UPDATE Sunday, June 22, 2:30 p.m. – In light of Joe Biden announcing he is dropping out of the race, we are extending the time to vote on this poll until midnight (Pacific time) on Tuesday night, June 23.
This is a FLASH POLL in light of Axios reporting that top Democrats expect Biden to announce his withdrawal from the race this weekend.
There are several assumptions built into the poll, first and foremost that Kamala Harris would be the presidential nominee if Biden withdraws. Putting aside logistical issues like access to campaign donations, it’s hard to see any other choice. There would be absolute hell to pay within the Democrat Party if it passed her over for anyone who is not a black woman, and the only viable alternative would be Michelle Obama, who has repeatedly said she doesn’t want the job (but perhaps Michelle for VP, which is a do nothing job but would formalize Obama family input?). Also, I have eliminated any of the many Democrat Senators up for reelection, which narrows the field for VP.
The poll is open until Sunday night, July 21 23 at midnight Pacific Time.
(If Poll does not load, vote here)