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Hamas Rejects Biden “Bridging” Proposal On Ceasefire and Hostages – “We refuse the current proposal”

Hamas Rejects Biden “Bridging” Proposal On Ceasefire and Hostages – “We refuse the current proposal”

Strikes a blow to Biden’s attempt to get a ceasefire and hostage deal in place in time for the Democratic National Convention this week in Chicago.

The “bridging proposal” put forward by the Biden administration to try to get a ceasefire deal was fraught with problems, not the least of which is that it did not clearly achieve Israel’s objectives of making sure Hamas didn’t rearm and reestablish itself in northern Gaza.

But it may all be moot, because Hamas has officially rejected Biden’s attempt at compromise. Via Times of Israel:

Hamas puts out an official statement rejecting the latest hostage proposal discussed in Doha over the weekend, and blaming Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for putting up new obstacles in the talks.

The terrorist group says that Netanyahu “sets new conditions and demands” to thwart talks and prolong the war in Gaza.

The statement says that the latest US-backed proposal is aligned with Israel’s demands, pointing at the insistence that the IDF remain in the Philadelphi Corridor, the Rafah Crossing, and the Netzarim Corridor. The group also blames Netanyahu for introducing new conditions around the release of security prisoners.

“We hold Netanyahu fully responsible for thwarting the mediators’ efforts and obstructing an agreement,” Hamas says, adding that the prime minister is responsible for the lives of the hostages held by Hamas.

Earlier, responding to the latest Gaza ceasefire proposal presented by Biden’s administration, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Sunday declared that Israel was “engaging in negotiations, not concessions.”

The Israeli prime minister made the statement amid media reports that the Biden-Harris administration could pressure the country to make serious security concessions to the terrorist group Hamas in return for the hostages. “The principles we have established are essential for Israel’s security,” Netanyahu added.

“The ceasefire deal sees Hamas seeking control over Gaza’s Netzarim and Philadelphi Corridors,” the Jerusalem Post revealed Sunday. “Israel worries about Hamas regaining power in Gaza if IDF presence is reduced,” the newspaper noted.

The Israeli news outlet YNET reported prime minister’s remarks:

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu commented on Sunday on ongoing negotiations for a hostage deal and a cease-fire agreement in the Gaza Strip, saying at the opening of the weekly Cabinet meeting that “we are engaging in negotiations, not concessions. The principles we have established are essential for Israel’s security.”

Netanyahu emphasized that “Israel is prepared for any threat—both defensively and offensively. We are determined to defend ourselves and to exact a very heavy price from any enemy who dares to attack us, from any front.”

He added, “There are matters on which we can be flexible, and there are those on which we cannot—and we are steadfast on these. We know well how to distinguish between the two.”

Report: Biden’s ceasefire deal ignores Israel’s key security demands

Under the ceasefire proposal made by the Biden administration on Friday, Israel may have to release significant number of convicted Hamas terrorists in return for hostages in captivity since October 7, Arab and Israeli media reported Sunday.

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) might be forced to have a ‘reduced presence’ at the 9-mile-long Philadelphi Corridor along the Gaza-Egypt border, a key route for smuggling weapons and moving terrorists in and out of the Hamas-held enclave.

The U.S. proposal could also restrict IDF’s ability to stop Hamas terror fighters from returning back to northern Gaza, the Times of Israel reported Sunday:

The US “bridging proposal” designed to enable the finalizing of a hostages-for-ceasefire deal in the coming week does not provide for an ongoing Israeli presence along the Gaza-Egypt border or for a mechanism in central Gaza to prevent the return of armed Hamas forces to the Strip’s north, as demanded by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Hebrew media reported Saturday, citing unnamed officials familiar with the talks.

IDF steps up operation in central and southern Gaza

With Hamas hoping to gain though negotiations what it lost militarily in past ten months, the IDF continued eliminating jihadist fighting force and destroying terrorist infrastructure, particularly in the southern Hamas stronghold of Khan Yunis and Dir El-Balah in central Gaza.

