Canadian Officials Want Country to Prepare for Viruses Potentially “Worse than Covid”
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Canadian Officials Want Country to Prepare for Viruses Potentially “Worse than Covid”

Canadian Officials Want Country to Prepare for Viruses Potentially “Worse than Covid”

If the Canadian government were truly so interested in protecting the lives of Canadians, a reevaluation of Medical Assistance in Death program is warranted. Medically assisted suicide has now become “routine.”

Legal Insurrection readers may recall that “Disease X” was on the agenda at this year’s annual globalist shindig in Davos, Switzerland.

It comes after warnings from experts that a hypothetical new pandemic could kill 20 times more people than the recent coronavirus outbreak. It is hoped that with the correct research framework in place and enough knowledge in place on a global level, a future pandemic could be eliminated in just 100 days.

Canadian officials are now taking the “Disease X” ball and running with it, warning citizens to prepare for a hypothetical new virus that could lead to food and fuel disruptions in a new handbook its health officials have released.

The Centre for Occupational Health and Safety rolled out a second edition of their Flu and Infectious Disease Outbreaks Business Continuity Plan Handbook.

The guide provides information for employers on what to prepare for in the face of another pandemic.

In the new edition, released in June, they focus on a ‘hypothetical virus’, that they warn could trigger further disruption that Covid-19.

It states that ‘based on trends from past pandemic flu, there may be a higher average number of illness and deaths in age groups different than what we typically see during annual flu seasons.’

The guide also warns employers must be ready for a scenario like an disease outbreak or a pandemic which forces people to stay home.

…It adds that people should brace for disruptions like reduced labor, supply chain issues and shifts in consumer demand.

Among those disruptions include telecommunications, banking, water, gasoline, medicine and food.

Socialism is more apt to cause disruptions in supplies of goods, medicine, and gasoline. But I digress.

What appears to have happened is that the Canadian Health officials updated their business continuity template to reflect a more comprehensive approach to dealing with a pandemic.

The document offers scare-tistics in addition with the checklists typically associated with a business continuity planning….which I do as part of my day job when I am not writing about viruses for Legal Insurrection.

The Public Health Agency of Canada also warns that, based on trends from past pandemic flus, there may be a higher average number of illness and deaths in age groups different than what we typically see during annual flu seasons.

For example, the 1918 pandemic flu resulted in more illnesses among people under 65 and in particular people aged 20 to 40, unlike a “typical” flu that affects the very young and very old. If this historic pattern re-emerges, a large proportion of the workforce could be affected.

Based on their model, an estimated 4.5 to 10.6 million Canadians would become clinically ill such that they would be unable to attend work or other activities for at least a half a day. Indeed, the COVID-19 pandemic resulted in almost 5 million Canadian cases, and over 59,000 reported deaths that can be directly attributed.

The response to this update underscores the lack of trust in public health officials after the draconian and destructive COVID policies.

For those of you curious, the next Canadian elections are slated for October 2025. So, it’s a titch early for their election-time pandemic mania.

If the Canadian government were truly so interested in protecting the lives of Canadians, perhaps a reevaluation of the Medical Assistance in Death (MAID) program would be warranted.

A new report on assisted suicide in Canada – which the country’s government labels as “medical assistance in dying” (MAiD) – has found that the practise has risen thirteen-fold since legalisation in 2016 and has become a “routine” practise. It also found that the average time between request and an “assisted death” being carried out is about 11 days.

Published on 7 August, the report titled “From Exceptional to Routine: The Rise of Euthanasia in Canada” says Canada is now far beyond the limitations expected or that were recommended to safeguard against potential problems when the practise was legalised.

“The growing number of MAiD deaths, and the continued expansion of eligibility criteria, is far beyond the expectations set in Carter v. Canada, the court case that decriminalised assisted dying in 2015,” states the report.

“Consequently, MAiD is now far more than exceptional: It is routine. Almost no MAiD requests are denied by clinicians, and the median time between written request and death from MAiD in 2022 was merely eleven days. Despite judges’ and policymakers’ claims or expectations, MAiD is no longer an option of ‘last resort’.

I will conclude with this thought:


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nordic prince | August 16, 2024 at 7:19 am

Preprogramming – laying the narrative.

E Howard Hunt | August 16, 2024 at 8:03 am

The Canadian health system is so screwed up I can envision myself traveling there for a suicide and ending up having to sue them for malpractice by restoring me to good health.

It’s crystal clear to me that what happened in 2020 wasn’t anything remotely close to a pandemic.

It was a deliberate psy-op to remove Donald Trump from power and to install their own meat puppet, Joe Biden.

I don’t care what infectious organisms the government and their jackals in the press tell me I should be afraid of.

I will not listen.

I will not comply.

They have squandered their credibility, and have lost the consent of the governed.

(The rest of what I want to write would get me put on a watchlist so you’ll have to use your imagination.)

JackinSilverSpring | August 16, 2024 at 8:43 am

Canada under Trudeau is going full socialist/communist. They’re laying the groundwork with an imaginary virus so as to implement policies to destroy their economy. Of course, all this is model driven, but they do not ask the question about how accurate were the (biased) models that modeled the Wu-flu? That’s because they would rather not go there. That way they could label anyone challenging their party line as spreading disinformation.

Of course, this is preprogramming and getting the common person ready for the second wave of totalitarian rule and overreach. The pattern is full. Canada is always the pilot–test market– for the USA. Once the outbreak is announced here in the US, watch for the Democrats to demand the general election be held by mail-in ballots only, no in-person voting allowed or they might try to reschedule the elections altogether.

