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DNC: Pro-Israel Protesters Confront Anti-Israel Mob in Chicago

DNC: Pro-Israel Protesters Confront Anti-Israel Mob in Chicago

Anti-Israel mob taunted them with shouts of, “From the river to the sea…”

Pro-Israel protesters showed up at Union Park in Chicago, where a bunch of anti-Israel mobs have gathered to take on the DNC.

The anti-Israel mob formed a line around the pro-Israel people to stop them from countering their protests.

The anti-Israel folks kept shouting, “From the river to the sea.”


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maybe they will have a dance-off.
surely none of them are armed.

Flags are back to their original use as battle markers.

Isn’t it strange that none in the MSM ever mention the fact that Hamas has hostages? They used to be called prisoners in other wars and were exchanged for other prisoners. But that is not the case here. They kidnapped civilians to use as barter when they knew they would be defeated. These terrorists are at the bottom of the human race and technically should not be included in the race because they are a subspecies. They make the KKK look like nice people. To allow these protestors to parade around like they are legitimate is a crime in itself!

    ahad haamoratsim in reply to inspectorudy. | August 20, 2024 at 4:36 am

    The IDF recovered the bodies of six more murdered hostages today HY”D (in Hebrew that stands for “may G-d avenge their blood).

    Under the proposed terms of the Biden/Blinken surrender (excuse me, cease-fire) proposal, Hamas would have received the same credit for returning their bodies as for returning live hostages.

    In the meantime, Hamas still refuses even to disclose how many of the hostages are still alive, while Biden/Blinken continue to act (in the words of one Israel columnist) “as if Bibi had the hostages locked up in his basement.“

There won’t be a riot the paid goons have been told to behave

    geronl in reply to gonzotx. | August 19, 2024 at 3:30 pm

    Huge police presence, I bet people in Chicago are wondering where they all are when they need them.

      Virginia42 in reply to geronl. | August 19, 2024 at 3:33 pm

      Reportedly 1000 cops called in sick.

        The Gentle Grizzly in reply to Virginia42. | August 19, 2024 at 4:36 pm

        Police Chief G. G. Grizzly issues the following order: provide a doctor’s note on a legitimate letterhead that includes a phone number or you are fired.

          That won’t help much. Remember when the Dems occupied the Wisconsin Capitol (of course long before Jan-6-2021), and there were doctors openly advertising that they would write a sick note for any demonstrator who needed one? I’m sure there are enough doctors in Chicago willing to do the same.

Looks like Kamala supporters vs Kamala supporters.

Misguided? No, the pro-Hamas crowd are evil and stupid.

}}} Looks like Kamala supporters vs Kamala supporters.

So… Morons vs. Imbeciles?

}}} Misguided? No, the pro-Hamas crowd are evil and stupid

OK, Correction: EVIL morons vs. Imbeciles


Steven Brizel | August 19, 2024 at 4:22 pm

This is the beginning of a bigger dumpster fire than the 1968 Democratic Convention

    ahad haamoratsim in reply to Steven Brizel. | August 20, 2024 at 4:39 am

    Let’s hope that it has even greater repercussions for the Democrats’ chances in the election. And that it does NOT have the kind of influence that the 68 demonstrations had on the future direction of the party.

    Evil Otto in reply to Steven Brizel. | August 20, 2024 at 6:42 am

    I hope so. There need to be consequences for the Democrats for allowing these violent mobs to rampage. They seemed to believe that the mobs could be useful to them… and now they’re finding out otherwise.

destroycommunism | August 19, 2024 at 4:35 pm
