FLASHBACK: Tim Walz Didn’t Correct Pelosi When She Said He ‘Served on the Battlefield’
C-SPAN also called Walz an “Afghanistan War Veteran.”

In 2007, the then-new Speaker Nancy Pelosi held a press conference with the incoming freshman representatives, including now-presumptive Democratic VP candidate Gov. Tim Walz.
From The Washington Free Beacon:
“He will speak for himself, but I want him to know how much we all appreciate his service to our country, whether it’s in the classroom or on the battlefield,” Pelosi said of the rookie lawmaker, Tim Walz.
Walz, now the Democratic nominee for vice president, took the podium at the Feb. 16, 2007, press conference, thanked Pelosi for her remarks, and then moved on to discuss the topic at hand. Walz didn’t mention that he had never seen a war zone in his 24 years of service in the National Guard.
“Well, thank you, Madam Speaker, and thank you to the leadership here,” the Minnesota congressman said to Pelosi, who years later would privately lobby Kamala Harris to select Walz as her vice presidential running mate. C-SPAN, which filmed the press conference, called Walz an “Afghanistan War Veteran,” according to video of the event unearthed by the Washington Free Beacon.
LISTEN: @Tim_Walz thanked Nancy Pelosi after she mistakenly recognized his “service on the battlefield”.
Walz never deployed to a combat zone. He served in Europe in a support capacity during Operation Enduring Freedom. pic.twitter.com/UjaHGF93Rp
— Cryptid Politics (pro-DeSantis)
(@CryptidPolitics) August 9, 2024
The Harris-Walz campaign erased “retired command sergeant major” from his bio on their website.
He only served as a command sergeant major. He did not retire as one.
Also, Walz never saw combat or served in a war zone. He supported Operation Enduring Freedom in Norway and Italy.

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Read Caro’s biography of LBJ. He pulled strings to get a commission and be a passenger on one bombing run in WW2. The crew said he was frozen in stupefied fear the entire mission. As the years passed LBJ embellished the story to where he won the entire war singlehanded.
This is a story about Jimmy Stewart talking with Johnny Carson on the Tonight Show.
Jimmy recalled be introduced by Ronald Regan as a Major General (two stars) instead of a Brigadier General (one star.)
Jimmy did not correct Regan because being a Major General sounded so good.
As a teacher, the only battlefield Walz probably ever saw was the inside of a classroom.
Well, maybe, but I’ve some of those lines at the Golden Corral Endless Buffets. It’s pretty obvious that Walz could easily handle himself in those battlefields.
He served coffee to his friends in the Capitol, which sits on what was a battlefield in the War of 1812.
The chyron on that C-SPAN coverage writes that Walz is an “Afghanistan War Veteran“.
Good Lord.
Yeah, he was with Meal Team 6,
I wonder if Walz even meets the qualifications to join the Veterans Of Foreign Wars organization. Something an eager investigative journalist should look into.
Agreed. The answer is not gonna be to the liking of the lapdog legacy media re GWOT.
Vance did go beyond the wire on patrols. He said he never was in a firefight. That said… there was always the possibility of being in one. Not too many firefights for Walz unless he claims to have survived “Sothern Comfort.”
Pelosi, very likely drunk and undoubtedly stupid at the time, can’t be blamed here.
This one is all on Walz who, like the Blue Falcon he is, stood by and very politely failed to immediately correct Pelosi.
Walz’s 24 years in uniform should have taught him what veterans think of Blue Falcons.
Apparently not.
another headquarters pogue–may have gone to the ball but never got asked for a dance
His defenders are claiming Walz never made these claims. But they overlook that he encouraged them to promulgate the lies by not correcting them, and even at time inferred that they were accurate. That’s not just dishonest, that’s slimy.
I am so disgusted by progressives; their conduct is easily predictive. When confronted with them being caught blatantly lying, their first response is to deny and refute by parsing words.
I guess they never had a mother or grandmother who threatened to “wash their mouths out with soap” or faced the prospect of punishment for telling falsehoods and not owning up to always telling the truth.