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Why is the Biden Administration Trying to Shut Down the David Horowitz Freedom Center?

Why is the Biden Administration Trying to Shut Down the David Horowitz Freedom Center?

“the Biden administration has spent more time trying to shut down the David Horowitz Freedom Center than fighting Al Qaeda”

Further proof that all the talk about ‘our democracy’ is nothing more than a sham.

Daniel Greenfield writes at the Gatestone Institute:

The Government Spent 5 Years Trying to Shut Down the Freedom Center

What Are They So Afraid Of?

Since its confused retreat from Afghanistan, the Biden administration has spent more time trying to shut down the David Horowitz Freedom Center than fighting Al Qaeda.

While Freedom Center Investigates has documented multiple cases of terrorists benefiting from nonprofit status, the IRS ignores and continues to pursue the Freedom Center’s nonprofit status.

Five years should have been more than enough to decide the issue one way or another, but instead we have been left suspended in a state of permanent investigation because while there’s no basis for shutting us down, bleeding us from a thousand cuts makes it harder for the Freedom Center to do our work, to raise money and to keep holding the Left accountable.

Five years is a long time. It’s the statute of limitations for most federal crimes. But the only thing we were ever accused of was providing a forum for political opinions the government didn’t like.

And that’s not a crime. Unless the government succeeds in making it one.

The government accused the Freedom Center of ‘electioneering’ because we had criticized Hillary Clinton. Compared to what happened to some Hillary critics, we probably got off lightly with a 5-year investigation. And we haven’t stopped criticizing Hillary (we have two recent articles about her, including an investigative piece that traced her organization to funding for attacks on art around the world and even on the Constitution at the National Archives).

But the perpetual investigation, which has been covered by the Daily Wire and other conservative media outlets, has become a disturbing feature of life and not just for us.

Since the last presidential election, hundreds of people, from Trump on down, have been dragged through legal proceedings for their political activism based on distorted laws, newly invented charges and abuses of process reminiscent of Franz Kafka’s The Trial. And even though we are journalists and were not active in the election, we are still being subjected to an endless process because of the reporting and opinion pieces we ran in the 2016 election.

The 2024 election is almost here, and we’re being persecuted for journalism from 8 years ago.


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The Chicago Way. The AG office needs clearing, just the way Obama did to conservative federal employees.

I was completely unaware of this.

It is awful, objectively.

Seems like The Chicago Way = The CCP Way = The IRGC Way = The KGB Way = The STASI Way

J6, Navarro, Bannon, Trump trial 1, Trump trial 2, Trump trial 3, Trump trial 4,

and they’ve labeled pro-lifers extremists now?

And these same people are registering non Americans to vote in American elections

And more that we don’t know about

How do these people look at themselves in the mirror

destroycommunism | July 11, 2024 at 12:59 pm

heres the key that you wrote
“And that’s not a crime. Unless the government succeeds in making it one.”SO JUST CHANGE “UNLESS” to


and they dont even worry about doing that through legal means ( see PA voting laws changed 2020 election)

america is kkkaput

The process is the punishment.

Steven Brizel | July 12, 2024 at 10:59 am

This was pure abuse of the tax laws to silence dissenting views