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Fordham Prof Blames Latinos for Anti-Black Racism

Fordham Prof Blames Latinos for Anti-Black Racism

“Latinos who have not been conscious of these issues are often very resistant to hearing about them, and they look for the immediate way to be able to dismiss it”

The left is always pitting various groups against each other.

Campus Reform reports:

Fordham prof’s book blames Latinos for anti-black racism

A New York City law school professor is publishing a Spanish translation of her 2022 book that aims to bring more awareness to how Latinos can also display “anti-Blackness.”

On Tuesday, Tanya Katerí Hernandez, Archibald R. Murray Professor of Law at Fordham University in New York, republished her book, Racial Innocence: Unmasking Latino Anti-Black Bias and the Struggle for Equality, in Spanish.

According to her university biography, Hernandez has expertise in “Antidiscrimination Law, Comparative Law, Critical Race Theory, Race and Social Justice.”

According to the book’s description, “Racism is deeply complex, and law professor and comparative race relations expert Tanya Katerí Hernández exposes ‘the Latino racial innocence cloak’ that often veils Latino complicity in racism.”

The work also “brings to light the many Afro-Latino and African American victims of anti-Blackness at the hands of other people of color.” By exposing “anti-Black bias in the workplace, the housing market, schools, places of recreation, the criminal justice system, and Latino families,” Hernandez hopes to work towards a “more egalitarian society.”

In a recent interview discussing the new translation, Hernandez stated that “[t]hose who love you most can at the same time harbor racist thoughts and attitudes.”

“Latinos who have not been conscious of these issues are often very resistant to hearing about them, and they look for the immediate way to be able to dismiss it,” Hernandez said.

In the same interview, Hernandez further talked about the idea of “linked fate,” which she mentions in her book. “And it comes to anti-Blackness, experiences of racial discrimination within your so-called ethnic group disrupts that sense of linked fate. And so, with the upcoming election, the need to galvanize the Latino vote will not be effective until we deal with our own racism.”


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Kudos to the professor for pointing out a truth that our “progressive” friends believe doesn’t exist: prejudice and bigotry exist, in differing amounts, among us all. We all have in-groups and out-groups.

Decades ago, while at a language school in Mexico, I found out that a synonym for “whore” (puta) in Mexican Spanish was “india.” (Indian woman). I observed a fair amount of anti-Semitism in South America, including seeing portraits of Hitler in two living rooms in two different countries.

Compton, California went from 70% black to 70% Hispanic in 30 years. In the process, there was black-Hispanic conflict, including hate crimes. Our “progressive” friends inform us -they shout at us- that only whites commit hate crimes. One more example of the “progressive” grasp of reality.

I will need to read the book but it seems that I am getting very confused. I had thought that racism was brought about because of the oppressor whites. And therefore all BIPOCs were pretty much treated the same and treated each other equally. (We just needed to rid ourselves of those evil whites who contributed nothing to this country for peace, prosperity, and tranquility to reign forever.) Now we are being told something quite different that BIPOC is not a unified set of oppressed peoples but that there are oppressors within the BIPOC “community” such as it is. Wow! This is shattering!

So, again, we’re being told that each of us are racist. This prof needs to spend time on a playground or around a group of < 6 yo kids. They don't give a hoot what color the kid is sitting next to them until some adult intervenes. This prof needs to be looking at these examples and for those within small churches such as ours. We welcome each and every person as they are, we don't care how they come – but we sure care how they leave! We desire them to meet Christ, lay aside their brittle, broken past and grasp what God has done for each of us through the Cross and blood of Christ. Instead of searching out all this blather about who's racist, how much racism does each of us have, these profs need to open their eyes, hearts and minds and see what reality can be. Of course, if she were to discover any of this, she would no longer have a job preaching racism & CRT, etc.

    destroycommunism in reply to BigBrick. | August 12, 2024 at 5:20 pm

    children dont know b/c they are naturally naive and dont know the ways of the world

    artichoke in reply to BigBrick. | August 14, 2024 at 3:05 pm

    In Latin America, they care. Probably here in the US, the latinos care.

    But so what? Let her try to negotiate with them, at least she’s leaving me out of it for once. She knows it won’t do any good, but as a professor she has to write something, and complaining is the easiest stuff to write.

This racism, or whatever you call it, is far stronger among latinos than among whites. In Latin America, the pecking order is based on skin color and has been for hundreds of years. And they can’t be guilted about slavery 150 years ago, they weren’t slaves, they were just the lower rungs of society , and most people believe that is a reflection of their merit.

Hernandez is dark skinned herself, she looks like an Afro-Latina, and wants a redo in the US where her family failed in Latin America. Surely she tried to get whites to do the job for her, because whites are softer on this issue, but now she’s even trying this because nothing else has worked.