Biden Admin: Hunter Wanted State Department Help for Ukrainian Energy Company
The NYT sat on these documents for months. Kenneth Vogel admits the State Department gave the publication the documents “shortly after” Biden dropped out of the presidential race in June.

No wonder Hunter Biden wanted Daddy to stay in office.
President Joe Biden’s administration finally acknowledged that Hunter Biden sought help from the State Department for Burisma when Daddy served as vice president.
This development shouldn’t shock anyone, especially after all we learned from Hunter’s laptop.
Do not forget that Burisma also gave a board seat to Devon Archer, a man with connections to then-Secretary of State John Kerry.
The news also makes me wonder who is in charge. No way Joe allows this information to come out.
Late last night, The New York Times dropped what should have been a bombshell, but we already knew all of this:
The records, which the Biden administration had withheld for years, indicate that Hunter Biden wrote at least one letter to the U.S. ambassador to Italy in 2016 seeking assistance for the Ukrainian gas company Burisma, where he was a board member.
Embassy officials appear to have been uneasy with the request from the son of the sitting vice president on behalf of a foreign company.
“I want to be careful about promising too much,” wrote a Commerce Department official based in the U.S. Embassy in Rome who was tasked with responding.
“This is a Ukrainian company and, purely to protect ourselves, U.S.G. should not be actively advocating with the government of Italy without the company going through the D.O.C. Advocacy Center,” the official wrote. Those acronyms refer to the United States government and a Department of Commerce program that supports American companies that seek business with foreign governments.
Abbe Lowell, a lawyer for Mr. Biden, said his client “asked various people,” including the U.S. ambassador to Italy at the time, John R. Phillips, whether they could arrange an introduction between Burisma and the president of the Tuscany region of Italy, where Burisma was pursuing a geothermal project.
“No meeting occurred, no project materialized, no request for anything in the U.S. was ever sought and only an introduction in Italy was requested,” Mr. Lowell said in a statement, calling the outreach by Mr. Biden a “proper request.”
The State Department did not release the actual text of the letter.
The White House claimed Joe had no idea Hunter made such a request.
The NYT sat on these documents for months. Kenneth Vogel admitted the State Department gave the publication the documents “shortly after” Biden dropped out of the presidential race in June.
The NYT also published the documents a month before Hunter stands trial for allegedly “evading taxes on millions of dollars in income from Burisma and other foreign businesses.”
Archer never hid Burisma’s true intentions for having him and Hunter on the board. They provided a lifeline to the U.S. government. From May 2014:
But Archer coyly acknowledged the potential benefits of having him on the board in the April 23 Q&A.
Question: “In the American media you are often linked to the immediate circle of the U.S. Secretary of State Mr. John Kerry and the Vice-president of the United States Mr. Joe Biden.”
Archer: “American journalists really think so (smiles). I do know them.”

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So the Times was getting played, knew it was getting played, went to court to overcome its getting played, and still lied to its readers that the Hunter stuff was all an unfounded witch hunt. Call me shocked.
Hunter received no joy.
Hunter couldn’t get that help because during the Obama regime Hillary was running her own influence peddling scam out of the State Department and the Biden influence peddlers were her competition.
its good thing hunter is innocent
of all and anything
hurry msm ,get back to trump
It’s corruption all the way down.
Did Hunter get more or less help than the average International Sales Representative from “Acme Enterprises?” Any answer other than that he got the same help shows favoritism toward Biden or Hillary. I presume there is someone at a US embassy who helps US manufacturers find foreign customers or suppliers.
Trump was impeached and put on trial for asking about the Bidens, Burisma and Ukraine
In the meantime – it’s leaking out “at this time” because the Bidens need to get just enough of this information out into the public while Joe is still in control and then the Pardons are tee’d up and ready to publish on his last day. They darn sure don’t want to let Trump have the satisfaction of prosecuting them.
Yes, I agree with your comments, but in the back of my mind, I wonder about the timing. Why is this news drop coming out now, a week before the DNC convention.? Conveniently, Judge Merchan refused to recuse himself today. My gut is telling me the Democrats are plotting something and Merchan is going to sentence Trump to prison. All hell is about to break loose.