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Official DNC Platform Mentions ‘Biden’s Second Term’ 19 Times

Official DNC Platform Mentions ‘Biden’s Second Term’ 19 Times

Besides that, the document doesn’t call for an arms embargo on Israel.

The Democrats released its official party platform.

No one bothered to edit the document, though, because it mentions “Biden’s second term” 19 times.

The Platform Committee approved it on July 16 after releasing the draft on July 13. Biden “dropped out” on July 21.

The party will vote on it on Monday night.

Do you mean to tell me no one could edit the document before the DNC? Come on.

Besides that, the document doesn’t call for an arms embargo on Israel.

That’s sure to tick off the thousands of anti-Israel protesters gathering in Chicago to protest the DNC.


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destroycommunism | August 19, 2024 at 12:54 pm

Its the lefty way to

get the other guy to do it

its one of the biggest reasons they lost 2016

they were already celebrating the home run but forgot to touch home plate

These people are not serious. But, the fix is in, the ballots have been generated, so all is well in DNC land.

….and once again, we will possibly be more stunned unless the Trump campaign can outcheat Obama and the Chicago/Beijing axis.

send more pallets of bricks ….

Pssst, Democrats, there’s this thing called “ctrl-F”

Not only are they cosplaying Soviets, they are cosplaying Soviets badly.

The DNC has detailed exhaustive research into every aspect of the 900 page Project 2025 (despite the Trump campaign not embracing it), but they can’t Search and Replace their own official DNC platform. Then again, there’s nothing in the platform they intend on following if they take office anyway. It will be full steam ahead, throw all their political enemies in prison and grab all the power they can.

Is Biden going to quit and hand it over to Harris?

Bureau of Labor Statistics may lower the reported job creation numbers by as much as a million.

    randian in reply to geronl. | August 20, 2024 at 7:14 am

    As they usually have done under this administration. Every economic number is always revised for the worse a few months after initial release.

FAR worse than the laughable mentions of Biden in the DNC platform is the embrace of something known as the U.S. Citizenship Act.

What is it? The most radical amnesty bill ever written. Amnesty for human traffickers & gang members, no welfare restrictions for migrants, lets deportees return, & worse.

}}} Do you mean to tell me no one could edit the document before the DNC? Come on.

Knowing how to use a word processor would require a level of intelligence not found among anyone who would support Harris. 😉

I just posted up a joke meme about a mail truck being spotted in a cemetery, so that means that all the mail-in ballots have been delivered.

FaceBook felt it needful to fact check it. 😀

Apparently, they think as little of the intellectual talents of Harris supporters as I do.

Because apparently hitting control F and searching for the word Biden was way too hard..