Whistleblowers: Secret Service had ‘Limited Resources’ at Trump Rally Due to NATO
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Whistleblowers: Secret Service had ‘Limited Resources’ at Trump Rally Due to NATO

Whistleblowers: Secret Service had ‘Limited Resources’ at Trump Rally Due to NATO

“The USSS Special Agent in Charge Tim Burke reportedly told law enforcement partners that the USSS had limited resources that week because the agency was covering the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) summit in Washington, D.C.”

The House Judiciary Committee alerted the FBI that whistleblowers told them the Secret Service had “limited resources” for former President Donald Trump’s rally on Saturday.

Thomas Matthew Crooks attempted to kill Trump. He murdered Corey Compertore and injured David Dutch and James Copenhaver.

From the letter (emphasis mine):

Whistleblowers have disclosed to the Committee that the USSS led two briefings regarding the July 13 campaign rally on July 8, 2024, with the Western Pennsylvania Fusion Center (WPFC) and other stakeholders, to discuss the upcoming, unrelated visits by President Trump and First Lady Dr. Jill Biden. The USSS Special Agent in Charge Tim Burke reportedly told law enforcement partners that the USSS had limited resources that week because the agency was covering the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) summit in Washington, D.C. FBI personnel were present at those briefings. While the Committee recognizes that the FBI is one ofmany agencies represented in the WPFC, it is the lead federal investigative arm and a key source of intelligence on potential threats for special events in its area of responsibility.

The NATO conference ended two days before Trump’s rally.

That excuse does not make sense. At all.

I also wonder if the FBI will change its mind about cooperating with House Republicans.

Homeland Security Committee Chairman Mark Green confirmed the FBI declined an invitation to attend a hearing next week about the rally.

However, FBI Director Christopher Wray should testify before the Judiciary Committee next Wednesday.


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2smartforlibs | July 18, 2024 at 5:05 pm

They’ve got plenty orf resources for spin.

Yet another excuse. If security had been handled competently, they wouldn’t need any excuses at all.

    mailman in reply to irv. | July 19, 2024 at 2:23 am

    Competency takes a back seat in the DEI world were the only important thing is to have a yas queen girlboss in all positions of importance.

There are Army and Marine units – MP units and Marine Corps FAST companies – that train in crowd control and of course, establishing secure perimeters are one of their core missions. I don’t know why in these large outdoor events, they don’t bring in one of these units and have them provide the 2nd tier protection and leave the local PD to do traffic control. This is especially true when USSS is stretched too thin.

I promise there isn’t an Army or Marine sniper who isn’t going to get on a roof because it’s warm or ‘too steep.’ These units also have advanced drone capabilities. If it’s a posse comitatus problem, Congress could establish an exclusion zone around presidents and others who merit USSS protection. Seems like a no-brainer.

    stevewhitemd in reply to TargaGTS. | July 18, 2024 at 8:49 pm

    Posse Comitatus Act — can’t use the military in civilian law enforcement. Protecting public figures is law enforcement.

    And we wouldn’t want it any other way.

      Use the National Guard in that state in Title 32 status. I don’t know that the Nasty Girls are any better than local cops for a lot of things, but at least they look the part.

      MontanaMilitant in reply to stevewhitemd. | July 19, 2024 at 10:52 am

      Hmmm. 101st airborne troops were used to integrate Southern schools. Seems like I’d I were Trump I’d dump my SS Diversity Detail and get SEAL teams to do overwatch.

      TargaGTS in reply to stevewhitemd. | July 19, 2024 at 6:27 pm

      Marines have been used to protect the president since the country’s founding. In fact, it was one of the principal missions of the Marine Barracks in DC. This mission continued for decades after the initial adoption of posse comitatus; most people don’t realize that PC did not apply to the Marine Corps until…2022, when Democrats quietly inserted language that amended the century-old provision. As I said, Congress could easily either repeal that exception or create an exclusion zone around the president and other protectees.

So first it was because of the Jill Biden rally, now its ‘NATO’.

It’s almost like they’re leaking different lies and excuses and trying to gauge which one people are actually going to buy.

    Paula in reply to Olinser. | July 18, 2024 at 5:45 pm

    Next they will blame lack of funding.

    henrybowman in reply to Olinser. | July 18, 2024 at 5:47 pm

    Next they’ll claim they had to reserve 20% of their field personnel in anticipation of the T CrB nova event.

    JohnSmith100 in reply to Olinser. | July 18, 2024 at 6:13 pm

    It seems that the UN should be kicked out, they are worse than useless, as soon as the Biden Syndicate is is out, prosecutions should begin. unlike Dems, we will not need to make anything up. When they are jailed in solitaire, there will not be any need for lifetime protection/

    diver64 in reply to Olinser. | July 19, 2024 at 5:59 am

    Yes, I’ve read in several places resources were pulled for Queen Jill which I find very plausible.

ThePrimordialOrderedPair | July 18, 2024 at 5:55 pm

I’m holding out for “The dog ate my protection plan” excuse. And then they can blame Commander!

