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Pro-Israel Sen. John Fetterman Skipping DNC

Pro-Israel Sen. John Fetterman Skipping DNC

Fetterman said he wants to hang out with his kids. Who can blame him? But does the Democratic Party’s anti-Israel views have any part in his decision?

Pennsylvania Democrat Sen. John Fetterman won’t be in Chicago for the DNC.

Fetterman has butted heads with his party concerning Israel, never backing down or trimming any of his support for the country.

I disagree with Fetterman 99% of the time, but I won’t deny that he’s been a breath of fresh air. I respect anyone who won’t toe the party line.

He has no problem calling out fellow Democrats about Israel or corruption. His attacks on “Gold Bar” Sen. Bob Menendez are priceless.

Fetterman has also taken a strong stance on border security, denouncing fellow Democrats for calling those who want a secure border xenophobes.

Fetterman is his own person and won’t change:

“I’ve been frustrated by some of my members and how they’ve chosen to handle that situation,” Fetterman said of Israel’s war against Hamas. He didn’t specify which Democratic members he had in mind—presumably, the Squad and other members of the Progressive Caucus who have relentlessly bashed Israel. “I don’t agree with a lot of their views, but whatever kinds of political choices or any kind of political costs that I’ve incurred throughout all that, I don’t care.”

He added: “I haven’t once even regretted any of that.”

It’s easy to assume Fetterman is skipping the DNC due to the overtly anti-Israel attitude within the party.

Fetterman’s communications director, Carrie Adams, told The Free Press’s Peter Savodnik she disagrees with his stance on Israel:

“I don’t agree with him” about Israel and Gaza, Carrie Adams, Fetterman’s communications director, told me in a phone call, after my interview with the senator ended.

“I have a sense that his international views are a lot less nuanced than my generation, because when he was growing up, it was might makes right, and for my generation and younger who, of course, are the ones protesting this, they have a much more nuanced view of the region,” Adams added.

Now, I see some people making a big deal about it, but I honestly wonder if staff members 100% agree with their boss on every issue. She didn’t go scorched earth on him, either.

Fetterman told The Free Press that he chose to skip the DNC months ago:

“I’ve got three young kids, and they’re out of school,” the Pennsylvania senator said of his absence this week in Chicago, waving off the suggestion that he might not be welcome there. “That’s four days I can spend with my children.”

The choice to skip the convention “was made well before that debate,” Fetterman told me in a one-hour conversation via Zoom—the senator at home, in the not quite one-square-mile, ex–steel town of Braddock, twenty minutes outside Pittsburgh; me in Los Angeles. He was referring to the June 27 Joe Biden–Donald Trump showdown that led the president to step aside and Vice President Kamala Harris to snag the Democratic nomination.

I enjoyed his last comment, especially since I just saw Motley Crue on Saturday:

“I’m not an advocate for any one specific kind of generation, whether it’s mine, or whatever, but I believe in the American experience, and they’re going to elect the right leader,” he told me.

But then, he conceded the point. Smirking just so. Yes, okay, fine—Gen X will save the world.

“Well, I think Generation X, we should remind everybody that Mötley Crüe”—like the countless kids who once flocked to their concerts—“can kick some ass.”

Generation X for the win.


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destroycommunism | August 19, 2024 at 12:24 pm

“I have a sense that his international views are a lot less nuanced than my generation, because when he was growing up, it was might makes right, and for my generation and younger who, of course, are the ones protesting this, they have a much more nuanced view of the region,” Adams added.

uhhh,,, was it challenged when it said that???

“might makes right” in regards to why Israel is bad

she needs to be “reminded” that her blmplo army is using the right makes right when they were NEVER EVER UNDER ATTACK IN AMERICA BY THE AUTHORITIES

making up stories on how the police are shooting unarmed poc has been PROVEN to be made up

and again


    What exactly is “nuanced” about the mass murders of 10/7?

      destroycommunism in reply to Fred Idle. | August 19, 2024 at 12:59 pm

      b/c merit type people want to know you can do the job based on things like

      sat scores and experience if any in that field of work

      butttt…her generation…welllll they have that

      nuanced view….like

      did the cops ever look at you the wrong way?
      did your mom have multiple children by as many different men as possible?
      did you YA KNOW ,LIKE FIGHT THE POWER????

I too disagree with just about everything he’s for policy-wise, but one has to admire the big guy’s moxie.

I suspect he has been a great disappointment to the DNC, but at least he’s mostly voting the right way for the Party.

destroycommunism | August 19, 2024 at 1:00 pm

fetterman to gain any real cred would have to state he is voting for trump and not harris…for starters

otherwise….he is just talking the talk

I’m having a hard time thinking of another example of a Congressional staffer (a comms staffer, no less) making policy disagreements with their boss known to journos in on-the-record conversations. The reason it’s likely never been done before is that it would be career suicide. Of all the hills to die on, it says a lot that she picks this one. Maybe she’s reading the tea leaves and understanding that it’s Fetterman’s defense of Israel that won’t be tolerated in the Kamala Harris Democrat party.

    rbj1 in reply to TargaGTS. | August 19, 2024 at 2:08 pm

    I think it speaks well of Sen. Fetterman, that his communications director feels secure enough to publicly disagree with him. She’s wrong of course.

May I ask why Ms Carrie Adams is still employed after being openly disrespectful to her employer?

He just posted from it on X

For a while they thought he was leaning Republican. But on closer examination they found the leaning was due to a twenty pound lump on his neck.

    henrybowman in reply to Paula. | August 20, 2024 at 2:59 am

    Pretty sure that lump’s been history for some time. Though I haven’t seen actual photographic truth.

It seems to me that the younger generation’s “more nuanced” view of foreign policy (in general, and the Middle East in particular) doesn’t appear to consider something called “history.”

    henrybowman in reply to DaveGinOly. | August 20, 2024 at 3:01 am

    “More nuanced” is Democrat speak for “two-tiered.”

    ahad haamoratsim in reply to DaveGinOly. | August 20, 2024 at 4:42 am

    And that the senator’s generation has a different view because they actually lived through that history. But to the staffer and her generation, history began the day they were born.

BigRosieGreenbaum | August 19, 2024 at 6:41 pm

I don’t think that his communications director, Adams knows what nuanced really means. She incredibly naive.

What is nuanced about islamofascism? It is what it is.