Cori Bush Doesn’t Know if Hamas is a Terrorist Organization
Bush said she has “to be careful about labeling” people and organizations.

Notorious anti-Israel Squad member Rep. Cori Bush (D-MO) told The New York Times she doesn’t know if Hamas qualifies as a terrorist organization.
Then Bush tried to walk it back:
Ms. Bush said that she was reluctant to classify Hamas as a terrorist group given how little she knows about it.
“Would they qualify to me as a terrorist organization? Yes. But do I know that? Absolutely not,” Ms. Bush said. “I have no communication with them. All I know is that we were considered terrorists, we were considered Black identity extremists and all we were doing was trying to get peace. I’m not trying to compare us, but that taught me to be careful about labeling if I don’t know.”
Later, a spokeswoman for Ms. Bush sought to walk back her comments. “The congresswoman knows Hamas is a terrorist organization,” the spokeswoman, Marina Chafa, said. The issue, she added, was that the term had been “weaponized by the far right consistently to justify violence and in this instance, the collective punishment of Palestinian civilians in Gaza.”
The Missouri primary takes place tomorrow.
The polls have consistently shown Bush behind Wesley Bell, her primary opponent.
The latest poll shows Bell at 48% to Bush at 42%. Only 8% remain undecided.
AIPAC has come out hard against Bush due to her vile anti-Israel rhetoric, while others concentrate on her votes against Democrat initiatives:
Marshall Wittmann, a spokesman for AIPAC, called Ms. Bush a lawmaker “aligned with the anti-Israel extremist fringe,” noting she was one of just 10 members of Congress to vote against a resolution expressing solidarity with and pledging U.S. support for Israel and condemning Hamas’s actions days after the group attacked Israel on Oct. 7, killing roughly 1,200 and taking hundreds more hostage.
“Democratic voters are sending the message that it is entirely consistent with progressive values to support Israel as it battles Iranian terrorist proxies,” Mr. Wittman added.
Mark Mellman, a Democratic pollster and the president of Democratic Majority for Israel, said Ms. Bush had been a target for years because of her stance on the country, but votes against popular Democratic initiatives made her more vulnerable this cycle.
“We’re taking advantage of that,” he said. And even if the Israel-Hamas war is not a central concern in St. Louis, Mr. Mellman said progressives like Ms. Bush “have chosen to make this issue central to them.”
“That’s a choice that they made,” he said. “It’s core to who they are.”

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I genuinely feel sorry for this woman. I hate and detest her puppet masters.
I genuinely feel sorry for the country, given it has “leaders” like Cori Bush.
“Cori Bush Doesn’t Know…”
You could have stopped it right there.
I guess it never occurred to this genius that knowing is part of her job.
Or else she’s lying her ass off, knowing that Hamas is indeed a terrorist org but also knowing that her base would have a collective mental breakdown if she said that out loud.
Bush “I don’t know if Hamas is a terrorist organization”
Spokeswoman ” of course Bush knows Hamas is a terrorist organization”
Major league gaslighting right there, folks.
Cori Bush thinks Hamas is something your spread on pita bread
Cori “Meal Team Six” Bush looks like her fat ass never misses a meal, hers or anyone else’s.
The vile Dhimmi-crats are all-in on the Arab Fakestinian invaders from Arabia’s wicked propaganda narrative, positing that “Resistance isn’t terrorism.”
I turn that wretched phrase around, to state: “Resistance against genocidal, goose-stepping Islamofascists and Muslim supremacists isn’t oppression.”
She also doesn’t know which way is up nor what color the sky is. Nor does she know why it’s so dark with her head up her … fundament.
She doesn’t know what a terrorist is but she definitely knows where every donut shop is in a 2-mile radius of her current location. When she gets Type II diabetes, you think she’s going to blame ‘The Jooos?’
“All I know is that we were considered terrorists, we were considered Black identity extremists and all we were doing was trying to get peace.”
That is also what HAMAS wants – peace. Peace defined as ‘no more Israel.’ And she is on board with that goal 1000%.
Cori Bush is STILL a terrorist. Shame on the low-info racist Missourians who elect her to the Senate. FFS
Fortunately she is only a rep.
I bet she does not know that the are black Jews.
oh she knows
those are the ones she wants kept as slaves
Who is this “we”, and what peace were they trying to obtain? Were they terrorists, whoever they were? I have no idea, but I’d bet they were.
I find her to be absolutely lovely. Her face would look ever so gorgeous on toilet paper.
Another DEI star in over her head.
Bush knows what Hamas is as they pay her campaign well.
She knows all about Hamas; she’s probably been trained by them. She sees them as fweedom fighters, fighting the shitty oppressive Israelis. So any atrocities that Hamas commits are justified in her tiny tiny head.
The congresswoman knows Hamas is a terrorist organization,” the spokeswoman, Marina Chafa, said. The issue, she added, was that the term had been “weaponized by the far right consistently to justify violence and in this instance, the collective punishment of Palestinian civilians in Gaza.”
Oh but there aren’t any civilians in Gaza because they are all fighting for their freedom, per Cori.
I was going to say something about how ugly her pic is. But that would be like insulting the handicapped.
It’s not the pic that’s ugly.
bushwick bill? is that you?????
sums it allll up:
All I know is that we were considered terrorists, we were considered Black identity extremists and all we were doing was trying to get peace. I’m not trying to compare us, but that taught me to be careful about labeling if I don’t know.”
she is starting to make kentaji look as smart as a rtardo
It would be comforting to have at least one data point in which pig-brained stupidity was shown to be correctable under the primary system.
Cori fell out of the ugly tree and hit ALL the branches on the way down.
A vile disgusting horrible “woman”. In the same league as Shelia Jackson Lee.