“IDF troops are continuing operational activity and are eliminating armed terrorists throughout the Gaza Strip,” the Israel military said in a press statement Sunday.

“Over the past day, the troops eliminated terrorists and located a large amount of weapons, including grenades, Kalashnikovs, and explosives,” the military disclosed. “IDF troops continue precise, intelligence-based operational activity in Rafah below and above ground. Over the past day, the troops eliminated approximately 20 terrorists.”

Israel hits terror targets in Lebanon as Hezbollah escalates rocket fire

The Israeli Air Force (IAF) hit further Hezbollah targets in southern Lebanon as Iran-backed terrorist group intensified rocket fire towards Israel.

“Earlier today, the IAF struck a Hezbollah terrorist cell and weapons facility in the area of Chebaa in southern Lebanon,” the IDF disclosed Sunday. “The IAF also struck an additional Hezbollah weapons storage facility in Ayta ash Shab and a military structure in the area of Matmoura in southern Lebanon.”


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Subotai Bahadur | August 18, 2024 at 3:06 pm

I rather expect that the US government, the Left [including at the DNC in Chicago], and the world media will blame Israel because they did not pre-emptively surrender.

Subotai Bahadur

Iran’s proxies rejection is fine, keep sending them to hell, that is the only long term solution to this problem.

    Dimsdale in reply to JohnSmith100. | August 18, 2024 at 5:54 pm

    Well, history proves that Hamas is not fond of, or adheres to, ceasefires, so what is the difference?

    Would Israel even believe that they would accept a ceasefire for any reason other than to buy time for Iran to get more arms into their hands?

Seems like 1979 all over again.

Will Hamas flags be flying in Chicago?

Until Hamas leadership has custody of all the hostages verified by a neutral 3rd party and returns the remains of any deceased hostages they can pound sand. That plus immediate access and continuing medical care to the hostages by Red Cross should be the precondition for any negotiations. Giving Hamas anything, even a meeting, without that is just encouraging Hamas to continue their strategy. Maybe I’m too cynical and too obstinate about this.

    rebelgirl in reply to CommoChief. | August 18, 2024 at 5:44 pm

    The Red Cross has still not visited any of the hostages.

      ahad haamoratsim in reply to rebelgirl. | August 19, 2024 at 3:03 am

      That would be the same International Red Cross that issued a glowing report about the treason, start concentration camp during the war, and that barred Israel for decades over Israel‘s refusal to use a Christian or Muslim symbol to for its equivalent of the Red Cross? I am shocked, I tell you.

This is a good development as it means we will get the maximum Hamas-lovers participation in the Democrats’ convention and in campus violence when schools reopen shortly.

    henrybowman in reply to jb4. | August 18, 2024 at 11:34 pm

    Was it here or elsewhere where a commenter reported today that the number of Chicago cops signed up for “extended medical leave” through the convention dates — including many command-level positions — has now topped four figures?

Hamas is locked into their martyrdom strategy. But its good to keep the channels of communication open just in case.

When Trump was in office he ignored Hamas. They came to the table anyway because they figured they may get nothing but will most certainly lose if they didn’t attend. That’s how the Abraham Accords were able to be agreed upon.

Now that we have given them the time of day once again, is it any surprise they bang the table and make demands?

Anyone that thinks he/she can “negotiate” with a Mussulman is (1) dangerously naïve, (2) a damn fool, or (3) both.

These people play with a completely different playbook; deals mean nothing.

I’m just an ol’ country boy, but even I know that.

“Israel is prepared for any threat—both defensively and offensively. We are determined to defend ourselves and to exact a very heavy price from any enemy who dares to attack us, from any front.”

I beg of you, Mr. Prime Minister, a little more time. Joe Biden is on his way out and Kackling Kamala can pass anything except a bar. A legitimate American administration is of no threat to Israel.

What’s that?

He wasn’t taking about us?


Hard to tell these days.

