure a hit from a man before understanding how much power a man can deliver. It’s one thing to watch a serve go whizzing by, it’s quite another to understand the power of a well-delivered left hook by watching someone else take it on the button.

    ChrisPeters in reply to texansamurai. | August 1, 2024 at 2:27 pm

    I cannot imagine taking ANY pleasure from winning an event during which I had cheated.

    The male boxer should be embarrassed to compete against the women, even if he is convinced he is right in striving to be one.

Allowing queer males to compete against females will be the death of female sports. There is no way to equalize sex by height or weight class, or age or any other characteristics.

Carini should have entered the ring and then, at the “tap gloves”, raised that man’s hands and announced him the winner.

Then, at the press conference, she should have said, “This is what you want, the end of women’s sports. So, I gave it to you. Did you enjoy the fight?”

No person having XX chromosomes should compete in “sport” with anyone having XY chromosomes. If someone with XY claims to be female or woman, I’m not going to agree but it’s not worth arguing. They can run from their former male personae, but they cannot run from their chromosomes.

    George_Kaplan in reply to Michael. | August 1, 2024 at 12:02 pm

    The sole complication are those with complete Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome. They are male by chromosomes but grow up thinking they’re female. Only during puberty is there any hint of atypical female development, and even then, without testing, they may never realise the truth.

    Now whether such women should be excluded from women’s sports I can’t say, but they are most definitely not (male) trans!!!

      AF_Chief_Master_Sgt in reply to George_Kaplan. | August 1, 2024 at 3:25 pm

      I’m sorry, but your argument takes into consideration a very small percentage of the population as it relates to boxing, and shouldn’t be part of the discussion.

      MajorWood in reply to George_Kaplan. | August 1, 2024 at 8:46 pm

      One would think that a quick glance between the legs might provide an important clue, just sayin.

      This is even more egregious than Vera de Milo.

destroycommunism | August 1, 2024 at 11:59 am


you voted for the group of people who pretend to care about humanity,,


but you chose to ignore the common sense and give in to emotion


If this is allowed to stand, no country that cares about winning will send a real woman to compete ever again.

destroycommunism | August 1, 2024 at 12:03 pm

dont forget the end goal

these new “women” will be setting records and YOU WILL NOT BY LAW HAVE THE ABILITY to find out if they were born male

and thennnnn the feminists who already have told the children

that men can have babies etc etc

will be “PROVEN” correct

destroycommunism | August 1, 2024 at 12:04 pm

America becoming the

Land of the FEE and the

Home of the Depraved

Remember the Cuban heavyweight boxer who was devastating in the ring… one opponent took a blow to the upper abdomen and immediately quit. That was male vs male. This is similar in (dis)advantage and the women should just leave HIM to a hollow victory and stick it to the IOC.

    DaveGinOly in reply to alaskabob. | August 1, 2024 at 4:20 pm

    The whole purpose of weight categories in boxing is to pair fighters with presumptively equal, or nearly equal, power-to-weight ratios. There’s a reason why boxers have to “make weight.” The whole purpose of having weight categories is evaded when biological men are allowed to fight biological women – even when they weigh the same, their power-to-weight ratios are quite, if not vastly, different.

Damned TERFs and their hate! Can’t a troon get a break anywhere?

Hopefully the negative PR of trans competitors resulting from this travesty will create a lasting change.

    It will if Trump makes it a campaign issue and wins. Morality always has a place in politics and I think that this is a good Suburban Women issue. Note that in the “old days” (in Brooklyn) someone who did this to a woman would have his hands broken, or perhaps a finger removed.

      CommoChief in reply to jb4. | August 1, 2024 at 2:44 pm

      TBH if Trump makes it an issue then I suspect some of those on the fence will dig in to support tranny just to spite Trump. IMO lasting reversal of tranny in women’s sports is gonna have to come from women themselves. They gonna have to decide to put this issue as their top priority and then boycott companies, media, films then vote against politicians who push it until a political consensus to permanently outlaw trans in women’s spaces/sports is achieved. It’s a cultural issue as much as political issue and the majority of the feminists and virtue signaling suburban wine women don’t seem eager to make the necessary changes in philosophy to end it.

South park 2019 had this exactly on point… hilarious, please embed

DW is of the opinion that Algerians don’t do trans (physically). So this would’ve been another case of “female by declaration only.” So they paid Mucho Dinero to test this guy’s chromosomes, that they could’ve saved with a 30 second physical examination.

And yet “women’s rights advocates” will willingly crawl over broken glass to vote for Harris and more of the same.

BigRosieGreenbaum | August 1, 2024 at 2:20 pm

This will end when a woman is killed. But before things go too far, woman should just walk out and not compete. That goes for everything: sports, beauty pageants, medicine.

    Sports yes..
    Business or law or medice hell no
    Females in many cases are better then men. Why shud they a female compete against a male in the field of medice.

    I have a biological/medical question. Are women really less able to take a punch than a man? Men can get hit hard too, and I’m unaware of anything about male anatomy that gives more protection against a head shot.

    Men get badly hurt in the ring too. Some have died. If a woman fighting a man dies, it could just be similar to that. Or is there a physical difference?

    Muhammad Ali used to train himself to take a punch by having sparring partners hit him in the head. Then not too surprisingly he declined mentally in later life. The skull doesn’t have an ability to strengthen itself as a result of training.

Interestingly, I haven’t heard any objections or criticism from the LGBTQ groups. None.

    DaveGinOly in reply to Q. | August 1, 2024 at 4:26 pm

    They are generally part of a political persuasion that doesn’t permit opposing opinions and that metes out severe social and professional consequences for those who deviate from the approved narrative. Simply put, those who object are afraid to do so out loud. They are now being suppressed by the suppression machine they helped to build. This goes for straight, liberal (actual) women too.

Just think about how tragic this all is. I do not know anything about Angela Carini, but it is safe to say that she put in a lot of time, effort, and sweat to reach the Olympics, only to be placed in the boxing ring with a cheating opponent whose cheating was sanctioned by the event’s governing body.

All of her work wasted, casually destroyed and trashed, to further an agenda promoted by mentally ill people and Leftists.

    CommoChief in reply to ChrisPeters. | August 1, 2024 at 4:28 pm

    Yep. It’s a travesty that the Olympics officials allowed this to occur and that the vast majority of women ain’t raising more Cain about it. Instead they choose to sacrifice this female athlete’s lifetime of training and hardship on the alter of their progressive ideology and virtue signaling.

      artichoke in reply to CommoChief. | August 2, 2024 at 12:53 pm

      What about the other athlete’s lifetime of training and hardship? And apparently “he” was some sort of intersex that qualified as female according to the standards they set.

    TrickyRicky in reply to ChrisPeters. | August 1, 2024 at 11:43 pm

    Very well said.

Ferfuggs eggs | August 1, 2024 at 4:11 pm

Congratulations to Algeria for winning the gold medal in wife beating.

Political Hat in reply to artichoke. | August 1, 2024 at 5:14 pm
Apparently, the athlete in question has a real medical condition that results in having female reproductive organs despite an XY chromosome composition.

Prove it

Is that you JR

    That certainly seems to be the case, and that makes more sense than expecting a Muslim country to approve of a biological male getting a sex change operation and then parading that person as a paragon of their Muslim nation.