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Hollywood Liberal Rob Reiner Defends Anti-Israel Mobs at DNC, Compared Tea Party Protesters to Nazis

Hollywood Liberal Rob Reiner Defends Anti-Israel Mobs at DNC, Compared Tea Party Protesters to Nazis

“Well, that’s what’s … great about America. That we have the right to protest, and that we give everybody the freedom to protest. It’s in the Constitution.”

Liberal actor and director Rob Reiner is at the Democrat National Convention and apparently has no problem with the mob of anti-Israel, Hamas-supporting protesters surrounding the event. He thinks it’s just great that we have free speech in America.

It’s a big change from a few years back, when Reiner was openly comparing Tea Party protesters to Nazis.

FOX News reports:

Rob Reiner praises Harris camp, DNC for ‘protecting’ anti-Israel agitators’ ‘right to protest’

Actor and director Rob Reiner praised the Harris campaign for supporting anti-Israel agitators’ right to protest the Democratic National Convention (DNC) Monday.

Reiner briefly spoke with Fox News Digital on the first night of the DNC, just hours after protesters broke through multiple rounds of fencing and nearly breached the event’s security perimeter.

Asked about his thoughts on the demonstrations, Reiner said, “Well, that’s what’s … great about America. That we have the right to protest, and that we give everybody the freedom to protest. It’s in the Constitution.

“And this campaign is about protecting the Constitution and protecting those people’s right to protest outside,” Reiner said.

The issue of Israel has driven a wedge between the far-left and others within the Democratic Party, particularly since Hamas’ Oct. 7 surprise attack that killed over 1,000 Israelis, mainly civilians.

Watch the clip below:

This is what Rob Reiner thought of free speech, protesters and the Constitution back in 2010.

From the ADL:

Rob Reiner’s Comparison of Tea Party Followers to Nazis ‘Inappropriate and Offensive’

The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) today criticized as “inappropriate and offensive” remarks by actor and director Rob Reiner comparing members of the Tea Party to followers of the Nazis.

During an appearance on Bill Maher’s “Real Time” on HBO, Reiner said of the Tea Party: “My fear is that the Tea Party gets a charismatic leader. Because all they’re selling is fear and anger. And that’s all Hitler sold.” He went on to suggest that both Hitler’s Nazi party and the Tea Party shared similarities in that the Nazis benefited from “bad economic times, just like we have now.”

Abraham H. Foxman, ADL National Director, issued the following statement:

Regardless of one’s views of Tea Party adherents, likening them to potential Nazis and implying that all they need is another Hitler is inappropriate and offensive.

There is simply no comparison between followers of the Nazis, a fascist regime that perpetrated the slaughter of millions of Jews and others in the Holocaust, and followers of a democratic political movement in the United States. Such comparisons only serve to trivialize the Holocaust and are deeply offensive to Jews and other survivors, as well as those Americans who fought valiantly against the Nazis in World War II.

According to people like Reiner, the right’s speech is hate and the left’s hate is speech.

It never fails.

Featured image via YouTube.


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What is it about these mentally deranged leftists who denigrate anyone they hate as Nazi’s while defending another group who are literally Nazi’s and want the blood of Jews?

    Ironman in reply to mailman. | August 21, 2024 at 7:50 am

    it is not that complicated to understand. It comes down to Krauthammer’s Law, “ Conservatives think liberals are stupid. Liberals think conservatives are evil..”

    Because Liberals think Conservatives are inherently evil, that means Liberals see themselves as inherently good.

    The conceit of their virtuosity makes them dangerously sanctimonious. They have fallen into the trap of believing the other side is always wrong and their side is always correct. It blinds them from intellectual honesty, but worse it leads to the point where they can take any action against their opponents as morally justified.

      steves59 in reply to Ironman. | August 21, 2024 at 9:10 am

      Correct. It is of course OK to punch a Nazi, and demonizing Conservatives by labeling them Nazis means that virtuous Progressives are free to punch any Nazi they see. It will then be “morally justified” to start putting Conservatives in boxcars once the punching is done.

      bev in reply to Ironman. | August 21, 2024 at 9:50 am

      God, I miss Charles! So often I wonder what wisdom he might impart about the occurrences since his passing!

      I would point out that he referred to the law about Conservatives and Liberals as a Fundamental Law.

      “Krauthammer’s Law: Everyone is Jewish until proven otherwise. I’ve had a fairly good run with this one.” It is relevant in this case, since Reiner is Jewish

      Subotai Bahadur in reply to Ironman. | August 21, 2024 at 4:49 pm

      Krauthammer’s Law is, however, subject to modification by events. I think that you would find that more and more Conservatives are coming to the conclusion that Liberals/Leftists are irredeemably evil and that will come to modify their reactions to the Left.

      Subotai Bahadur

      Milhouse in reply to Ironman. | August 22, 2024 at 12:45 am

      They have fallen into the trap of believing the other side is always wrong and their side is always correct. It blinds them from intellectual honesty,

      That describes plenty of commenters here, who don’t even recognize the concept of intellectual honesty.

      To them, any accusation against a Democrat, no matter how false, is justified, and any defense of a Democrat, or of anything a Democrat says or does, is proof that the defender must be a Democrat too.

    E Howard Hunt in reply to mailman. | August 21, 2024 at 7:52 am

    Using the word denigrate would get one fired and escorted out of the building at most Fortune 500 companies. It’s all about feelings, no matter how ignorant or unreasonable. That’s why Kamala will win.

    fscarn in reply to mailman. | August 21, 2024 at 7:58 am

    As Michael Savage once said, “Liberalism is a mental disease.” And what would Savage say of today’s unbridled leftism since the liberalism of McGovern and Dukasis was pretty tame stuff in comparison.

