Media Parrots Harris Campaign’s Ridiculous Claim That it’s All About ‘Joy’
“it is no accident that joy — a battle-tested version of it — has become the backbone of Ms. Harris’s campaign in recent days”

If you’ve been following news about the election, you have probably heard the word ‘joy’ repeated over and over. This is not a coincidence. It’s a talking point from the Harris campaign, and the media is doing their very best to play along.
“Joy” is apparently the new hope and change, and the use of the term is not even close to subtle.
You can see it used in this report from Axios:
Harris vs. Trump: America’s mood-swing election
This election is about more than two very different ideologies. It’s about two very different moods: joy vs. rage.
Why it matters: The conflicting rhetoric reflects the conflicting calculations of how to win in 2024 — and how Americans are really feeling about the state of the nation.
Former President Trump sees fear as the primary motivator — fear of illegal immigration, crime, inflation, a declining America. He believes swing voters will embrace his darker view and demand protection, even if they don’t love his style.
- Vice President Harris sees hope (or conflict exhaustion) as the primary motivator — hope to move beyond Trump and fighting, hope in a rising/rebounding America. She believes voters are tired of doom-and-gloom.
The New York Times is downright comical in this piece:
Harris Used to Worry About Laughing. Now Joy Is Fueling Her Campaign.
There was a time, early in her vice presidency, when Kamala Harris, aware of reams of conservative news coverage criticizing her laughter, privately wondered to confidants whether she should laugh, or show a sense of humor, at all.
They reassured her that she should, according to two people familiar with the discussions at the time. Still, Ms. Harris proceeded gingerly, embarking on a run of tightly controlled appearances. She focused on issues like abortion rights and worked to bolster her foreign policy chops. She took emotionally resonant trips during which she carefully honed her image. Along the way, laughter never really left her.
So it is no accident that joy — a battle-tested version of it — has become the backbone of Ms. Harris’s campaign in recent days.
“The thing we like about hard work is we have fun doing hard work,” she said at a campaign event with autoworkers on Thursday in Wayne, Mich. “Because we know what we stand for. When you know what you stand for, you know what you fight for.”
Byron York noted this at the Washington Examiner:
Joy is fueling her campaign? You bet it is — no less a figure than Walz himself declared that Harris “emanates the joy.” MSNBC went along to declare that Harris and Walz “campaign with joy.” The Washington Post reported that the two Democrats have “seized on a joyful message.” The New York Times, again, announced that Harris and Walz are running a “joyful campaign.”
In Harrisworld these days, joy is everywhere — in food, in clothing, in campaigning, in everything. NPR loved Walz’s “folksy fashion sense — Carhartts and camo.” And everyone, just everyone, loves Walz’s apparently voracious, just-folks appetite. “Tim Walz loves food,” declared the Atlantic. Corn dogs, cinnamon rolls, his very own “Turkey Trot Tater-Tot Hotdish” recipe, and more, all washed down with prodigious quantities of milk. It all brings joy, the Atlantic declared — “cold milk on a hot day; a perfectly cracked egg; a steaming casserole dish full of God knows what.” By being so joyous about food, the publication concluded, “Harris and Walz are making theirs the candidacy of terrestrial pleasure and straightforward abundance.”
Finally, watch this video. I lost count of how many times the word ‘joy’ was used.
Ignore the dismal economy.
Ignore the open borders.
Ignore the crime in your city.
Just think of "JOY" when you think of Kamala![Could it be any more obvious?]
— Breitbart News (@BreitbartNews) August 8, 2024
The memo has clearly gone out.
The trouble with this narrative is that people around the country are not feeling joy. They’re feeling anxious about their savings, the price of gas, groceries, and housing. They’re feeling worried about the state of the country and the world.
Kamala and Walz can say they feel joy until they’re blue in the face. It’s not going to change the fact that most Americans feel the country is headed in the wrong direction.

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If an author had written a satire about a “joy” campaign, it would have been widely rejected as implausible.
Joy Reid perhaps
I am thinking of the “joy” of Trump and a Republican majority in both the House and Senate.
