Cal Poly Humboldt Creates ‘Whiteness Accountability Space’ to Help White People ‘Confront Racism’
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Cal Poly Humboldt Creates ‘Whiteness Accountability Space’ to Help White People ‘Confront Racism’

Cal Poly Humboldt Creates ‘Whiteness Accountability Space’ to Help White People ‘Confront Racism’

“support each other to take action to address whiteness and white supremacy”

The left’s obsession with race in higher education is so tiresome. They see everything through this lens.

Campus Reform reports:

Cal Poly Humboldt ‘Whiteness Accountability Space’ supposedly helps white people ‘confront racism’

California Polytechnic State University, Humboldt is offering a “Whiteness Accountability Space” in which participants will discuss their “whiteness” and examine their own inherent racism.

“In the Whiteness Accountability Space, we invite vulnerability, self-reflection, and confidentiality for the purpose of taking courageous personal action to confront racism,” the program description explains.

The program, which is open to all but “specifically designed for white people,” aims to teach participants to “examine and learn together about how whiteness shows up” in their lives, “challenge our own white positionality,” and “support each other to take action to address whiteness and white supremacy.”

The description seems to allege that white Americans are racist by default and have been “socialized” to act in racist ways, stating that “[w]hite people have been socialized to repeat behaviors that favor white people and harm Black, Indigenous, and People of Color,” and that “it will take regular practice” for them to act in ways that “will cause less harm” to minorities.

The program description also claims that “[t]he skills we will practice to deconstruct and confront whiteness will also help in efforts to confront all other forms of oppression, exclusion, and supremacy (such as ableism, capitalism, cis-heteropatriarchy, and classism, etc.).”

The group is set to meet twice a month, for a total of more than 30 sessions continuing into December 2025.

The program is marketed as a “practice group,” as opposed to a “training or a workshop.”


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It would be fascinating to know the backgrounds of who, if any, attend. I would also recommend a companion study of a full psychological evaluation of the attendees, (We know that the instructor has more than a few loose screws.) But why would any of the attendees see the need for this?

destroycommunism | August 8, 2024 at 12:57 pm

ok whitey

go confront racism

start with the hr /dei departments
that whites have created

I thought they already closed this campus due to low attendance, and other related idiotic student activities?

Will they allow “I’m alright because I’m all white” as a chant?

For some reason these “whiteness” workshops seem like an authoritarian race obsessed cult “deprogramming” “white people” as if that is a cult

What kind of weird soy boi cucks would do that? Those progressive chicks must be uber hot over there for those bois to debase themselves fooling each other that if they only grovel enough they have a chance at some skirt.

“The program is marketed as a “practice group,” as opposed to a “training or a workshop.”

Translation: It’s not mandatory… this year.

Please somebody help me define what a white person is. Or for that matter a black person or Native American. I need hard numbers for accuracy. What percentage of DNA makes a person a certain ethnicity? Take for instance Barack Obama. He’s 1/2 white and 1/2 black. Does that make him black or white? My kids are 1/4 indigenous, 1/4 Mexican, 1/4 Norwegian and 1/4 Irish. What are they????

See how foolish the discussion of race can become? So in reality the discussion about race is only about one’s superficial, outward appearance. That’s crazy, huh?

    Sultan in reply to Rufus. | August 9, 2024 at 9:56 am

    Rufus, silly you. Of course, just as in gender, DNA and chromosomes have nothing to do with it. It is only “feeling” that counts, but only if you are a “progressive”. Rachel Dolezal is black (note: no capital letter) because she feels black, even though she is as Caucasian as George Washington. I am sure she could get into a HBCU like Howard University if she applied. Obama and Harris are privileged in that they can also pick from several racial identities and benefit from any of them. Elizabeth Warren too, even though it is now a proven fact that she is around 1/2000th Native American. I can claim some Neanderthal blood (traces) according to Ancestry. Would that qualify me for Howard University? Probably not because I tend conservative. You get the picture: your kids are so lucky to have so many choices!!
    I think I will claim to be a member of the British Royal Family and get a castle.