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New President of the American Assn. of University Professors Calls J.D. Vance a ‘Fascist’

New President of the American Assn. of University Professors Calls J.D. Vance a ‘Fascist’

“With Vance, American Far-Right authoritarians have succeeded in elevating a fascist”

The progressive idiots who throw around the term ‘fascist’ wouldn’t know one if they met one.

The College Fix reports:

New president of American Assn. of University Professors: J.D. Vance is ‘fascist’

The new president of the American Association of University Professors recently referred to Republican vice presidential candidate JD Vance as a “fascist.”

In an August 8 statement, Todd Wolfson, a Rutgers University anthropologist whose research “is a mixture of traditional and cyber-based ethnography,” took issue with Vance’s claim that universities are the “Enemy” and are “dedicated to ‘deceit and lies, not to the truth.’”

Vance made the accusations at the 2021 National Conservatism Conference, according to Inside Higher Ed

In his speech, the veep candidate also called universities “very hostile institutions” that “give credibility to some of the most ridiculous ideas that exist in our country.”

“If any of us want to do the things that we want to do for our country, and for the people who live in it, we have to honestly and aggressively attack the universities in this country,” Vance said.

In his statement, Wolfson said Vance’s nomination marked a “tipping point” for the “future of American higher education.”

“With Vance, American Far-Right authoritarians have succeeded in elevating a fascist who vows to ‘aggressively attack universities in this country’ to within striking distance of their goal: the annihilation of American higher education as we know it,” Wolfson said.

More from Wolfson’s statement:

Vance’s labeling of professors as “the enemy” and his praise of Hungarian dictator Viktor Orbán’s seizure of state universities as “the closest that conservatives have ever gotten to successfully dealing with leftwing domination of universities” are unambiguous. Should he and the dark-money funders backing him gain power, they aim to take control of American higher education and bend it to their will. Ironically, they would use fear and misinformation to turn colleges and universities into what the Far Right has for years falsely accused them of being: ideological indoctrination centers. …

While attacks on American higher education are nothing new, the scope of the Project 2025 blueprint for a Trump-Vance presidency offers a frightening glimpse into an authoritarian future that would transform American colleges and universities into thought-control factories by stifling ideas, silencing debate, and destroying autonomy. Project 2025 would roll back decades of progress on access to higher education, eliminate protections for LGBTQ+ students and sexual assault survivors, privatize student loans, end loan forgiveness, and, if we take its authors at their word, abolish the Department of Education entirely. We cannot afford to let this happen.


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JackinSilverSpring | August 12, 2024 at 12:46 pm

Leftists can’t help projecting.

Don’t Go To College
Authors: Michael J. Robillard, PhD, & Timothy Gordon, JD
Year: 2022

The College Scam
Author: Charlie Kirk
Year: 2022

Mike Rowe (2023) Three-minute appearance on Fox News laying out logic against four-year college right out of high school for most people

College Beyond the United States — European Schools that will Change your Life Without Breaking the Bank
Author: Jennifer Viemont
Year: 2018

Why Are You Still Sending Your Kids to School?: The Case for Helping Them Leave, Chart Their Own Paths, and Prepare for Adulthood
Author: Blake Boles
Year: 2020

The Case Against Education: Why the Education System Is a Waste of Time and Money
Author: Bryan Caplan
Year: 2018

The Teenage Liberation Handbook (Third Edition): How to Quit School and Get a Real Life and Education
Author: Grace Llewelyn
Year: 2021

Inside American Education: The Decline, The Deception, The Dogmas
Author: Thomas Sowell, PhD
Year: 1992


Hey kids (and parents): You cannot claim that you had “no idea,” that you had not been warned.

    Danny in reply to Jacques. | August 12, 2024 at 8:30 pm

    Is there another way to become a doctor?

    How about another way to become an engineer?

    Or is there another way to become a zoologist?

    How about any hard science which of them doesn’t require college?