Do you understand they’re the propaganda arm of the people who overthrew Ameri…
I have a daughter in American Palestine(MN) who believes the Jews commited the Oct 7th atrocities
YOu don’t have to dive too deep to figure out Allah is satan…
They likely committed capital crimes associated with covering up and lying about the development, intentional release and VX deaths of the Chy-Na virus
Someone is doing something about it
On X ONLY @Ivanraiklin
Joy to me is a brand of air compresser and a manufacturer of mining equipment.
When I saw ‘air compressor’, I knew exactly where you were going with this.
InKompetent Kamala is incapable of masking her defensive and inappropriate laughter, so the campaign is forced to pretend its deliberate.
They focused-tested “joy”, and that seemed to work with the gullible females on the left, so they’ll run with it.
If “joy” fails, the campaign will pick another affirmation plaque off Etsy to use as a theme; don’t worry, it doesn’t matter to NPCs.
That “reporting” by the NYT et al is some industrial-strength cringe.
Yes, the same “joy” experienced by Stalin, Mao, Castro, Pol Pot, bin Laden, Arafat and every other vindictive, ,bloodthirsty, lawless and, totalitarian despot and/or terrorist in history.
Ninety years ago there was Strength Through Joy.
That was Muhammad, who looted, murdered and raped his way to power and then plagiarized Christianity as a veneer to rationalize his subjects to do the same to anyone not buying his Muslim shit.
Did you ever notice how many Chinese products have “joy” in the name?
In Chinese, the word for “joy” or “happiness” is “喜” (xǐ), which is often used in various contexts to convey a positive and joyful feeling
Joy Group, Disposable Baby Diaper Joy, etc.
A campaign label of “Joy” is no real surprise considering that Kamala is just another Chinese product.
I got a very joyful massage yesterday by Chinese women.
Actually it’s a coping mechanism, meant to buy herself time to “think” when she has no idea how to deal with a question.
Anyone who can’t see through the ludicrous lie that it’s joy is too stupid to be saved anyway.
A couple of weeks ago the media’s word of choice for all things elections was ‘weird’. See here. It was an obvious concerted effort to make it stick. They failed. Why?
Well they nominated Timpon as VP. So all of a sudden the word ‘weird’ is not a good choice, right? The Trump campaign ads that followed Timpon’s nomination kind of turned the tables. They guy is a certified weirdo.
So they needed a new word.
Then there’s the fact that Kamala can’t stop cackling. Sooo, let’s pretend she is not an embarrassing mess, let’s call her “joyful”.
They must think we are dumb, really dumb.
For me, this is deja-vu. It is almost the same playbook from fidel castro’s media, back when I was a slave in Cuba.
And just a few weeks before that they were peddling the Biden “sharp as a tack” nonsense.
It’s exhausting.
Wasn’t I just reading numerous articles about the sky-high turnover rate in VP Harris’ staff?
Hostile work environment much?
Joy, my ass.
The Joy is with Dem inclined voters who are no longer despairing about a senile dolt heading their ticket. They have Joy that they can win, and are no longer considering a third party.
Is “joy” really any stupider than “yes we can?” Dems don’t care. They’ve already proven that stupid works, because stupid votes.
Trump needs to hammer this point right back at them. “When you fill up your tank at $4-5, do you feel the joy? When your groceries cost twice as much ad four years ago, do you do a little dance? When a homeless camp takes over your local park, what happy tune runs through your mind?”
He is trampling out the vintage where the grapes of wrath are stored,
He hath loosed the fateful lightning of his terrible swift sword…
meh. Trump had a chance to give a Presidential speech at the convention, Instead hes been a rambling idiot litigateing old grievances.
Nobody wants to go back to the angry 90 minute rambling press conferences for four years. Trump cant even focus on policy and he’s let her tack right on immigration.
Trump lacks campaign or governing discipline. At this rate, Trump will lose, and only idiots blame the media. The party of personal responsibility should take personal responsibility for this mess. Maybe someone should prescribe Trump some adderol, lol.
The focus now needs to be to stop the downballot bleeding. If the GOP takes back the Senate and House, it can keep Harris in check.
Post mortems should come AFTER the election. This analysis is a steamy mess.
Remember that time Shrillary didn’t go to Wisconsin and lost the state and the election? Go find his campaign schedule. She is out campaigning him five:1. Fox is apoplectic she’s given the same speech 3 times but guess what? She’s given three speeches, to three crowds, and now all the independents have heard her on a teleprompter and its not horrible.