I wish they would provide the order of priority of the things that are going to end the world so I could allocate my worrying appropriately. Is a giant asteroid still a threat? Climate change? Trump? Capitalism? Russia?

thalesofmiletus | August 16, 2024 at 9:43 am

Canada must have a big election coming up.

As a pure blood, I will remain through this man made election year Pandemic. Sigh…

destroycommunism | August 16, 2024 at 11:39 am

medically assisted suicide better known as

save our welfare system

is gaining ground throughout the world

as life is considered a waste of time by the lefty…except by the elites

and thats why they spend allll that time convincing the poor that they need to be their street armies to exact revenge against those pro life white middle class people

    nordic prince in reply to destroycommunism. | August 16, 2024 at 2:20 pm

    Of course. It’s not that big a step to go from “at some point you have enough money/wealth, so it’s your duty to give up what’s beyond your fair share” to “at some point you’ve lived long enough, so it’s your duty not to consume more than your fair share”….

      destroycommunism in reply to nordic prince. | August 16, 2024 at 2:33 pm


      and they already have that agenda which is why they hate the

      estate tax laws etc

      they rail against money being handed down to the next generation

      thats why the fed is being loaded up with blmplo lovers

      all their “paperwork” is on how racism is why american whites have their power

      and want tribalism for all others but of course themselves

Just pointing out something. There have been pandemics. There will be pandemics in the future. Covid was…about 10% of a pandemic, but was treated as if it were 110%. It showed a massive unpreparedness for a *real* pandemic in the future. Supply chains snapped, training turned out to be skin-deep at best, and actual testing wound up so inaccurate that it might as well have been fictional. Countries *need* to be prepared for pandemics, *BUT* we need to be very careful about handing that kind of power to people who will use it for their own instead of for the good of the people they’re supposed to be protecting. So for example if a Governor can declare a state of emergency on their own, there NEEDS to be a legislative brake on it, such as a 2/3 vote of both houses every 90 days to continue it and no more than one declaration of such every 12 months, etc…

    nordic prince in reply to georgfelis. | August 16, 2024 at 2:27 pm

    Countries (which really means “governments”) don’t need to do anything because they can’t really prepare or do anything except rule with an iron fist. Europe was unprepared for the Black Death in the 14th C. and despite that came through it quicker and ultimately stronger than how the “covid” psyop was handled.

    I’d rather deal with the Black Death and its aftermath than with the techno tyrannical fascists currently trying to rule the world.

    DaveGinOly in reply to georgfelis. | August 16, 2024 at 4:24 pm

    This is a revised version of something I posted here in September 2023:

    The concept of executive “emergency powers” dates back to a time when it might take days, even weeks, to assemble the legislature for it to consider a response to the emergency that hasn’t already been provided by existing law. In other words, the governor is temporarily authorized to act in the stead of the legislature, and that “emergency powers” conveys to him no authority beyond that which the legislature may exercise (“emergency” does not mean “extraordinary” or “unlawful”). With this in mind, I propose that 1.) that the declaration of emergency powers is a call for an emergency session of the legislature if the legislature isn’t already in session; 2.) a governor’s emergency powers should expire within a certain fixed time (30 or 60 days) after the State’s legislature convenes, or within a similar fixed time after the powers are taken up if the legislature is already in session; 3.) that “emergency powers” extend only to the promulgation of temporary rules or regulations, in the stead of legislation necessary to cope with the emergency, and said rules and regulations expire within a fixed amount of time after their declaration, or within a fixed amount of time after the assembly of the legislature, or with the enactment of legislation in response to the emergency, whichever comes first; and 4.) that the temporary rules and regulations be consonant with such legislation as the legislature has the authority to make when it is in session, that is to say that they must be “constitutional.”

    I had these thoughts in response to the situation here in Washington State, during which our governor continued to exercise “emergency powers” even long after the legislature had met in regular sessions. It struck me that this ignored the original purpose of a governor’s emergency powers, which was to give him the authority to respond to “emergent” situations not addressed by existing law, and to do so until such time as the legislature can be convened to give a proper, legislative, response to the a situation.

      randian in reply to DaveGinOly. | August 17, 2024 at 1:55 am

      Florida’s counties did similar things. Emergency declarations had time limits by law, often a week, so to enable perpetual emergency restrictions during COVID they declared a new emergency every week. That mockery of the law has since been stopped thanks to our governor.

      henrybowman in reply to DaveGinOly. | August 17, 2024 at 5:37 pm

      Here in AZ, emergency powers are given ONLY to the legislature by our constitution. The legislature in turn can authorize the executive to take extraordinary action via normally-passed law.
      (<ten lines here, short enough to read and very clear.)

    randian in reply to georgfelis. | August 17, 2024 at 1:52 am

    That testing was grossly inaccurate was a feature valuable to authoritarians, not a bug.

What do they know that they aren’t telling? Could it be they have advance knowledge of the next lab-created virus that is about to be used?

“Socialism is more apt [than a virus] to cause disruptions in supplies of goods, medicine, and gasoline.”

Well, if you keep blaming EVERYTHING on Global Warming, even Canadians will eventually catch on.

It’s nice to know I can get euthanized within two weeks.
On the other hand I had cataract surgery last month after a four year wait and I have another year to wait for the second one.
We have the worst healthcare system on the planet up here.

could lead to food and fuel disruptions

Meaning “we intend to cause food and fuel disruptions”.

How long is the wait for the other services?

This is only elective at this point.
Pretty soon, it will be mandatory.

A virus deadlier than COVID? Like influenza?