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Milwaukee Police Association Endorses President Trump and J.D. Vance

Milwaukee Police Association Endorses President Trump and J.D. Vance

As crime spikes and morale dips, Milwaukee’s finest throw their weight behind Trump and Vance

Republican vice presidential nominee Sen. JD Vance made his second visit to Wisconsin this month, delivering remarks with the Milwaukee Police Association. Last week, Vance was in Eau Claire, addressing reporters at an equipment manufacturer. Vance’s campaign has been sharply critical of Harris and the Democratic leadership, mainly focusing on crime and border security issues.

The Milwaukee Police Association endorsed President Trump and J.D. Vance.

“Hi, my name is Alexander A. and I’m the president of the Milwaukee Police Association. I am a 24-year veteran of the Milwaukee police department. Senator Vance, thank you for being here to amplify our message that our members provide the highest degree of service to our community.

We like to say that the Milwaukee Police Association is the force behind the force, and we use the words honor and service when we talk about our brave men and women of our department. Their importance extends far beyond the uniform and the badge; it’s about their commitment to serving and protecting us and protecting all of us.

The challenges of policing in the city of Milwaukee are many: low bail for dangerous criminals, the need for honest and concentrated efforts to pursue those offenders wanted on bench warrants, low officer morale, and an often anti-police society that rushes to judgment in officer-involved shootings. Not to mention the staff crisis that requires officers to spend more time away from their families. Some areas of the city will at times go with only one squad to patrol the entire area of 44,000 citizens, as squads get pulled to other parts of the city to address high-priority calls, which can often be more violent in nature and require more officers.

The Milwaukee Police Association believes that the solution to these challenges can be found right here. That’s why the MPA is endorsing the presidential ticket of Donald Trump and JD Vance, because addressing these issues isn’t political, it’s truly a matter of life and death to Milwaukee. So, thank you.”

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destroycommunism | August 16, 2024 at 3:38 pm

anyyy pd that wouldnt endorse trump/vance are admitting to hating civility

destroycommunism | August 16, 2024 at 3:39 pm

any teachers union that wouldnt endorse trump/vance are admitting to being pro pedo anti american

Trump should slyly nod to Clyburn and Biden by claiming you aren’t a law enforcement officer if you don’t vote for me.

It wasn’t that long ago when police unions were hesitant to endorse federal campaign candidates including President. But, 2020 changed all that for understandable reasons. NYPD’s union endorsed Trump in 2020, which was believed to be the first time in decades (maybe ever) that union endorsed a presidential candidate.

Make it Minneapolis, and THEN you’ll have a headline.

Just wait until John T. “KliegLights” Chisholm finds out. Bastard monster DA of Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

Is this surprising? Kamala Harris bailed out arsonists whom she should’ve prosecuted, while Walz let Minneapolis burn.