LIVE: Trump Holding General Press Conference at Mar-a-Lago
How about Harris?

Former President Donald Trump will hold a general press conference at 2 PM ET from Mar-a-Lago.
It’ll be nice to hear from him. It’d be even nicer to hear from presumptive Democratic presidential candidate Vice President Kamala Harris. The lady doesn’t even have a platform on her website.

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Nice contrast, one side will speak to anybody and the other is hiding from a press that can’t figure out how to fellate her enough.
she doesnt have a platform
b/c she’d fall off it
I watched as long as I could before getting sick. The MSM knows exactly how to make him look bad and he falls for it every time. There is not one person in the entire world who cares about the size of the J6 crowd and whether or not it was the biggest ever! I still believe this election is his to lose and he seems to be trying his best to lose it. Watching Vance answer questions and his cogent responses shows what a press conference should look like. Why can’t Trump just focus on what he is going to do to fix the mess Biden/Harris have gotten us into?
It’s tilting at windmills to expect Trump to handle his business in a press conference like Vance, Youngkin or DeSantis can. It’s just not in him and it’s never going to be considering he’s 78. He misses so many layups and steps on so many rakes it does get frustrating…and then there’s the needless hyperbole and exaggeration.
Still, all things considered. this was one of his better pressers. While, he was still long-winded and spent way too much time making ad hominem attacks against Harris he did make some good points. With respect to how he handles his critiques of Harris, he should be mindful that he lost women by an eye-watering 15-points in 2020. There’s a way to be hyper-critical of Harris’ performance as AG, a US Senator and now as VP without calling her a loser, idiot and incompetent. Trump has to figure that out quickly or it’s going to be a long night in early November.
Mar-a-Lago, the one secure place in the world where the Biden mafia can’t assassinate Trump.
John Solomon @jsolomonReports
FBI let the suspect in plot to kill Trump into the U.S. on parole despite terror ties, Iran trip, memos show.
Ahhh, yes, a return to the crisp policy-focused message discipline of the 2020 COVID briefings. An excellent strategy, for Harris, who is going to win. Maybe we will all get lucky and people will split the ticket. GOP senate candidates will outperform Trump.
Better to hide and speak to the press once or twice a year. Then tell people that democracy dies in darkness, as they cover up and abuse power with impunity. Dpeak for yourself, please. You do not seem like “we.”
Same old word salad…my crowds are huge, HUGE….bigger than Martin Luther King’s. Yawn.
Harris is going around the country introducing herself and Walz to massive crowds She’s killing it in the polls. She’d be a fool to stop now.
Also, why did Vance leave the military after only 4 years? Walz has 20+ more years of service and filed his retirement papers well before his unit was activated so he could run for Congress. Seems like Vance is the one who’s stolen the valor.
Yet the Democrats lie about who they are, and some people swallow as they look the other way, then lecture about freedom and democracy. Good to see who eats the fraud and deception as virtuous.
Is there a transcript anywhere?
The trouble with a Trump transcript is that it looks like a printer error because he repeats the same lines over and over. If he could just stay on message he would make this a slam dunk but he goes off on wild nonsense side trips. Now he is trying to make up with Kemp after going to GA and insulting him. I truly do not think he has any idea what he is going to say next when he speaks. Harris has so many bad positions that all he has to do is point them out and say what he will do to fix them. But he can’t.