Hamas and Hezbollah leaders run things from remote areas. The Palestinians elect them to lead them as military and as leaders, but they put their locations near the hospitals, the schools, and other locations that people will get hurt. The Palestinians people believe in hurting Israelis.

The Hamas and Hezbollah still have hostages, including Americans, so Israel will not stop. Israel is still being attacked. Until there is all hostages let go then I would not stop and if I was running the US I would help Israel.

    Br2336 in reply to JG. | August 19, 2024 at 12:25 pm

    From their point of view, these “remote areas” are analogous to The Pentagon. They are running a World War. We in the west for some reason refuse to see what’s plain as say, staring us in the face.

    WWII — numerous theaters of operation, reporting ultimately to Washington DC
    Today — numerous theaters of operation reporting ultimately to, I guess, Tehran.

    During WWII, the ETO European Theater of Operations was London.
    Today, the North American theater of operations is Dearborn.

The current Administration is desperate for a trophy, a sign off success, some sort of accomplishment… anything they could possibly bandy about to show the voters how relevant they are.
A peace plan, for Israel, that would actually hold up through the election would be priceless.
They have absolutely nothing to show for themselves aside of failure, after failure, after failure.
They want this feather in their hat so badly that they would give away the whole of Israel without a thought.
Thankfully, Hamas has already sunk this attempt at a leveraged surrender of Israel and prevented Israel from having to defend itself from accusations of being committed to nothing but complete eradication of all those that have attacked her.
Recently, Israel quit sharing operations information with the United States, and as if by magic, their successes in eliminating the Hamas Leadership operatives has been measurably improved.
And behold those that the Harris Campaign embraces.
How could it possibly become more obvious?

Well, the Deamon-crat convention is now upon us.
They will find a way.

Biden fails again. Aren’t we astonished?

Harris will just have to TRY HARDER to solidify the Death to America voters.

Hamas: We refuse the current proposal.
Israel: Then you get to keep dying 🤣🤣

    Jvj1975 in reply to mailman. | August 19, 2024 at 5:43 am

    From what I’ve been able to glean:
    Israelis die when there’s a ceasefire or not.
    Hamas is unwilling to cede any security or governing control in gaza.
    So, it would seem that they feel confident in their ability to bring USA and The West to its knees using their tried and true tactics — a bombing here, a car ramming there, a knifing here, a few kidnappings there. They seem to understand and accept western thinking a whole lot better than we understand or accept their thinking. And remarkably, their thinking is all written down!!! In history, and in their own writings!!!!

      Jvj1975 in reply to Jvj1975. | August 19, 2024 at 6:06 am

      They are extremely effective APPLIED PSYCHOLOGISTS.

      Just look at what they’ve achieved in UK, and in France, and in Belgium, and in Sweden. And at the U.N.

      They literally had “DEATH TO THE JEWS!” chanted loud&proud just a few months ago. At the most “respected” lololol colleges in America.

      That is no small achievement.

      And they still fund Attorneys General, and they still fund other politicians, and they still fund academic curricula K-12 and beyond

      Not so sure we oughtta underestimate these people.

Fuck Joe Biden…and Kamaltoe as well!

Its convention week and Blinkin is in Israel to pressure Israel to surrender in order to placate their Muslim voters in Dearborn.

I suspect Democrats are not used to dealing with Jews with gonads.

Considering thousands of cops in Chicago are calling out sick so they are far away from the imminent riots I wonder how the Dems are going to justify calling out the National Guard when they excoriated Trump for wanting to call out the NG during the BLM riots. Should be interesting.

    Jvj1975 in reply to diver64. | August 19, 2024 at 6:17 am

    Seems to me there are likely two groups of chicago police who are bugging out:

    (A) Those who know what’s coming and that they will be blamed for anything. So they’re motivated by career and financial self-preservation. (Attorneys cost money)

    (B) Those who know what’s coming and support it. These would be the DEI Farrakhanistas, the Obamistas, and all the other really proud patriots whom Lori Lightfoot and Brandon Johnson have promoted and added to CPD.