    Giving up on colleges and declaring them pointless is just the next idea from the same people who came up with “they are going to realize they wasted their money when corporate America forces them into line in the real world”-Remember that college narrative? How did it work out did corporate America force them into line or join them?

    All states we control have to start actually fighting back in terms of colleges not just Florida. The idea that they don’t matter and we should just hand over EVERY hard science, medicine, and law to the left is ludicrous.

    Technically there are states you could become a lawyer without law school.

    Realistically if we surrender in education the ONLY people who are going to be lawyers are Democrats.

    Are you suggesting American conservatives have to learn Hungarian to become doctors?

    The Gentle Grizzly in reply to Jacques. | August 12, 2024 at 8:45 pm

    Copy and paste. copy and paste, copy and paste…

Wolfson is incoherent. Kind of difficult to be a fascist when Vance has mixed race kids.

nordic prince | August 12, 2024 at 1:56 pm

Never mind that actual fascists are already calling the shots in DC.

Orange Man and Huck Finn bad!

    henrybowman in reply to nordic prince. | August 12, 2024 at 8:35 pm

    “a fascist who vows to ‘aggressively attack universities in this country’ to within striking distance of their goal: the annihilation of American higher education as we know it,”

    Sorry, you got there first and already did it.

Todd Wolfson, an anthropologist from Rutgers is the new PResiden tof the Amerian Assn. of University Professors. And this genius has called J.D. Vance a fascist. That’s the quality of today’s university professors in the United States. In-state tuition is about $25,500 per year. For that price, your kid could take this guy’s class, and learn what? That up is down and down is up? Yeah, this guy’s judgment is worth every penny of tuition.

    Jacques in reply to CincyJan. | August 12, 2024 at 4:05 pm

    An American college education is not what it once was.

    An American BA is not the credential that it once was.

    People — perhaps understandably — seem incredibly resistant to accept the implications of this new reality. I guess it’s scary(?)

    Regardless, it seems as if American families just absolutely refuse to think for themselves — about what, really, is best for Junior. And what is best for family finances.

    “Remarkable stuff” – Chris Plante

This just confirms my belief that the AAUP has always had Marxist leanings, and now they are starting to show those leanings to the public.

    Jacques in reply to OldProf2. | August 12, 2024 at 4:21 pm

    “Get the jabs theyre safe and effective”

    “Get a college education it will pay off in the long run.”

    “The maga folks are evil authoritarians”

    “Cleanest, fairest election ever”

    “Buy and hold stocks they always go up over time.”

    “Real estate always rises in value”

    “J6 was worse than Hitler worse than Plague worse than Pearl Harbor”

    “Kamala is really popular”

    “We all want the same things — life, Liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.”

    “At the end of the day, everyone everywhere all around the world, we all just want to live and let live.”

“Top priority of DHS is homeland security”

“Top priority of Dept Education is education of Americans”

“Top priority of Dept of Justice is justice for all Americans.”

“Top priority of Dept of Defense is the defense of Americans here and abroad”

“Top priority of Dept of Energy is energy for all Americans”

All of the above are true because all of the above is what we are told.

That’s why you must send Junior to college. And pay whatever it is that they’re charging in 2024.

destroycommunism | August 12, 2024 at 4:50 pm

since lefty is both a communist and a fascist …….

“The border is secure”

“Diversity is our strength”

“People with four-year degrees earn the highest incomes; therefore, you should obtain a four-year degree.”

——which is like saying that people who purchase houses in Beverly Hills earn the highest salaries, therefore, you should buy a house in Beverly Hills.

Or — Good looking people do porn; ergo, if you want to be good-looking then you should do porn.

Think. People, think!

Strange. No statement when Biden was trying to force eveyone to get a shot and stay in their homes or when Walz did the exact same thing but Vance is somehow the fascist.

You keep using that word. I don’t think it means what you think it means”

I never joined AAUP, nor did anyone in my family who were medical faculty. There didn’t seem to be much use to the organization. Everything that organization said sounded too close to AMA, and that was as close to the Communist Party USA as anyone could get. I stop at anyone calling me “Comrade”.