Kamala Harris Now Supposedly Supports the ‘Vanity Project’ Border Wall

Kamala Harris has been a far-left progressive for the longest time, so I don’t believe any of her alleged moves to make her appear “moderate.”

Harris supposedly supports continuing the border wall, which she once called Trump’s “medieval vanity project.”

Hey, Kamala Harris. Guess what. You’re the current border czar. Do something now.

In her DNC acceptance speech, Harris said she would sign the bipartisan border security bill that failed in Congress.

Axios reported that Harris’s campaign confirmed she would sign the bill, which includes wall funding:

Harris’s campaign has tried to minimize the move as a “flip-flop” because the bill requires no new money for the wall.

Lankford told Axios he never saw or heard from Harris or her staff last year during the negotiations: “We never saw any vice president staff here. … She was a Johnny-come-never.”

This is the first time Harris has talked about the border deal.

Harris has hated that wall for as long as I can remember.

Look at what she said in 2019:

“Let me be very clear,” Harris said. “I’m not going to vote for a wall under any circumstances.”“I do support border security, and if we want to talk about that, let’s do that and let’s talk about what really accomplishes border security,” Harris said, pointing to updated technology and infrastructure. “Yes, I’m all for increased border security where we needed it. I am not for a wall.”Harris has repeatedly referred to the proposal for a border wall as a “medieval vanity project” of the president.

Tags: 2024 Presidential Election, Border Crisis, Immigration, Kamala Harris, National Security