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RFK Jr. Suspending Campaign, Will Support Trump

RFK Jr. Suspending Campaign, Will Support Trump

He’s not dropping out, but removing himself from ballots in battleground states.

RFK Jr. is suspending his campaign and removing himself from the battleground states.

He has thrown his support behind Donald Trump.

Supposedly Trump has asked him to serve in his administration.

RFK destroyed the Democrat Party.


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“Waiting for Fox Business
August 23, 2024 at 11:00 AM”
Live, except when it isn’t. It’s now 11:12.

Can anyone make a case as to how his withdrawal does not hurt Trump? Look who fought tooth-and-nail to interfere with him running and being on the ballot. It was not Republicans.

    TargaGTS in reply to jb4. | August 23, 2024 at 2:35 pm

    Remember, these lawsuits began when Biden was still the presumptive nominee. At that time, RFK was hurting Biden, no question. However, polling now indicates that most of the Democrat support RFK enjoyed prior to Biden exiting the race, (mostly) abandoned him after that. Democrats have largely come home to Harris, which is exactly why the polling has tightened. Trump hasn’t lost support, Harris gained it…from RFK.

    While there will likely be some variation state-to-state, on balance this is almost certainly a net-benefit to Trump. Something else to keep in mind is RFK was having significant problems with ballot access. Thus far, he was only officially on the ballot on one deep blue state (VT) and one purple state (MN). The rest of the states where he’s OFFICIALLY obtained ballot access (less than 10, IIRC) were either reliably red or contested, like AZ.

    thad_the_man in reply to jb4. | August 23, 2024 at 2:59 pm

    Thin thing is, he has been kicked off the ballots where he hurts Dems the most. Now Now he is only on in places where he hurts Trump

    fogflyer in reply to jb4. | August 23, 2024 at 5:41 pm

    I don’t understand your question JB.
    As you say, it is the Dems who fought to keep him off the ballot, therefore wouldn’t one assume it is the Dems who were worried about being hurt?

    Trump will gain by this because Kennedy did a masterful job of laying out all the Dem corruption against both Trump and himself. He presented a different side to the Ukraine war, healthcare and mainstream media that many have not heard before. He backed up his statements with facts and details that Trump rarely does. He also laid out the immense dangers of the democrats being in power for the next 4-8 years and how Trump and he were aligned on many of the most consequential issues to everyday Americans. He encouraged everyone in the swing states to vote for Trump… and I believe many will that were planning on voting for RFK.

Meh. Commenters say it’s been bumped a half hour. The video’s wait queue is rapidly evaporating.

My bet is he will endorse Trump.

Beat on the Democrats for being undemocratic and carrying water for POWER.

Jeebus Christmas, Fox is interrupting the live speech with ADS! 🤬

Holy crap, he is SAVAGING the Democrats and their media whores.
He’s dropping MAGA’s bombs for them.
Wonder if Democrats who’s never believe this from Trump will believe this from him?

    fogflyer in reply to henrybowman. | August 23, 2024 at 5:32 pm

    I really believe this speech will get through to independents and even some on the left… assuming they see it that is. RFK presented the issues with a sincerity and eloquence that Trump can rarely muster. And as you, so many just reject anything Trump says without even listening.
    I actually believe this speech may be a game changer that Harris will not be able to recover from.

      fogflyer in reply to fogflyer. | August 23, 2024 at 6:07 pm

      Just to clarify, that was supposed to say, “‘And as you KNOW…”
      I most certainly wasn’t accusing you of rejecting anything Trump says.
      Someday LI may join the 21st century and grace us with an edit button😆

He just gave cover to any Democrat who wants to abandon Harris/Obama.

Quite frankly, I don’t care if RFK Jr. endorses Trump or not. RFK’s speech will be remembered longer by Americans than anything Biden or Harris have said.

Also, between RFK and Trump, they have managed to remove the spotlight from Kamala convention “speech” (and I use that term loosely). I predict Kamala will be getting the dead cat bounce from this week’s activities…despite the glowing press support.

So, thank you RFK!

    “I predict Kamala will be getting the dead cat bounce from this week’s activities”

    A dead cat bounces like a dead cat bounces.

