Harris Not Picking Shapiro: He ‘UNJEWED Himself Publicly,’ Shows Antisemitic Base Rules Democrat Party
“Josh Shapiro spent a week crawling on his hands and knees, denouncing his pro-Israel views and sucking up to Hamas simps. And it still wasn’t enough.”

Kamala Harris picking Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz humiliates Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro since he went to great lengths to, well, as Michael Rapaport puts it, unJewed himself.
Yo Josh Shapiro UNJEWED himself publicly & still didn’t get picked.
When UnJewing goes Wrong.#JoshShapiro pic.twitter.com/n9MWIEx1jR
— MichaelRapaport (@MichaelRapaport) August 6, 2024
Now, Michael is more my type regarding words and language.
Then we have my wonderful boss, who is more eloquent and soft-spoken.
It’s true. It shows the antisemitic base rules the Democrat Party.
.@JoshShapiroPA has been humiliated, the anti-Israel antisemitic base of the Democrat Party now runs the party, Shapiro sold his soul and the Democrats sent a message and that tells us how Kamala will govern. Americans now have a stark choice to make. pic.twitter.com/c3HcIXOye6
— William A. Jacobson (@wajacobson) August 6, 2024
Kamala's pick is Tim Walz.
She passed on Josh Shapiro out of fear of the Democratic Party's Hamas/Hezbollah wing. Democrat elites are terrified of the keffiyeh-clad radicals in Dearborn.
That says everything you need to know about Kamala—and the modern Democratic Party.
— Josh Hammer (@josh_hammer) August 6, 2024
Josh Shapiro had too much baggage to be the Dem VP nominee and that baggage was being Jewish.
— Karol Markowicz (@karol) August 6, 2024
Josh Shapiro spent a week crawling on his hands and knees, denouncing his pro-Israel views and sucking up to Hamas simps.
And it still wasn’t enough. The Democratic Party is the party of antisemitic, radical Islamism.
— Bonchie (@bonchieredstate) August 6, 2024

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It was probably even more than Josh’s views on Israel. We have a bizarre personage at the top of the ticket and coupling her with a very Jewish looking running mate might be too much for even modern America. Better the calming influence of a portly, red faced, superannuated, middle American drunk.
“Jewish-looking?” There’s something about Shapiro’s appearance that makes him visibly appear to be Jewish, to you? That large hooked nose that he has, or something? That’s such rubbish and nonsense.
Dude, you write some of the dumbest and most bigoted stuff. It’s astounding, the stuff that you put out of your keyboard.
My bad. He has the map of Ireland written all over his face.
There are Irish Jews you know; and I don’t see how his appearance has anything to do with anything. The guy she picked isn’t a real looker either. We went in only 20 or so short years from nominating Joe Lieberman as a VP to declaring another Jew as being too toxic to be a VP pick. The democrat party is definitely prioritizing Muslims over Jews in terms of identity points and sympathies. Stupid decision considering there are still more Jewish voters than Muslim voters nationwide period and Jews could be the swing outlier vote in Michigan.
We are not talking goodness and light, here. Logic is out the window. I hardly praised Walz. Wrote he looks like an old, fat drunk. There are calculations made based on the masses’ most base instincts. Deal in the real
If Shapiro can appoint himself as a judge of racism in others (while being pure himself), I can just as innocently utilize the same technique to judge antisemitism!
What isn’t real about 100,000 Jewish voters in Michigan? There are only 200,000 Muslim voters in Michigan and that’s all everyone talk about. Really they aren’t as powerful as the media make them out to be. Don’t count out the Jewish vote in Michigan, it could prove very important, and snubbing one of our own doesn’t sit well with us especially in today’s climate.
Having a VP gain votes in a swing state must not be done at the expense of other states. That may be part of the calculation against Shapiro. We are dealing in the lowest common denominator.
Because the Jewish voters are stupid enough to continue to vote Democrat regardless of how antisemitic they are, while the Muslims aren’t afraid to loudly and publicly go against the Democrats to get what they want.
There is definitely a Jewish look. Ashkenazi Jews share a lot of physical characteristics. No question about that. The same is true of all genetically related groups and ethnicities. Jews in Europe were not allowed to interact very much with the general population (which is much of the tale of European treatment of Jews).
Shapiro definitely looks Jewish, but he could very easily look that way and not be. no big deal. But it is not worth denying that there are a few types of “Jewish appearance”.
Obviously, they would not apply to converts … but there have always been very few converts to Judaism since Judaism does not proselytize and only accepts converts after they have shown a serious, self-motivated determination to convert to Judaism (usually, though maybe not in cases of mixed marriages).
I would also add, interestingly, the hook nose and its associated jokes have pretty much disappeared with the advent of nose jobs. I grew up in a heavily Jewish suburb (90%, maybe) and I would say that more than half of my friends had nose jobs. Very nicely done, too. That was back in the late 70s/early 80s.
OMG Italians and French people and Arabs have large noses too. Wow you people don’t get out much. Also we’ll see how the Jewish votes pans out this time, all bets are off if you ask me. But clearly some folks on this website need to try getting out of their little bubbles more and socializing with other people who don’t look and talk exactly like them; you might b surprised.
And Italians and Jews are often confused on sight. Everyone knows this.
“You people”?? I’m a Jew, you blithering idiot.
Shapiro wasn’t going along with the program. That ought to be a legitimate choice.
He’s picking a dumb side if he’s picking Palestinians, but he doesn’t owe the Jewish solidarity side anything either.
There are outstandingly good reasons to side with Israel against Palestinians, but it’s not from the fact of being Jewish.
So, supporting Israel so that there is a land where
Jews can defend themselves is not a bona fide reason for a Jew to support the Jews?
I reiterate that Shapiro won, big-time, by not being picked.
When the Harris-Walz kamikaze ticket goes the same way as Mondale-Ferraro, no politician with a future will want to be associated with it.
I think your comments are correct. Shapiro is better off not being selected; when Harris’s campaign goes down in flames and Waltz the way of Tim Kane, Shapiro still has an opportunity and a future.
IF Harris’ campaign goes down in flames.
Don’t get cocky.
Prof. Jacobson noted, “Americans now have a stark choice to make.”
More importantly, American Jews now have a stark choice to make. They can continue to reflexively vote for any yellow-dog with a “D” after the name, or they can choose to think. My money is on them continuing to reflexively vote for the Dem-wing collectivist/statist/authoritarians since that’s what 80% or 90% of them have always done. In another generation as they’re being rounded up like sheep for transportation to the camps by the teeming hordes of illegals that they voted to let into the country they’ll be bleating, “But I didn’t mean THIS!”
Henry Clay: “I would rather be right than President.”
Josh Shapiro: I would rather be antisemitic and the Vice President.
I guess he sold his soul for nothing.
just like with their ideological predecessors, the National Socialists, to Democrats being Jewish is a blood crime that cannot be expunged by any actions supporting the Left. And eventually the Left will punish that blood crime.
Subotai Bahadur
omarians stand between the government and the people
blmplo has proven as this article suggests
that we are no longer dealing with differences that can or will be debated
if trump doesnt win by a 30+% margin
the usa is toast
b/c the fire starters were not stopped in 2020
they are emboldened
Typo in headline. s/antisemetic/antisemitic
Fixed, thanks!
I prefer Ron Coleman’s version: He stitched his foreskin back on. Either way, it was for nothing.