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Kamala Harris Picks Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz as Running Mate

Kamala Harris Picks Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz as Running Mate

Walz is an abortion fanatic. He’s restricted guns. He encouraged people to snitch on their neighbors during COVID. Let’s not forget allowing his state to literally burn in the George Floyd riots.

Gov. Tim Walz is a far-left progressive. This is a gift to Republicans.

The 60-year-old (yes, another old white man) is in his second term as governor.

Walz is an abortion fanatic. He’s restricted guns. He encouraged people to snitch on their neighbors during COVID.

The guy professed his love for socialism during that weird White Dudes for Kamala Zoom call. He degraded Trump after someone tried to kill him. Let’s not forget allowing his state to literally burn in the George Floyd riots. He’s allowed illegal aliens to get licenses.

We all know why she didn’t pick Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro. Can’t have a Jew on the ticket! That’d be awful because they’re like the cause of everything bad, right? (THAT IS SARCASM.)


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Is that to appease the Minnesota Muslim community?
Showing that good judgement and clear thinking she’s know for.

The cabal still expects to lose.

Once more the “African American” but not really candidate picks the worst example of an old white guy as a running mate.

Trump has been blessed with some of the dumbest opponents imaginable. It’s almost providence at this point.

This is such an incredibly stupid pick, the only thing that might explain it s the Democrats know the outcome of the election months before voting begins. There’s only one way that’s possible.

    exfed in reply to TargaGTS. | August 6, 2024 at 9:35 am

    Yet Trump will continue to fight with the folks who could help him turn out voters in November..

    TheOldZombie in reply to TargaGTS. | August 6, 2024 at 9:49 am

    I think the Democrats are just stupid. We like to assign all sorts of plans and schemes to them but when you get down to it, they are stupid. They are winging it.

      It’s not so much that they’re dumb in terms of cunning. It’s that their plans (because they’re progressive) are based in !reality. (‘!’ is the logic negation symbol.) Eventually that plan will fail because people who don’t have enough money to insulate them from reality get upset about it. Or, say, the stock market finally hits its 1929 or (maybe) 2024.

    ChrisPeters in reply to TargaGTS. | August 6, 2024 at 10:05 am

    Actually, your post makes me wonder if the Democrats have decided that they are likely to lose this election, and they do not want to give any of their more likely future front-runners the “stain” of losing. A guy like Walz, who has little or no appeal on a national basis, might be a good sacrifice for this election cycle.

    I just hope that the Trump campaign will stick to policies and issues when they address this choice.

      TargaGTS in reply to ChrisPeters. | August 6, 2024 at 10:15 am

      Yes, that’s the other possibility. I have to believe if Harris picked Whitmer, for example, she would have been very, very formidable addition to the ticket. Whitmer won reelection just last year by double-digits and has one of the highest approval ratings for any US governor. She easily would have brought home MI & WI and likely would have done very well in AZ. But, Whitmer made it clear she wanted nothing to do with Harris perhaps thinking 2028 would be a better landscape for stronger Democrat candidates, who probably understand that a painful recession lies ahead which is going to cripple whomever the eventual winner is particularly if it’s a Democrat.

        Edward in reply to TargaGTS. | August 6, 2024 at 11:03 am

        Whitmer would have totally overshadowed Carmella, so there’ s no chance she would have been picked (unless they intended to push Carmella out and elevate the VP pick – there’s precedent).

      Dimsdale in reply to ChrisPeters. | August 6, 2024 at 2:01 pm

      That, or it is a setup to discard her during the convention and put in who they really wanted (not that any of them would be an improvement).

      It is very weird….

One can yell at the sky while the other cackles.

I guess she just can’t quit Joe Biden after all ; she needed to replace him with another Joe Biden. Can’t have someone competent after all.

E Howard Hunt | August 6, 2024 at 9:27 am

He is only ONE year older than she!,,,,, The slut/drunk ticket. Both are stupid.

    As someone pointed out, Walz was arrested for DUI for driving 96 mph (IIRC) with a Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) of .2XX (don’t recollect the exact number, but that’s way over .08). The writer observed it takes lots of practice to not wipe out driving 96 with a BAC over .200).

    The Gentle Grizzly in reply to E Howard Hunt. | August 6, 2024 at 4:41 pm

    He looks far older. I guess being a drunk has repercussions.

Once the Dem-wing frauds Harris’ way into the Presidency, Fat Timmy will be her life insurance policy. Nobody would even think of taking a shot at her if they know that the governor who aided and abetted in the destruction of a formerly-successful state would be taking over the position.

