Kamala finally gave an interview and it was an awkward and lackluster affair
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Kamala finally gave an interview and it was an awkward and lackluster affair

Kamala finally gave an interview and it was an awkward and lackluster affair

But will it be enough? This interview wasn’t the sort of thing that would convince anyone not already a Harris voter to support her.

In last night’s CNN interview with Dana Bash, Kamala Harris exhibited problems on two levels: content and process. Content is what a person says, and process is just about everything else, including tone of voice, facial expression, and posture.

It seems to me that, even objectively speaking, this interview wasn’t the sort of thing that would convince anyone not already a Harris voter to support her. Much of the content of the interview involved Harris trying to explain her past statements that are at variance with what she’s saying now, and her failure to do anything about so many of the country’s problems even though she’s been vice president for three and a half years. Although a very effective speaker might be able to give some sort of convincing explanations and/or excuses for those things despite the fact that it’s difficult to think of any, Kamala is not that speaker.

Which brings us to the second problem: process. Last night Kamala Harris transmitted a lackluster energy, a hesitancy, and a problem with what many pundits evaluating her performance called authenticity. Her words, and in particular her tone of voice and facial expressions, seemed manufactured and mismatched – not in the slick and practiced way of Hillary Clinton, for example, but in an awkward way that was unsettling to watch.

It didn’t help that Tim Walz was part of the equation, leading to the right’s almost inevitable mockery of Harris as needing her Dad there for emotional support. The taunting boiled down to the idea that, if she’s such a strong woman, why would he be there at all for this interview? Good question, and to make things worse there was another problem: the seating and perspective. Harris was in the center of the three participants, but she looked somewhat shrunken not only because Walz is a much larger person, but also because she was further back from the camera than either Walz or Bash. Her position made it even more difficult to convey power, and only fed the perception of lack of force on her part. Here’s an article at RedState that gives many examples of people pointing that out.

As for the content of Harris’ message, here’s some fact-checking that shows that even CNN was at least somewhat critical:

When Bash again noted that Harris said in 2019 that she supported a ban on fracking, and asked Harris if she changed her mind during that campaign (which Harris ended in December 2019), Harris said, “In 2020, I made very clear where I stand. We are in 2024 and I’ve not changed that position, nor will I going forward.”

Facts First: This is misleading. Harris did not make her position on fracking clear during her only debate in 2020, the general election’s vice presidential debate against then-Vice President Mike Pence; Harris never explicitly stated a personal position on fracking during that debate. Rather, she said that Joe Biden, the head of the Democratic ticket at the time, would not ban fracking if he was elected president.

Harris has another built-in content problem when asked about her support of Joe Biden. She was a loyal VP who pooh-poohed any talk of him being cognitively challenged, and now she’s the current nominee because everyone saw how seriously cognitively challenged he actually is. But to turn on him now would be to exhibit disloyalty, as well as implicating her in the obvious coverup. Threading that needle is beyond her, and what she did in the Dana Bash interview was to reiterate her support of Biden – the person whose record has also been one from which she desperately wants to distance herself.

The Trump War Room quickly made use of a clip of that moment:

I had originally thought that Harris’ and Walz’s decision to appear together for this interview was an attempt to spark a perception in the viewer of a genial Mom and Dad taking care of America and Americans. They may have thought that the whole would be greater than the sum of its parts, but I don’t think they succeeded.

Or maybe they just wanted to get it over with. How many interviews will Harris give in the next two months? Or will she try to continue to campaign by conveying a lukewarm version of Obama’s “hope and change” from 2008 while simultaneously hiding out like Joe Biden in 2020?

[Neo is a writer with degrees in law and family therapy, who blogs at the new neo.]


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In other words, a whole lot of nothing of any substance. But the Europeans love her.

How can any ‘news’ organization produce an interview with the sitting VP who wants to be the next President and not air that interview in a ‘live-on-tape’ format as well as release a transcript of the interview immediately after its conclusion? This is particularly true given the historically unique circumstances of how she came to be her party’s nominee. The interview portion that aired was only 16:29. How long did she sit there and answer questions? Some news organizations will edit interviews for brevity in order to fit certain time-slot limitations. But, almost always, they’ll make the complete, unedited interview available on their website shortly thereafter. Not CNN apparently.

She looked terrible and exhausted – especially compared to video of her in that 2019 debate where she said she would ban fracking

A bigger question remains: Who is running the executive branch right now? Senile Joe has been awol for years, and currently retired in Deleware. Sidepiece Harris has made a career out of being a side piece for rich n powerful men. Heck, she couldn’t even go to her 1st job interview w/o daddy by her side.

So, who is running the executive branch right now? Lefties don’t care. Many commented that they didn’t care if Senile Joe was incapacited. They were voting for him no matter what because orange man bad. That same energy is behind Sidepiece Harris who promises to fund all their addictions, perversions, and hate of anything that will fundamentally transform America – by any means necessary, Saul Alinsky.

Who is running the executive branch right now?

    exfed in reply to LB1901. | August 30, 2024 at 10:47 am

    “They were voting for him no matter what because orange man bad.”

    That’s what it will come down to. Forget issues, forget the future of the country, it will come down to who hates who more.

    If you want to see dignity and hard debate, suggest you follow your local student council elections.

      Yup. Post-modern America is a cesspool a mile wide and an inch deep full of nothing but lies and narrative. The left is a monolith of unity for more insanity while the right is a fractured fairy tale of controlled opposition which keeps funding the left. This will not end well.

      We are at war. Prepare accordingly.

    paracelsus in reply to LB1901. | August 30, 2024 at 11:59 am

    Q: “Who is running the executive branch right now?”
    A: George Soros and Bill Gates with the help of Chuck Schumer

Mommy and Daddy from a disturbed nightmare where they force cod liver oil down the kids throat “for their own good”.

E Howard Hunt | August 30, 2024 at 10:54 am

It was unnatural for her to remain seated for so long. The interview should have been conducted on a circular waterbed with a tiger skin counterpane to make her feel more at home.

Dolce Far Niente | August 30, 2024 at 11:16 am

What is most disturbing to me is that the NPCs of the Left, about 30% of their voter base) will vote enthusiastically for Kamala just as they would have voted enthusiastically for Biden. They will believe whatever they are told to believe, no matter how contradictory.

The other 20% still mostly believe whatever comes out of the MSM, but might have some reservations. Those reservations don’t matter, of course, since they are voting against Ultimate Evil and for free Abortion.

There are very few persuadable voters left, I don’t imagine. The Left is voting for Party, the rest will be split into TDS-infected and rational voters.

Crone-harlot, Harris, and, clown-dunce, Walz, are such patently inauthentic fakes and posers. Two totalitarian apparatchiks and Maoist/Stalinist tyrants, to their vile and wretched cores.

I’m sure that crone-harlot, Harris’s, handlers will have her wear shoes with three or four-inch height-boosting, for the debate.

Contrived stagecraft and artifice is everything, with these posturing and deceitful posers.

Harris gave an interview that was awkward and lackluster…..

…..and that’s after it was edited with the worst parts cut out.

everyone still has it in their mind after the last election:
it’s not how I vote; it’s who gets to tally my vote

I saw clips of the CNN interview with Harris. Harris in my view looked like she had been hitting the bottle hard and had not gotten sleep. CNN questions were soft and they made it easy for Harris. For Harris not to be able to handle a short interview was pathetic. Her answers did not seem truthful and she had weeks to prepare. If she is like this with Trump in the ABC debate then she will need ABC’s help to rig it.

“Kamala finally gave an interview and it was an awkward and lackluster affair.”

So, something kinda like her affairs with Willie and Montel.