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DNC Chair: Kamala Harris has Enough Democratic Delegate Votes to Win Nomination

DNC Chair: Kamala Harris has Enough Democratic Delegate Votes to Win Nomination

So much for democracy, huh?

Vice President Kamala Harris’s presidential campaign said she has enough Democratic delegate votes to secure the party’s presidential nomination, according to Democratic National Committee Chair Jamie Harrison.

The virtual roll call doesn’t end until Monday.

What a joke:

Democrats have pushed ahead with a virtual vote to nominate Harris, nearing the culmination of a turbulent process that was upended by President Joe Biden’s decision not to seek reelection.

Delegates to the Democratic National Convention began voting via secure email on Thursday, and the voting will remain open until Monday evening. Harris has not yet chosen her running mate, and she’s expected to interview candidates over the weekend.

The formal nomination is expected to be finalized by Aug. 7 even though the party’s convention in Chicago isn’t scheduled to begin for more than two more weeks. Democratic officials have said the accelerated timeline was necessary because of an Aug. 7 deadline to ensure candidates appear on the Ohio ballot.

The DNC will have a traditional roll call at the DNC, but it’ll be ceremonial due to the virtual roll call.

Again, what a joke. But “democracy,” you guys.


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UnCivilServant | August 2, 2024 at 1:41 pm

Nobody wants her but nobody has the courage to say ‘stop’?

So much for the vaguely-promised “open convention”.

    That was never going to happen. They can’t afford to let us see the protests and screaming fits that would have accompanied a floor roll call vote in front of the the whole world. Plus, one protest vote from a delegation could have caused a cascade effect that would have nominated someone unapproved.

The party that declares it’s ‘protecting democracy’ by engaging in lawfare and attempting to keep people (Kennedy, Stein & Trump) off the ballots in multiple states has now crowned it’s Queen that nobody voted for.

    henrybowman in reply to MosesZD. | August 2, 2024 at 2:26 pm

    Democracy has now been fortified into teeny, tiny bits.

      Danny in reply to henrybowman. | August 2, 2024 at 3:16 pm

      Hmmm you are concerned about Democracy?

      Maybe you should stop backing a dozen leftist oligarchs having absolute control over the public square with no regulations?

      Maybe you could pull your head out of your ass and stop declaring anyone who supports regulation of businesses that control the public square today along the lines of what Ronald Raegan did, which the Supreme Court has mandated since Marsh v Alabama, and in ways that frankly were common sense in every nation that had public squares up to the 21st century (including our own) as authoritarian?

      Maybe instead of mourning that a law requiring google to treat conservatives and liberals equally, as in banning the shadow ban, banning a single CEO from controlling 3/4s of news in this country our democracy would work better?

      Public square is the key building block of a Republic, surrender it to the left as you demand and you don’t have one (unless your a leftist).

      You have a tendency to mention and attack me in random threads as an authoritarian and accuse me of being someone I have never met so consider telling you to your face look in the mirror pall for why we lost is very much moderate.

      Again look in the mirror.

      Don’t like oligarchic monopolies controlling public square?

      There is a traditional solution to that in American law and practice that the Republican Party should have continued into the 21st century that it did maintain in the 20th.

      Like that your phone conversations aren’t subject to censorship and you are allowed to have your phone whatever your politics?

      Thank the regulations imposed by Ronald Raegan you idiot.

        destroycommunism in reply to Danny. | August 2, 2024 at 3:56 pm

        correct that the gop has f’d over america

        they knew the dems were moving us further and further left and they knew the schools were being over run and did nothing

        they coud have stopped the funding of the schools
        let it be a local issue etc

        they never stopped the fed from existing

        they knew that us patriots would be DESPERATE and vote for them as the communistnazi zealots of the left moved through america like hits through poland

          Exactly, and exactly why we need to be using what power and authority we have to reverse that as soon as possible. I am glad we at least agree.

        Paddy M in reply to Danny. | August 2, 2024 at 10:18 pm

        Danny, the Mitch McConnell nuthugger, has something to say. Listen up!

          Danny in reply to Paddy M. | August 3, 2024 at 11:06 pm

          I assume because you are an asshole and because you disagree with my take that we should start using our authority to influence corporations and schools to end the current moment of absolute leftist dominance you are voting Kamala right?

          Because you don’t bother to read anything I have to say why the F even respond or rate them? You just look illiterate when you try to have a reaction to me because your an asshole.