On t’other hand, that’s what everybody thought about the current (p)Resident’s VP pick, so maybe this tactic isn’t working out so well for them.

👆🏻 Been saying Newsom wouldn’t be on the ticket for more than a year. And he’ll be stomped by Vance/ Ramaswamy in 2028.

Newsom ist kaput.

    Dimsdale in reply to Tiki. | August 6, 2024 at 2:03 pm


    1)Morally hurtful or noxious.
    2) Hurtful or noxious to health; unwholesome, insalubrious.
    3)Offensive to the senses; disgusting, unpleasant, nauseous; foul, fetid, especially having an undesirable smell; sickening, nauseating.

    That’s a threefer!!

How is it that leftists so often fail upward? cf. Kamala Harris.

If she was aiming to prove that she’s not an incompetent radical hack, this is not that thing.

Wow, just wow

Had no idea

He’s kind of insane

The Gentle Grizzly | August 6, 2024 at 9:45 am

Oh, dear me, no!!!

Every time I see his name my brain tries to figure out which actor he is. That might be to his advantage among LIVs.

He has been a leading driver of Democrats’ attacks on Trump
That is his biggest asset for the ticket. He can provide encouragement to all the TDS sufferers. If they can be turned out en masse, they can get within the margin of fraud.

    GWB in reply to GWB. | August 6, 2024 at 9:53 am

    If they can be turned out en masse, they the Dems can get within the margin of fraud.
    As Daffy would say, “Pronoun trouble!”

I’m wondering if this is a subtle threat to America? Vote for Harris/Waltz or your cities burn like they did in 2020.

The ads Trump will run now will be amazing. Just need someone to narrate over Minneapolis burning to the ground and use footage from the riots.

I like Ron Coleman’s reaction:

Poor @JoshShapiroPA. Stitched his foreskin back on for nothing

chrisboltssr | August 6, 2024 at 9:58 am

All the antisemites of the Democratic Party bullied a weak woman out of choosing a Jew as her running mate.

If she buckles this easy to pressure, imagine how much Russia, China, Venezuela, and Iran will get when they apply just a little bit of pressure.

    The Gentle Grizzly in reply to chrisboltssr. | August 6, 2024 at 4:48 pm

    Russia, China, Venezuela, and Iran will have her on her knees in no time.

    / The advertisements right themselves.

BigRosieGreenbaum | August 6, 2024 at 9:59 am

So she picks an old white guy who was (is) a drunk, as veep?
Side note: dude looks like shit. So how much of a functioning brain does he have left after all of that drinking?

    Old?! He’s the same age as her. For a president, 60 is not old, it’s about average. Biden, H. Clinton, and Trump are old; Vance, 0bama, and JFK were freakishly young. Put another way, the average age of the GOP ticket is only a year less than that of the Dem ticket.

The Jewish communities in America should take note. You are no longer welcome on a national ticket for the Democratic Party.

Even the mainstream media would question a win by this duo.
When Muhammad Ali throws in the towel, put Mickey Rooney and Snooki in the ring.

At 60, he looks older than 93 year old Clint Eastwood.

    TargaGTS in reply to Mercyneal. | August 6, 2024 at 10:40 am

    Yeah, he’s a rough looking 60. He’s two-years younger than Tom Cruise and Tammy Baldwin, the US Senator from neighboring WI but looks appreciably older.

Fetterman hates Shapiro , long time rivals in Pa, I bet he had a lot to do with it

Can’t have 2 Jews out of 4 anyway, husband AND running mate?

What would the Muslims and left nut cakes do?
Burn and loot property probably

Dang, there’s a youngster who looks to have been rode hard and put up wet. Born in ’64, heck I was stationed in Bamberg, Germany when he was born and he looks older than I do.

irishgladiator63 | August 6, 2024 at 10:57 am

Given that Democrats have been trying to pick a VP to help win/shore up a state, does this mean they’re worried about losing Minnesota?

And he’s not even well liked there. I just got back from Minnesota. When you get out of the twin cities, there were plenty of anti walz signs up.

Female major ticket presidential candidates pick white guys named Tim as their VP running mates. Makes ya think…

I’m so shocked that emasculated, obnoxious and unlikable Walz gleefully wants to play the role of crone-harlot, Harris’s, meek and obsequious whipping boy and cuckold.

This idiot clearly possesses zero self-respect, because no self-respecting man would ever deign to play second fiddle to an utterly miserable termagant and shrew, such as crone-harlot, Harris.

I’m putting on my oven mitts before opening whatever A F Branco’s next cartoon is going to be.