PBS Host Apologizes for Falsely Reporting Trump Pressed Netanyahu Over Hostage Deal
Judy Woodruff said she relied on reports from Axios and Reuters, but neither one has reports on the subject.

You cannot hate the media enough. Never forget the media hates you.
PBS host Judy Woodruff “apologized” for falsely reporting Donald Trump pressured Benjamin Netanyahu to delay a hostage deal until after the 2024 presidential election.
Gee, that sounds like something the Democrats accused Trump of doing with the Ukrainian president.
I want to clarify my remarks on the PBS News special on Monday night about the ongoing cease fire talks in the Middle East. As I said, this was not based on my original reporting; I was referring to reports I had read, in Axios and Reuters, about former President Trump having…
— Judy Woodruff (@JudyWoodruff) August 21, 2024
Woodruff, like any other media member, didn’t take responsibility.
Woodruff blamed other reports she read…except those reports don’t exist.
In her statement, Judy Woodruff says she was relying on Axios and Reuters reporting, that she just wasn’t aware of the denials from Trump and Netanyahu.
But I can’t find any Axios or Reuters reporting that reflects what she says in the video below. https://t.co/PizRNhsCPN
— Yashar Ali 🐘 (@yashar) August 21, 2024
During a Monday night segment of the PBS News program, Woodruff stated, “The reporting is that former President Trump is on the phone with the Prime Minister of Israel, urging him not to cut a deal right now, because it’s believed that would help the Harris campaign.”
However, the Israeli Prime Minister’s Office denounced Woodruff’s reporting, telling The Jerusalem Post this week that the anchor pushed “a complete lie.”
Netanyahu’s office also released a statement denying Axios’ report about a phone call between the prime minister and Trump about the Gaza hostage and cease-fire deal that the outlet claimed happened on Aug. 14. Axios updated the story last week to reflect Netanyahu’s denial.

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Always call this detritus out for their lies.
“Woodruff, like any other media member [like Democrats generally], didn’t take responsibility.”
LOL — another day ending in the letter “y;” another brazen, unabashed, shameless and despicable lie exposed, from the vile, mendacious, duplicitous, dutifully water-carrying and obsequious Dhimmi-crat media shills/lapdogs/trained seals/sycophants/propagandists.
Crone Woodruff is only sorry that she got caught and exposed.
Bonus point for “obsequious”.
You left out “scumbags” & “scumbagettes.”
Sounds like a repeat of the 1980 October Surprise theory that Reagan asked Iran to delay the release of American hostages until after the 1980 election and the defeat of Jimmy Carter. Democrats always accuse Republicans of doing what Democrats would have done.
Of course she’s lying. She’s been on air for about a thousand decades and she “supposedly” made a mistake only a 7th grader would make?
She’s a liar like the rest of the liberal commie media.
This is one of the most disgusting things in modern media/politics–but I repeat myself.
Instead of saying “X did Y”, they say “It is reported that X did Y”. That way they can always hide behind–I didn’t state it as fact.
This is easily blown up, but rarely done. Simply ask: “WHO reports that X did Y.” There is never an answer.
Obama was/is a master of this tactic.
The only basis for this speculation is pure projection. Orangemanbad so it must be true. Meanwhile our crack Secretary of State clearly is completely out of his league. But we can’t mention the Biden/Harris administration’s incompetence and down right ignoring the fact of American hostages held for almost 1 year. I’ll bet this administration doesn’t even know if they are alive. At least Jimmy Carter gambled on a military operation to free the Iranian embassy hostages. This administration seems to want the whole problem to go away but they have no clue how to go about it.
“At least Jimmy Carter gambled on a military operation to free the Iranian embassy hostages.”
I’m surprised at how few people give Carter credit for this. That it didn’t work out wasn’t his fault, but he takes the blame for the failure and isn’t acknowledged for making the attempt. It’s one of the only two things Carter did that I applauded (the other being the Israel-Egypt peace accord, which I am surprised has survived until now).
I’d give Jimmah more credit if he’d had it done right instead of on the cheap.
Judy Woodruff is still alive? Who knew?
Hahahaha. The retraction is just a formality. All that really matters is the original “reporting”. Or accusation. It survives across the internet more robustly than the apology or correction. That’s the point. Just ask Harry Reid. If it works, and you’re in the right party, your reputation doesn’t even suffer. You may even become more wealthy when it does work.
I think it was Melvin Belli who said “You can’t unring a bell.”
Every time the “major” media does something like this, the words “leftist”, “liberal”, or “far left” should proceed the name of the media. Such as:
“The far-left outlet PBS reports…”
“The leftist media CNN says…”
They are happy to brand Fox as “far right” (maybe at one time, but now, not so much). We need to apply the same rules to them they use on us.
