Harris-Walz Reactions: ‘He Let BLM Rioters’ Burn Minnesota and She ‘Encouraged Donations’ to Bail Out Those Arrested
We all know why Harris didn’t pick Shapiro, too.

Kamala Harris picking Gov. Tim Walz is a gift.
Let’s also not forget why Harris didn’t pick Gov. Josh Shapiro, despite him trying to wash himself of being a Jew.
Yo Josh Shapiro UNJEWED himself publicly & still didn’t get picked.
When UnJewing goes Wrong.#JoshShapiro pic.twitter.com/n9MWIEx1jR
— MichaelRapaport (@MichaelRapaport) August 6, 2024
Walz loves socialism. He allowed Minnesota to burn during the George Floyd riots. He made people snitch on their neighbors during COVID.
Tim Walz is a perfect choice for Kamala Harris.
He let BLM rioters, arsonists, and looters rampage through his state and she encouraged donations to the bail fund for the few who were arrested. pic.twitter.com/xA9I6i6yfF
— Tom Cotton (@TomCottonAR) August 6, 2024
This was Minnesota under Gov Tim Walz: pic.twitter.com/6CCbhyOPca
— Libs of TikTok (@libsoftiktok) August 6, 2024
“One person’s socialism is another person's neighborliness.”
— Tim Walzpic.twitter.com/DHVSo37jsZ
— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) August 6, 2024
In 2020, Kamala Harris' potential running mate Gov. @Tim_Walz locked Minnesotans in their houses.
He then set up a hotline via phone and email so that people could snitch on their neighbors who weren't complying with his draconian lock down.
This is what that looked like pic.twitter.com/KQBSLWNXcc
— Greg Price (@greg_price11) August 6, 2024
When I ran for governor of Minnesota in 2022, my campaign put together this video montage of Tim Walz’s first-term failures.
Enjoy the highlight reel as the worst Vice President in our history is about to pick the worst, most careless Governor in history as her running mate. pic.twitter.com/nfCzOofraY
— Mike Murphy (@MikeMurphyForMN) August 6, 2024
Gov. Tim Walz's reaction the BLM riots:
"A society that does not put equity and inclusion first will come to this result"
This is who Kamala picked as her VP. pic.twitter.com/AOKkByahVg
— End Wokeness (@EndWokeness) August 6, 2024
As someone who wants Kamala to lose, picking Walz is wonderful! It's political malpractice! Why?
1. Not from a swing state.
2. Radical, underscoring her radicalism.
3. She rejected (((Shapiro))) to please the pro-Hamas caucus.She's not competent. And this pick shows it.
— Ben Shapiro (@benshapiro) August 6, 2024
Harris-Walz: most left-wing ticket in American history.
Minnesota was ground zero for the BLM riots of 2020. Harris egged it on and Walz sat by and let Minneapolis burn.
— Ron DeSantis (@RonDeSantis) August 6, 2024
This isn’t Iraq. This is Minnesota under Tim Walz as Governor!
This is America if they win!
TRUMP 2024 IS THE ONLY WAY!🇺🇸 pic.twitter.com/z37VsdVTWw
— Graham Allen (@GrahamAllen_1) August 6, 2024

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It is about time the Democrats try to select a national leader from Minnesota!! [list examples down below..]
The ads write themselves.
An even better pick would have been George Floyd’s brother, Philonise.
Shapiro was poised to be a turncoat court Jew. Thrilled he wasn’t picked.
In the end it doesn’t matter who they pick. Let’s not forget to run against the totality of their failure and call out the entirety of their failure.
They all have the same cultural Marxist, American hating policies.
It’s fine to target the individuals, but they all are open border loving, riot loving, inflation causing, pro Hamas, pro poverty, pro censorship, city ruining, pro crime, pro indoctrination, anti school choice election rigging socialists and Marxists liars
Every one of them.
This could be the first time in US history – recent US history for certain – when there are at least two candidates on the ballot from major-parties who served as enlisted men. The only other one I can remember is Algore. There might be a Civil War enlisted vet or two from the 19th century, not sure. This will be the first time since 2004 when there were two veterans representing their respective major parties.
Walz retired from the MN National Guard but never deployed to a combat zone. If elected, Vance would be the first combat vet to be Vice President since GHW Bush. To me, it’s strange that after more than 20-years of troops engaged in active combat (plus several years in the 1990s), we’ve only had one combat vet on any major party ticket since 1992 until this year.
Interestingly, there seems to be some controversy about Walz’ retirement from the MN National Guard. He may have retired immediately before (or possibly even after) his unit received an activation order pursuant to a deployment to Iraq. That might be tough to explain.
Truly, this is a LOL moment. A stupendous one. This is a farcical and glaringly stupid VP choice. Walz brings no new votes to the ticket. Crone-harlot, Harris, was going to win Minnesota, anyway. This changes nothing.
The choice of Walz confirms that crone-harlot, Harris, is an unrepentant and rabid neo-communist zealot and fanatic, with no pretenses towards moderation and restraint of her utterly destructive and obnoxiously Maoist/Stalinist socioeconomic ethos and agenda.
Crone-harlot, Harris, could have chosen a moderate Dhimmi-crat from the south, rust belt or midwest, but, chose to give those regions the middle finger.
The Dhimmi-crats’ kamikaze/Titanic ticket is now composed of two thin-skinned, obnoxious, unlikeable, narcissistic and self-reverential fanatics who are both associated with two of the worst-managed states in the Union (California and Minnesota) — exhibits “A” and “B” in why Dhimmi-crats should never, ever, wield political power, at either the state or federal level.
This is simply great news for the Trump-Vance ticket. But, conservatives cannot rest and become complacent.
Walz’s pick also confirms that crone-harlot, Harris was never going to choose Gov. Shapiro, and, thereby incur the wrath of the Dhimmi-crats’ wretched, genocidal, Islamofascist, Muslim supremacist base.
Sit back and watch this kamikaze ticket go down in flames, as it richly deserves.
I’ll add this observation — I think Governor Shapiro won big-time, by not being picked. He won’t be tarnished by association with this utterly wretched, kamikaze ticket comprised of two thoroughly unlikeable and incompetent zealots.
Harris-Walz will be slightly better received than Mondale-Ferraro, because of the leftist media’s fawning and obsequious propagandizing, and, the influence of Big Tech. But, the outcome will be the same.
Nobody else asked, so I will. Might be the only person in America who doesn’t know who the guy is on the video “As a Jew…”, but who is that. Doesn’t appear to be Rapaport, but his picture is small with a hat.
Two unlikeable Democrats. What could go wrong?
They could be elected.
what answer can a fool like walz give to the citizens of his state (let alone our country) for his actions / inactions during the rioting / looting / burning he allowed the citizens of minnesota to endure ?
he is worthless–definitely an appropos running mate for harris