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‘Killer Kamala’: Anti-Israel Mobs Greet the DNC by Storming the Streets

‘Killer Kamala’: Anti-Israel Mobs Greet the DNC by Storming the Streets

So-called feminists also dressed up as abortion pills and screamed for abortions on demand.

The DNC officially starts today, but the anti-Israel mobs got a head start on Sunday.

It looks like appeasing the antisemites isn’t working. Who would have thunk!?

This isn’t hard. Unless you agree with them to silent and destroy Jews and Israel, they won’t leave you alone.

These so-called feminists also donned abortion pill costumes and yelled for abortions on demand.

So much JOY. #sarcasm


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Supporting Hamas, abortion, feminism and gay rights; yup these people sure are morons. Women in Gaza have basically no rights and certainly can’t get an abortion or even a divorce. Gay people in Gaza are killed if they are discovered to be gay. But hey, logic? Who needs that when you have rage.

    AF_Chief_Master_Sgt in reply to schmuul. | August 19, 2024 at 9:44 am

    The irony is thick with this crowd.

    Screaming about “Killer Kamala” regarding Gaza, from the people wearing abortion pill costumes.

Okay, but every one of the DNC protesters will vote for Kamala in November.
Isn’t this more media-attention-seeking behavior than something with meaningful political substance?

    gibbie in reply to Q. | August 19, 2024 at 1:08 pm

    One hopes that the “meaning political substance” is that liberal (as opposed to leftist) democrats will be getting a look at what their party has become. Some may decide to stay home.

As BiBi said “they’re useful idiots.

Chickens marching for KFC

MoeHowardwasright | August 19, 2024 at 8:41 am

I watched a lot of the demonrat convention in 1968 because my parents were watching it. I was 10. I saw in real time the riots and the Chicago police response. It stuck with me a long time. Fast forward to 2024. The Chicago police have a “blue flu” epidemic right now. They don’t want any part of the Mayor or DA setting them up to lose their jobs over the handling of protesters. This is going to get ugly, real ugly. Let’s be honest, I’m in the “who cares” mode about it. Kameltoe made her bed, now she has to lay in it. FKH

The Gentle Grizzly | August 19, 2024 at 8:41 am

Free Palestine! Send 3 box tops and 50 cents to HAMAS, Box 5, Radio City Center, Noo Yawk Noo Yawk! No stamps, please.

I don’t think it will actually get violent like 68, these goons are on a Obama leash

    guyjones in reply to gonzotx. | August 19, 2024 at 9:51 am

    Narcissist-incompetent-dunce, Obama, flatters himself that he can control the impulses, pathologies and belligerent behavior of goose-stepping, genocidal, Jew-hating and Christian-hating Islamofascists and Muslim supremacists, and, that he can appease them with some complimentary flattery and brazenly dishonest, revisionist history (see his despicable bit of pandering, historical whitewashing/revisionism praising the alleged multifaith tolerance of the Cordoba Caliphate and amplification/parroting of contrived and fallacious Muslim grievance/victimhood-wallowing, that constituted his despicable and offensive Cairo speech, penned by the execrable Ben Rhodes).

    But, Obama, like all Dhimmi-crats, has failed to learn the glaring historical and theological lessons produced over 1,400 years of history, since the supremacist, totalitarian, belligerent, hate-filled and pathology-laden ideology of “Submission’s” founding.

      destroycommunism in reply to guyjones. | August 19, 2024 at 12:08 pm

      but the musss have won wars and have won territories etc

      they are evil but they are currently in charge of america

      the blmplo armies have secured the streets and the universities

      the dnc only pretends to back off b/c there are still “too many” jooows in the msm and wall street for their liking

      but that is changing and the omars are stronger than ever

      the 2 that were defeated was just a personality issue

      the agenda remains in place and until patriots do the right thing

      the usa is turning into a homeless encampment surrounded by high rises

      gibbie in reply to guyjones. | August 19, 2024 at 1:12 pm

      guyjones, Well said! I would like to shake your hand some day.

I agree that these marches will be a non-event. A bunch of young leftists blowing off steam, they won’t get anywhere the Convention Dome, and in the end, they will all vote for Kamala anyway.

    guyjones in reply to The_Mew_Cat. | August 19, 2024 at 9:54 am

    They will vote for the Harris-Walz ticket, but, the agiprop and violent antics they engage in will cost that wretched ticket a lot of votes.

    That’s why crone-harlot, Harris, is terrified of these thugs. She knows she must appease them, in order to keep them happy and to sate their Jew-hating, anti-Israel venom and hostility, but, she also knows that courting these idiots turns off a lot of Americans who are rightly concerned with and not enamored of obnoxious and brazen display of full-throated, goose-stepping Islamofascism, Muslim supremacism and pro-terrorist fervor.

Woodstock in the streets of Chi
Betcha if y’ did a blood test, you’d find 75% of ’em high as a kite

It will be Divine/karmic/cosmic/poetic justice, when these goose-stepping, genocidal, Jew-hating, Christian-hating, Hindu-hating, U.S.-hating, subversive, fifth columnist Islamofascists and Muslim supremacists — who have been obsequiously courted, enabled, kowtowed to, deferred to and appeased, for decades, by the vile, meek, feckless and morally bankrupt Dhimmi-crat Party apparatchiks — fairly cost the wretched Harris-Walz ticket the election.

The problem is that these lunatics make Kamala look positively moderate.

destroycommunism | August 19, 2024 at 11:13 am

“dressed up as abortion pills”

they should have dressed up as


StillNeedToDrainTheSwamp | August 19, 2024 at 11:35 am

One has to wonder that if post birth abortion was legal, how many of these protesters parents might want to do a post birth abortion now of said offspring.

destroycommunism | August 19, 2024 at 12:10 pm

they were willing to fly planes into our buildings and then demand to build a shrine on those very spots

secret “negotiations” convinced them not to ….YET

these street protests are a reminder to the civilized

they will continue their onslaught

they want YOU TO SEE



Subotai Bahadur | August 19, 2024 at 2:04 pm

I pretty much believe that most of the people left in Chicago have had chances to get out, and decided to stay. Decisions have costs and consequences. I do admit some concern for those cops who remain in Chicago and who have not taken the medical leave option.

But considering that this is going to be Left on Left violence committed by those who hate our country, people, and Constitution; with the functional assistance of the local elected government, I have to admit that if the rioters leave part of Chicago looking like Dresden on February 15, 1945 I will be neither surprised nor concerned.

Subotai Bahadur