I love how she lied about how she lied. And the second lie was even stupider than the first and easy to definitely confirm to be a lie.
In a normal, sane society such a person would be immediately fired and never heard from again. Frankly, for such immense idiocy, most of her direct family would be shunned, too.
Yes, she should be fired, and PBS defunded!
For years, Judy Woodruff has been the leader of the Islamic-American branch of the IRGC propaganda initiative, according to my sources.
My sources confirmed your statement.
I’ve seen that reported as well.
You just reported it, and I saw that.
There is a long list of lies from NPR and PBS that we have yet to receive apologies for.
This is nothing new. Recall what Diane Sawyer one told us. Diane’s Hurtful Moment
Now that’s how to report the truth. Let buffalo chips fall where they may! I bet she wanted sympathy, too.
Modern media has become a joke to anyone paying attention. A huge number of ‘journalists’ simply read off the talking points handed to them by their fellow travelers in gov’t or Corp suites. These ‘journalists’ routinely display a herd mentality like middle school cliques instead of actually questioning the events of the day as handed to them by sources. Not a lot of independent verification and actual investigation goes on anymore in legacy media. Then there’s the growing instances where legacy media makes things up as appears to have occurred here.
Reporting from the Democrat Nursing Home…
This is actually a higher level of journalism than one has come to expect from Woodruff and PBS. At least she is trying to cover up her lies this time.
Good reporting here.
Woodruff should be fired for a clearly false report
they are just paraphrasing rathole obama and his comment when his election was upcoming:
In 2012, President Obama was overheard over a hot microphone telling President Dmitri Medvedev of Russia he would have “more flexibility” to negotiate with Putin after the election.
Props to M.C. and to L.I.
This kinda reminds me of how the whole Jerry Sandusky Penn State thing came to light.
If memory serves, the young assistant coach just happened to pass by the large team shower room, when no one ordinarily was in the locker room. And out of the corner of his eye , he happens to see Sandusky standing there sodomizing a peri-pubescent boy, from behind. Plain as day.
And in that moment, all three knew that all three knew what all three knew what was going on.
AND YET!! THE YOUNG ASSISTANT COACH WENT HOME. AND HE TALKED IT OVER WITH HIS DAD. And then in the morning the police were contacted, etc.
What we all witnessed LIVE! was Judy Woodruff raping truth, raping On-Going international events , raping the reputations of important international leaders. Leaders of countries. Real Nations. With very real implications for people all around the world.
(Sorry about the dramatics, but it’s true!)
Her Excellency Judy of Woodruff got caught in the shower raping the truth, and now she wants us to believe her when she innocently says “Oh, gee, how’d that naughty erect thing of mine find its way … there? Why I’m as shocked as you are!! You betcha I’m gonna go right out and ……… say a reeallly sincere oops. Yeah, that’s what I’m gonna do. You betcha.”
And we’re all supposed to just move along.
Nothing to see here.
She and PBS have never done it before.
She and PBS will never do it again.
You betcha.
(Btw, ever wonder how that Sandusky/PennState story MIGHT have played out? What if Sandusky had murdered the child that night. Hid the body. And by the next morning was safe and secure, on a flight to …….)
Judy Woodruff should be held accountable. She certainly has no business working in “News.” And PBS really needs to lose all taxpayer funding.
If you read the false Axios story that she based her lie upon once again used unnamed sources with second hand information.
Quote from the Axios story
Axios earlier reported that Trump spoke on the phone with Netanyahu on Wednesday and discussed the Gaza hostage and ceasefire deal, citing two U.S. sources who were briefed on the call.
mere speculation from the Axios story
One source said Trump’s call was intended to encourage Netanyahu to take the deal, but stressed he didn’t know if this is indeed what the former president told Netanyahu.
Wait, hold up. “Netanyahu’s office also released a statement denying Axios’ report” but the write up here started that Axios didn’t report on the supposed conversation.
Are we expected to believe that Netanyahu is denying a report that doesn’t exist as well?
Axios reported that there was a phone call on Aug 14. Netanyahu’s office denied it, and Axios has amended its reporting.
Axios did not report that Trump had pressured Netanyahu to delay any deal until after the election. That seems to have been Woodruff’s own invention.
Seems like she’s just doing what Antony Blinken telling her to do. Influence operation. “Nudging.” It’s what they do every day all day.
They’re usually more subtle, but it seems ol Antony so desperate they’re pushing too hard. Lots of liars and con artists get caught when they’re too desperate and push too hard.
Even if they fire this lady, her replacement will do the same act.