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Over 1,000 Scholars Sign Petition Opposing AAUP’s Embrace of Academic Boycotts

Over 1,000 Scholars Sign Petition Opposing AAUP’s Embrace of Academic Boycotts

“We believe the AAUP’s new position is wrong-headed and dangerous”

We talked about this when the news broke last week. It’s an awful development and would be especially bad for Jewish students.

The College Fix reports:

More than 1,000 scholars sign petition against AAUP for supporting academic boycotts

An open letter that opposes the American Association of University Professors’ new position to support academic boycotts quickly gained over 1,000 signatures from scholars and faculty upset by the recent decision.

“We believe the AAUP’s new position is wrong-headed and dangerous,” the petition states. “We cannot safeguard academic freedom by violating academic freedom. Normalizing academic boycotts poses a profound threat to academic freedom.”

The protest comes after the AAUP, a left-leaning faculty union, announced Aug. 9 that it would support academic boycotts despite its previous position, held since 2005, that stated “the search for truth and its free expression suffer if a boycott is in place.”

The long-held position also stated such boycotts threaten “the principles of free expression and communication on which we collectively depend.”

Chemistry Professor Anna Krylov, University of Southern California’s associate chair in natural sciences, wrote on her Substack that the American Association of University Professors was “once a venerable organization,” but it “has been steadily moving towards a radical agenda, abandoning its noble mission of advancing academic freedom.”

She told The College Fix academic boycotts treat individuals “as representative of certain groups rather than free agents responsible for their own deeds.”

They “represent an unacceptable intrusion of politics and partisanship into science. Beyond science, academic boycotts are divisive and contribute to increased polarization and intolerance,” Krylov said via email.


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destroycommunism | August 20, 2024 at 12:06 pm

from the “academics” to the ama etc etc

the fear of the blmplo takeover has grown so strong that they are willing to rollover

having graduated from an Ivy (A.B, way in the dim, dim past) and then having finished a doctorate plus another couple of years of post-grad, I believe I can honestly say that it was a very rare occasion (I can easily count them on the fingers of one hand) that I ever met a professor who had any knowledge outside his/her/its own field and rarely (I can say the following honestly as well) could ratiocinate in a straight line from A to B (again, outside of their own field).

    SuddenlyHappyToBeHere in reply to paracelsus. | August 21, 2024 at 8:18 am

    You are making a fundamental mistake despite having a PhD and a few post-doc years in academia. Marxism IS their field of study. Be their fields in sociology, gender theory, critical theory, their points are to divide the world into the haves and have nots, the oppressors and the oppressed. Anything that advances their academic/philosophical agenda is directly within their field of study. They teach by living their beliefs, by doing and showing their acolytes.

Arthur Chester | August 21, 2024 at 7:07 am

It’s all imposition of the sharya but by bit drip by drip. Many have have warned us of this gradual inexorable fundamental transformation — eg, ayaan hirsi ali et al. Has anyone figured out why the children of IRGC mostly come to USA? I’m sure all these things are completely unrelated. Has anybody figured out why there are fewer and fewer christians residing in Hamas-Iran-dominated areas? Yemen got rid of its last remaining Jews just couple years ago—it ought to be paradise for them by now. Lets ask CAIR.

George_Kaplan | August 22, 2024 at 9:38 am

Is it time to boycott AAUP? 🙂