Monash University Project on ‘Toxic Masculinity’ in High Schools to Target Jordan Peterson
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Monash University Project on ‘Toxic Masculinity’ in High Schools to Target Jordan Peterson

Monash University Project on ‘Toxic Masculinity’ in High Schools to Target Jordan Peterson

“We need effective strategies for teachers to challenge this harmful masculinist ideology that reinforces violence supportive beliefs online, in the classroom and beyond”

The left fears Jordan Peterson and they prove it over and over again. Also, why is the term ‘toxic masculinity’ even acceptable?

The College Fix reports:

Scholars aim to tackle ‘toxic masculinity’ in high school, blame Jordan Peterson

Scholars at Monash University just launched a project aimed at tackling “toxic masculinity” in high school classrooms, blaming famed Canadian psychologist Jordan Peterson in part for promoting “harmful ideologies” online.

The project goal is to create “early intervention programs” to help high school teachers “identify and tackle the harms of online misogyny and gender-based violence” in the classroom, according to a news release from the Australian university.

“Toxic masculinity and misogynistic gender narratives are gaining traction online and in Australian classrooms, threatening gender equality and contributing to gender-based violence,” the university stated.

Education Professor Stephanie Wescott said in the release she has seen an “alarming increase” in reports from female teachers about “sexual harassment and other harmful behaviours by boys in classrooms, often linked to narratives and ideologies unmistakably derived from manosphere content.”

The university blamed “notorious masculinity influencers or ‘manfluencers’” including former University of Toronto Professor Jordan Peterson for “perpetuating harmful ideologies around sexism and misogyny which are filtering through to boys’ and young men’s behaviour in the classroom.”

Peterson is a popular author, public speaker, and psychologist who rose to fame while advocating for free speech rights in Canada.

The project’s lead researcher, Naomi Pfitzner said she, Wescott, and others plan to conduct research over the next two years to craft workshops that help teachers create “safer, more equitable classrooms.”

“We need effective strategies for teachers to challenge this harmful masculinist ideology that reinforces violence supportive beliefs online, in the classroom and beyond,” Wescott said in the release.

“Toxic masculinity” has been a common subject in academia in recent years.


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NorthernNewYorker | August 2, 2024 at 1:37 pm

Maybe it’s because I can’t be bothered to click the links, but there is never any actual example ever given of this “sexual harassment” of which they speak. Jordan Peterson told young men to clean their rooms. I suppose the modern feminist can’t countenance that level of personal responsibility.

“Toxic masculinity” is any male who isn’t a shut-up-and-go-along “ally” for crazy white chicks. We need more “toxic” to get our country back to functional again.

Men should avoid any school that seriously puts forth “toxic masculinity.”

Their definition of non-toxic masculinity is probably a gay transvestite.

    The Gentle Grizzly in reply to OldProf2. | August 3, 2024 at 2:21 pm

    Maybe not that, but the sniveling, handwringing, effeminate man with scruff or a thin “beard” who, if a father, does not use the word, “no”.

    Think “yes, dear” on a nauseating scale.

Houston Grandma | August 2, 2024 at 7:59 pm

This old lady couldn’t understand all the fuss about this Peterson guy so I watched a few of his videos. Now I understand it even less. He seems pretty commonsensical to me.