Maybe the campaign is hiding Trump the way the Dems hid Biden. Not a bad strategy, really, except he’s way behind. Unless something drastically changes, its all but over for him.
There is so far to go. No time to act like it’s over. Far from it. Best to let things play out.
No. Early voting starts in less than 50 days (~sept 17th). He has only half the time he thinks he does.
Look at what has happened in just the last month. 50 days is eternity.
People will tire of fake joy being shoved down their throats, especially when it’s a cover for emptiness.
And Trump is who he is. Those who want him to be disciplined like Vance can forget it. It does not matter the approach, the media will spread joy.
The next most likely things to happen before the election are:
— Dementia Joe becomes comatose and KH becomes Acting President [Assuming if he stroked out into a coma, they would even tell us?]
— Big new war developments in the ME, Taiwan, Russia
— Another shoe drops on Wall Street
— A big bank failure???
— Trump sent to prison on Sept 18
There is a lot of football to be played even before early voting starts, and events could necessitate Presidential decisions.
It’s interesting which topics bring the trolls out.
I don’t see any way to take the House and Senate without winning the Presidency. Many of the most competitive contests are in the very same battleground states.
Joy at the damage they have done, the sorry state of things now, and the hatred they created among the people. Well done!
“Oh the joy”, said Laken Riley as she was being murdered by an illegal.
That said, Republicans and Trump, especially, ignore this at their peril. People do not want more of this name-calling and trash-talking, downer BS. FDR tried to cheer people up. Trump needs to say what Kamala’s policies were for 3.5 years and what his were while in office and that he will bring back better times. Both have proven track records, especially Kamala on the border and casting the tie-breaking vote on the two huge, inflationary Biaden-Harris spending bills (which even Dem Larry Summers said were inflationary).
It’s more like the novelty ‘joy buzzer’ gag of olden days.
The Joy campaign. Now who in the world is this meant to appeal to? I am completely baffled.
It’s designed for emotional appeal to AWFLs and SUV Moms, of course.
I am sorry, but that cannot be true. I am reliably informed that they are every bit as discerning, capable and rational as men.
Someone needs to ask Kamala Chameleon how much JOY she got out of hiding that undercover video of the evil, soulless ghouls at planned parenthood talking about how they yank legs off of live babies to get around the partial birth abortion bans, while they munch on catered appetizers.
That video has to show some of the sickest people on the planet, and Kamala Chameleon was filled with JOY to ignore the despicable, repulsive crimes by planned parenthood and go after the undercover reporter, instead – sealing the videos up so that no one could see them.
Well said! Very grateful that you highlighted this evil.
I’ll enjoy verbally cutting down Kamala and Timmy and making well deserved fun of them. I’ll enjoy denying them the opportunity to steal the election. I’ll enjoy their tears and those of their fell0w-travelers.
I’ll enjoy a better, smaller government that isn’t full of hostile elements.
‘It really is all about joy.
If ignorance is bliss, why can’t stupidity be joy?
It has been for years on MSNBC.
Joy to Progressives is Joy Reid and Joy Behar, both hateful shrews showing what Progressive women look and sound like. THAT is what you are voting for if you fall for Joy.
“JOY”, sez the Merry Meretrix.
“Joy” didn’t come out of nowhere, and it isn’t new. It’s been the slogan used within the left for years. BLM and Antifa talk to their members about having “joy” in their destructive activities. Of course they don’t call them destructive but they emphasize the joy.
It’s good military strategy, to make the troops want to fight, enjoy fighting, love to maim and kill.
If we adopted a similar slogan, would our people understand it? Because the left understands “joy”. It means to enjoy taking what’s yours.
Can we enjoy and delight in taking what is theirs? If so we can win. If not we’re always on defense.
Joy vs. rage. Who was burning down all the cities again?
Since this stupid campaign slogan came out, I can’t get “Smooth Operator” out of my head — a song I despised long and well when it was popular, and still do. Maximum joy indeed.
It’s not “versus”. It’s all together. When burning stuff down, enjoy it!
Our side has to meet it with equal enthusiasm or we lose. If we fight back we can win, but there will be destruction, it will be a war. They are in war mode already, we can either let them win by ignoring it, or gird for battle, together with songs and joy!
A related attitude is to be “unburdened by what has been”.