        Evil Otto in reply to Danny. | August 3, 2024 at 7:40 am

        Well that escalated quickly. Calm down, Danny. You’re going to pop a blood vessel.

          Danny in reply to Evil Otto. | August 3, 2024 at 11:04 pm

          F you he posts insults to me in random threads I didn’t show up in calling me an authoritarian.

          Again F you I would bet a million dollars you have never read a god damned thing I have ever written here.

          By the way how is your history of being far up Candace and Tucker’s ass now that Candace has openly come out as a Holocaust denier?

DNC cancels DNC.

Kamala Harris may have enough delegates but to use the word “win” to describe the process is not even close to being accurate.

She didn’t compete against anyone. She didn’t win anything. She was selected by the delegates who decided among themselves beforehand by coming to an agreement much like haggling over a blanket in Tijuana.

    UnCivilServant in reply to Paula. | August 2, 2024 at 2:21 pm

    Yet they picked the one covered with smallpox viruses

    henrybowman in reply to Paula. | August 2, 2024 at 2:28 pm

    She “won” the approval of the people who told her (and Joe before her), “Do everything we tell you, exactly as we tell you to, and we’ll let you keep being the president.”

    The Gentle Grizzly in reply to Paula. | August 2, 2024 at 4:27 pm

    An Indian blanket?

    Ghostrider in reply to Paula. | August 2, 2024 at 5:57 pm

    Kamala Harris is a liberal politician who recognizes the importance of being a liberal politician and the importance of recognizing that liberal politicians must recognize the importance of being a liberal politician.

ThePrimordialOrderedPair | August 2, 2024 at 2:26 pm

a turbulent process that was upended by President Joe Biden’s decision not to seek reelection.

LOL. Traitor Joe taking a dump is no longer a decision of his.

Delegates to the Democratic National Convention began voting via secure email on Thursday

Double LOL. What about regular mail-in ballots and anonymous drop-off boxes??

“secure email” … secure from what??

the accelerated timeline was necessary because of an Aug. 7 deadline to ensure candidates appear on the Ohio ballot.

More well-known BS. Ohio changed the law to accommodate the retarded democrats and Mike DeWine did their bidding by calling a special session and signing the bill around June 1.. This need for an early nomination hasn’t been true for two months, already, but the Democrats have repeated this BS over and over.

But parties don’t nominate or get on the state ballots for POTUS alone. The POTUS and VPOTUS candidates are nominated and get on the ballot as a **ticket**.

Until there is a VPOTUS candidate, nominated by the party, they can’t get on the ballot in many states.

And not one voted for her, what a party.
But in the Russian Revolution the Bolsheviks only got like 20% but took the prize running the country for a century.

She is the most Cultural Marxist to be nominated, even out Marxism Barky

Not one vote by an American citizen

Not Oner

destroycommunism | August 2, 2024 at 3:57 pm

kamala “winning” the same way fjb did

the same way hugo chavez muduro hits mao etc etc “won”

we just have to pretend its not happening so we can justify our non action to the takeover

If I was a Dem voter who had voted in the primary for Biden I would be pissed. It was clear that Biden was this way for years and they hid it. Harris, the Dem Elites, and MSM knew it.

The Dem Elites are picking Harris who they want to run as President taking away the voters choice and it will be guaranteed at the DNC Convention. It shows they care nothing for the Dem voter only want the Dem Elites want – serfs to rule over. Any intelligent citizen should not vote for any Dem at any level in the future.

Not on topic but I just noticed that Kyle Rittenhouse says he will not vote for Donald Trump in November’s US election because he thinks the ex-president is “bad” at protecting gun rights.

The Gentle Grizzly | August 2, 2024 at 4:30 pm

Anyone noticed that Biden has virtually disappeared from the news this past week or so?

Subotai Bahadur | August 2, 2024 at 6:00 pm

We have no idea or proof of who is actually “casting” these virtual ballots and in what numbers. All we know is that Harris is the selection [for now] of the Democrat Politburo. And that every Democrat will fall into line.

Subotai Bahadur

Damn it donkeys. I want, just once in my life, to see a real convention.

RfFK jr should crash it


So much for democracy, huh?

That’s the entire reason for superdelegates. The winner is who the party leaders want to win, nothing more.

Hopefully Democrats will realize they are being played and will protest by writing in Joe Biden’s name on the ballot, Joe was the legitimate Democratic party primary winner and he was cancelled with no legitimate replacement. The support for real democracy values are on the table,