    TargaGTS in reply to Leslie Eastman. | August 23, 2024 at 3:40 pm

    That was a great speech….which is exactly why the media will ignore it, at least at first. If it gets some organic traction, you’ll see the attack machine ramp up against RFK in a way that hasn’t been seen against a Democrat, maybe ever.

      TargaGTS in reply to TargaGTS. | August 24, 2024 at 9:18 am

      I watched my local evening newscast coverage of the endorsement. It began this way: RFK finds himself at odds with the rest of the Kennedy Family.

    fogflyer in reply to Leslie Eastman. | August 23, 2024 at 5:27 pm

    Best political speech of 2024!!!
    Sincere, articulate and downright moving!
    I really believe this will have an impact on the election if enough people see it.

Say what you like about RFK, but whether he’s right or wrong about any given issue, you can sense he’s sincere about what he thinks. Contrast this with, say, Kamala’s recent statement of support for Israel.

    TargaGTS in reply to henrybowman. | August 23, 2024 at 3:44 pm

    100%. Personally, I have no problem bringing order and transparency to food labeling, rethinking childhood vaccine schedules that have grown enormously in the last two-decades and of course, ending veiw-point discrimination. I think even some of corporate regulatory reform ideas are worth a look; Big Corporate is not the friend of limited government conservatives (anymore). There are some ideas there Trump could co-opt and maybe even employ.

      destroycommunism in reply to TargaGTS. | August 23, 2024 at 4:50 pm

      which can allll be done by the private sector


      if there is a problem the government can do their job and investigate /prosecute

      the gov does the job b/c thats where the bribes>>power etc are

    gonzotx in reply to henrybowman. | August 23, 2024 at 4:20 pm

    He was turncoat at Moms for Liberty National meeting after commiting to attend, in person, to the President of the organization.

    He was afraid of backlash form his “constituents “

    He couldn’t even bring himself to be honest about it

    Left a very bad taste in my mouth

    Coward comes to mind

    Trump walks into the fire, RFK jr is afraid of Moms for Liberty

    diver64 in reply to henrybowman. | August 24, 2024 at 7:58 am

    I certainly don’t agree with a number of his stances on the issues but much like Tulsi, he has thought through his positions and believes in them. Disagree with them but they are not insincere. Kamala? Never had any sincere belief in anything.

RFK just destroyed the Biden/Harris administration on Ukraine.

CNN/MSNBC were covering the speech and then cut away when FRFKJr got too spicy for the network censors – is that true?

    henrybowman in reply to Tiki. | August 23, 2024 at 5:23 pm

    From what I understand, it was true of CNN, but MSNBC considered his entire appearance too spicy and broadcast none of it.

      It’s okay for a Bush to support Hillary. But if a Kennedy supports Trump the media won’t touch it with a ten foot pole.

The Democrats are getting desperate.

For the 2nd time in 24 hours, they forcibly turned on the ‘breaking news’ recommendations in Youtube to try and force leftist propaganda on me, every single video both times was gushing propaganda about how great Kamala was.

    henrybowman in reply to Olinser. | August 23, 2024 at 5:29 pm

    I just went to YouTube’s home page to see what all that might look like, but I don’t think I found it. Instead, it showed me as one of its top two recommendations, “It Isn’t Gonna Suck Itself (Rare 1940s Song) by Anita Hardcok.” On second thought, I should have played it, maybe the Kamala propaganda was in there.

Good for him.

I am sure that there are many points on which I disagree with him but like his uncle and father I don’t question his sincerity or loyalty to this nation.

Although JFK is usually, I described as a liberal I think of him as a pragmatist. His domestic economic policy centered on growing the economy largely through tax cuts. As he stated a rising tide floats all boats. Reagan and Trump have had similar stances.

Don’t know much about his father’s political positions but at least he was anticommunist even defending Joe McCarthy when he claimed that there were communists in our government. That took guts because the NY Times and major radio/TV networks did their best to destroy McCarthy and anyone who supported him. He was right of course and there are even more today including a former head of the FBI and former head of the CIA (although they both claim they grew out of it).

He strikes me as someone who has deeply held beliefs and will not bend the knee to anyone just for political office or be in the cool kids crowd. I disagree with him on much but respect him after listening to him over the course of a couple of years. As hard as the press tries to make him out to be a crank, he is not.