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Kamala’s Surprise Was a ‘Cheap Fake’ to Get You Watching

Kamala’s Surprise Was a ‘Cheap Fake’ to Get You Watching

Ladies and Gentlemen, Welcome to The Kamala Show

Kamala Harris pulled off a cheap fake at the DNC, using a fake surprise guest to trick viewers into watching her speech. Harris chose deception over competition because real stars like Beyoncé or Taylor Swift might steal the spotlight.

The stunt worked. Harris had everyone talking about it and watching.

It was a perfect ending to the smoke and mirrors Democratic National Convention.

And you should get used to the smoke and mirrors for the rest of this election.

And if elected, a smoke and mirrors presidency is exactly what you can expect. 



LOL, She works for CNN and just now figuring this out?


And for funnies…


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Reminds me of Michael Scott’s big surprise in an episode of “The Office”.

Fat_Freddys_Cat | August 23, 2024 at 4:04 pm

I wouldn’t have watched if it was real.

This is a good lesson for all: keep your powder dry,

Now people are going around saying that Swidt Beyonce and GWB are endorsing Trump. Donb’t spread the rumors. The best answer is “something is going to happen, we’ll see it when it happens”.

Seriously, what would either performer have done if present? Sing one song, or maybe two?

Taylor Swift is obviously still producing music, but I do not personally know if Beyonce is doing so as well. (I only know about Swift because of all the noise the media produce about her.)

I would no sooner vote for a candidate for his or her celebrity endorsements than I would go to Subway because of all the dumb jocks in their commercials.

destroycommunism | August 23, 2024 at 4:47 pm

and you know bounce-hey was in on it if it was at anytime announced beforehand or she would have denied it

I believe that bait and switch advertising is unlawful.

Imaging tuning in last night to see Beyonce and only seeing Kamala.

Kind of like voting for Biden and getting Kamala.

A sad stunt made possible only by a culture so obsessed with celebrity and vibes the only way to bait them into engaging in civics is to promise overrated popstars saying it’s okay to vote for Current Democrat.

Reopen the fucking schools

Subotai Bahadur | August 23, 2024 at 5:18 pm

To be honest, all politicians lie when it to their short term advantage. Kamala and the Democrats’ short term is just shorter than most. She figures that since she got through the night without being caught, she won.

Subotai Bahadur

If things keep going badly, we will no longer be Americans as we have been, but AINOs, Americans In Name Only. It’s a slippery slope after that..

    rhhardin in reply to Whitewall. | August 23, 2024 at 6:06 pm

    If you agree to the Constitution, you’re an American. If you don’t, you’re not. Stuff like free speech, drawing cartoons of the Prophet, etc. A reason why imported Muslims can’t be Americans.

    Further, rights “from God” means from us, after you go through the literary figures involved. The Constitution is rules about how we treat each other. That’s what’s failing now.

I sure wouldn’t tune in for Beyonce or Taylor Swift. Maybe Eric Clapton (acoustic Layla) or Elton John (Blue Eyes), something of musical value.

    Antifundamentalist in reply to rhhardin. | August 23, 2024 at 8:02 pm

    An appearance by Eruc Clapton or Elton John would/should constitute foreign interference in an election.

thalesofmiletus | August 23, 2024 at 6:32 pm

The special guest was Disappointment.

Only Democrats were stupid enough to fall for it

BigRosieGreenbaum | August 23, 2024 at 7:58 pm

“…real stars like Beyoncé or Taylor Swift” LOL! Maybe Kamala could have worn one of Taylor’s skating outfits

BigRosieGreenbaum | August 23, 2024 at 7:59 pm

Spinal tap

McGehee 🇺🇲 Trump 2024 | August 24, 2024 at 5:59 am

Why on earth would they want more people watching? Every time people hear her speak it costs her three points in the next poll.