Or, they thought that the kid would succeed at killing DJT and Donny Boy screwed it up by turning his head at the last second and now they’re grasping for excuses faster that Jake Blues dodging bullets in a tunnel. https://youtu.be/4U9Yl5CXvcQ?si=mRj19MW8gEU40xrp

These fools will start an ugly war in retaliation.

The Senior Executive Service can receive year-end bonuses for good performance. Federal organizations receive funding, based on the number of authorized personnel “billets”, whether they are staffed or not. The funding for unfilled positions gets diverted to bonuses for the SES under the logic that they are doing great work to keep the under-staffed organization functioning. Thus, there is an incentive to keep positions vacant in order to maintain large bonuses.

The Secret Service claims to be under staffed, which implies there may be many vacant positions. I would be interested in finding out if their “limited resources” are maintained in order to line the pockets of SS executives.

Halcyon Daze | July 18, 2024 at 6:13 pm

We can almost conclude the Department of Justice and it’s agencies no longer answer to Congress.

Lots of people need to be free’d to pursue other opportunities.

The shit hole woke company I work for is free’ing a lot of mid level do nothings to pursue opportunities outside the company this month. A couple of these do-nothings are of the favored untouchable George Floyd persuasion.

note this is happening now but the VP doing it has had it queued up for at least 6 mos.

UnCivilServant | July 18, 2024 at 6:16 pm

It’s long past time to dissolve the DoJ and FBI for treason.

Dear God , every few hours another stupid excuse

    TargaGTS in reply to gonzotx. | July 18, 2024 at 6:39 pm

    I don’t see this as an excuse. There’s a reason why the source is being called a ‘whistleblower.’ It’s another damning example of incompetence…at the very top. There are 137K ARMED federal agents in this country. They knew the date of the NATO summit for a year and they clearly understood that it would be taking place as the General Election was in full swing. And yet, they didn’t or wouldn’t bring in federal agents from other agencies – many with their own tactical units – for help and instead decided to go with a skeleton crew. It looks horrible.

All of these excuses being contrived by SS, the FBI or whoever to explain this inexcusable security failure are so contemptibly unavailing and unconvincing.

inspectorudy | July 18, 2024 at 8:42 pm

What is the old saw, “If their lips are moving, they are lying”. This applies to every federal agency and its head.

destroycommunism | July 18, 2024 at 9:12 pm

the national womens soccer team is being asked to guard trump next time

And the lame bullshit excuses just keep on rolling in.

What’s next? Trump couldn’t be properly protected because of “climate change”?

Too many coincidences.
How convenient to bait us with DEI excuses.
The SS performed flawlessly saturday
We thought otherwise because the reality is so horrible it foment denial

Make no mistake: The actual mission was to assure the success of the attempt

They will continue trying

So much for the “Jill Biden” story.

    GWB in reply to Milhouse. | July 19, 2024 at 9:28 am

    Not entirely true.
    If the whole shebang was short-staffed because of the NATO summit, adding a site to the schedule at the last minute would likely require pulling some of Trump’s personnel to protect the First Lady. It doesn’t negate it; it actually adds to the likelihood it’s at least partially true.

Don’t worry, JR will be along shortly to explain to us how it was all Trump’s fault.

If Congress had stripped Trump of SS protection, they might have been doing him a favor, because he’d have hired the best private security.

ThePrimordialOrderedPair | July 19, 2024 at 3:32 am

Par for the course for NATO, serving no purpose other than to suck US resources and waste them on their own vanity.

NATO lost its purpose when the Warsaw Pact dissolved. ANd the UN should have been destroyed the week after the Soviet Union fell, but, instead, George Bush Sr. made the grave, historic mistake to take the fall of the USSR and use it to actually strengthen and empower the UN. It will eventually be seen as one of the worst moves in human history.

ThePrimordialOrderedPair | July 19, 2024 at 3:34 am

I wonder how many secret service agents are regularly diverted to try and keep track of hunter when he’s trying to escape to get his whores and crack (now that Hunter can’t get his drugs delivered to the White House, anymore)?

Seems like we have a lot of puzzle pieces here. NATO summit drawing Secret Service resources. Jill Biden drawing Secret Service resources. Austin investment fund (GWB associated?) investing ahead of it

We need a full investigation. The House should start it, now, subpoenaing witnesses. Don’t bother with voluntary compliance, there’s no time to waste f’ing around.

These people are lying really hard, and in downright stupid ways. It would lead one to believe they have something of great substance to hide.

To: Alejandro Mayorkas
In addition, whistleblower allegations suggest the majority of DHS officials were not in fact USSS agents but instead drawn from the department’s Homeland Security Investigations (HSI). This is especially concerning given that HSI agents were unfamiliar with standard protocols typically used at these types of events, according to the allegations.
—Josh Hawley

When the more credible explanations come from leaks or whistleblowers, then you know an agency has a credibility problem and is not to be trusted.