Fakala? Have Republicans Finally Come Up With A Brand For Kamala?

So I’m minding my own business, scrolling through my X feed, and I see some video clips of JD Vance swatting away cheap shots from Jon Karl (ABC) and Dana Bash (CNN). He also was on CBS Face the Nation, but I haven’t seen any clips of that.

He did really well, but that’s not what’s most interesting to me. It’s the conduct of the interviewers, constantly interrupting and talking over Vance and arguing with him.

But this one really caught my attention, Vance making the point that Kamala is not running a campaign, she’s making a movie, she’s fake.

Kamala Harris isn’t running a presidential campaign. She’s producing a movie. Everything is scripted everywhere she goes.She’s fundamentally a fake person who changes her tune depending on what audience she’s in front of.

To brand someone effectively, there has to be some truth in what you say. That’s why “Low Energy Jeb” was so effective – people heard it and laughed and thought, yeah, he is low energy. You have to exploit what people already are inclined to believe.

So is being a fake Kamala’s brand? Certainly there is plenty to paint that picture, such as her varying accents depending on the crowd, her empty suit intellect, and changing almost every major policy position she had just a month ago. There’s a truth there to her fakery, and it easily could be turned into her brand.

Then I read this tweet from political consultant Alex Castellano. It’s long so you have to click on the tweet to read the full text, but he’s arguing that Trump needs to find one theme against Kamala and stick to it, and Kamala being a faker is it. Here’s the key part:

Then, in an unfortunate prisoner exchange, Joe Biden lost his job — and the Trump campaign lost its focus. Though the election has changed, and Trump’s old adversary has left the building, Trump is still running against Joe Biden. He is not running against the new candidate in front of him.Harris has many debilities, but she is not Joe Biden. She is not perceived as part of the old, self-serving Washington establishment whose opposition breathes life into Trump.Harris does not look like the past: She offers the promise and possibility of a new generation. She does not look like the Washington establishment: She’s the first black and the first woman to gain the presidential nomination of either party.More importantly, Harris killed the King. She slayed the reigning figurehead of the tired, old Washington establishment. Regicide, along with race, youth, and gender, now make her a political outsider – an equal, in that aspect, to her opponent.Trump could claim Biden was exactly what he appeared to be: a dangerously weak, liberal failure. To stop Harris, the Trump campaign must explain the opposite: Harris is not what she appears to be at all…..The best campaign Trump can run against Harris-Walz has the fundamental structure of a horror movie: These two radicals claim they are like you? It’s a trick! The call is coming from inside the house! Watch out for the axe! Whack!The contrast between what Kamala Harris is trying to become 90 days before an election and her beliefs three short weeks ago is emotional dynamite, providing tremendous dramatic power. Trump has time to turn this election around.But Trump must stop running against Joe Biden and run against the fake, new Kamala Harris.

Low Energy Kamala? Nah.


UPDATE (08-12-2024)

Leave it to the NY Post headline writers to come up with something good.

Tags: 2024 Presidential Election, J.D. Vance, Kamala Harris