Soberly: I’d bet almost anything that there are hi-def audiovideo recordings of this guy engaged in illegal sex. At FBI DNC headquarters. In CCCP headquarters in Beijing. Same with DeNiro.

Hollywood is fixing its problem, they are going broke because you cannot alienate 50% of your potential customers and survive.

Why do we care about the opinion of someone from Hollywood again?

Because they were in a TV show? Made a few movies?

The Hollywood brand is tarnished beyond redemption and this idiot is a good example why.

    Hodge in reply to Peter Moss. | August 21, 2024 at 8:40 am

    Absolutely agree. I had this epiphany many years ago when I saw Meryl Streep testifying before Congress about the dangers of a particular pesticide used by apple growers.

    It hit me: What the sweet hell does Meryl Streep know about pesticides?
    She has absolutely no scientific knowledge; she is merely a person who makes a living mouthing what others tell her to say, in a sincere sounding manner.

    By the way it turned out that she, as Reiner is, full of well, whatever they feed her.

      destroycommunism in reply to Hodge. | August 21, 2024 at 12:06 pm

      and ^^^^thats^^^ why we have to care what another hollywood lefty says


      and that makes for a national appearance on network news etc…swaying people


        The thing that “stars” are uniquely good at is “star quality.”

        Hollywooders know “star quality” and respect it.

        We denigrate real, bona fide star power
        at our peril.

        In every field, some got it. Our founding fathers were aware of this imho and our Constitution tries to mitigate .

E Howard Hunt | August 21, 2024 at 7:49 am

Archie Bunker was more open to changing his views than this closed-minded meathead.

When being called “Meathead” just isn’t enough anymore…

He’s arguing that Palestinians are most oppressed, and you’re arguing that Jews are most oppressed. Nobody cares. It’s a social status thing for the deranged.

Jews are smart enough to figure out the correct thing to argue but they don’t seem to be doing it.

    Richard in reply to rhhardin. | August 21, 2024 at 10:23 am

    You are so insufferable with your inane comments. You want everyone to think you are erudite. Instead, you show how foolish you are. Jews do not want to compete in the oppression Olympics. What we want is for people to stop trying to kill us.

      destroycommunism in reply to Richard. | August 21, 2024 at 12:09 pm

      and pls have the people start defending themselves against the blmplo

      large groups and/or weapons ~~~all in the name of defense

      lefty knows only violence to stop them

    As if you have a clue about what is correct. You don’t, despite the obsession to spout as authority.

    Dolce Far Niente in reply to rhhardin. | August 21, 2024 at 10:38 am

    Your obsession with the “most oppressed” label is ridiculous. It’s not asome benign leftist contest; Islam has been trying to wipe out the nation of Israel since before it was a nation, and this hatred is spread to all Jews everywhere. It is now shared by the world-wide Left and is now being extended to faithful Christians.

    Your trivialization of this Marxist-fed hatred says everything.

    Crawford in reply to rhhardin. | August 21, 2024 at 12:53 pm

    Go away, Hardin.

Funny how they protect mobs with the 1st Amendment and manage to miss the word “peaceably” in there. Unless it’s something like the Tea Party who always held doors open for people and left the place cleaner than they found it.

“Meathead” is too charitable a moniker and doesn’t even begin to describe this cretin and reprobate’s glaring and offensive stupidity and moral bankruptcy.

    guyjones in reply to guyjones. | August 21, 2024 at 8:18 am

    Reiner exemplifies the Dhimmi-crats’ moral hypocrisy and intrinsic vileness — slandering political opponents as alleged “Nazis,” while praising, enabling, whitewashing and rationalizing the goose-stepping, genocidal and Jew-hating belligerence and hate-filled attitudes of contemporary Muslim supremacists and Islamofascists who are the ideological predecessors/successors to German National Socialists.

SeekingRationalThought | August 21, 2024 at 8:36 am

As I’ve said before, Rob Reiner is his father’s greatest joke. No one could be this silly by accident.

    The Gentle Grizzly in reply to SeekingRationalThought. | August 21, 2024 at 11:34 am

    Either of that, or he missed that last call of “cut!” on the set of All in the Family when he was playing the part of that idiot Mike. He thinks he’s still on camera.

It is ironic that Meathead was typecast on Archie Bunker’s show.

So Meathead is still alive. Who knew?

Carl Reiner was awesome, but his son is a complete turd.

At the risk of repetition, Reiner fits the following bill, excpressed by David Mamet:

“Assimilated US Jews gave up the Torah for The New York Times.”

Pretty despicable, Mr. Reiner.

I suspect Meathead was part of the inspiration for “Show Biz Kids.”

Steven Brizel | August 21, 2024 at 10:59 am

A Meathead is still a Meathead despite the passage of time

destroycommunism | August 21, 2024 at 11:07 am

expecting rational thinking from the hysterical left is like expecting

kamala to be ///well///rational

they are sick people who will continue to “win” as they have no want or need for civility…just power over the people

I dont get why any Limousine Lib in show biz would be apologist for islamofascists?

Reiner takes self loathing to next level.

““And this campaign is about protecting the Constitution”
Of course! That’s why they’re burning flags and screaming “Death to America.!” It’s all so clear now. Thanks, Meathead!

destroycommunism | August 21, 2024 at 12:10 pm

meathead has

e coli

Victor Immature | August 22, 2024 at 7:30 am

Borrring. Come on, Meathead, it’s taking too long. Shove a lit stick of dynamite up your ass or something. Give us a show. Virtue signaling is bad box office in 2024, putz.

Per ‘Meathead”
“The horrific attack on Jussie Smollett has no place in a decent human loving society. Homophobia existed before Trump, but there is no question that since he has injected his hatred into the American bloodstream, we are less decent, less human, & less loving. No intolerance! No DT!” — Director Rob Reiner