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UK Election: Labour Party Heading for a Landslide

UK Election: Labour Party Heading for a Landslide

BBC: “Labour is set to win a general election landslide with a majority of 170.”

The Labour Party is set to win by a landslide in the United Kingdom’s general election held on Thursday. “Sir Keir Starmer and the Labour Party are on course for a massive landslide general election victory, with Rishi Sunak and the Tories facing wipeout,” The Daily Telegraph reported, citing the exit poll.

Early projections indicate that the Starmer-led Labour Party could win around 410 seats, giving him a majority of 170 in a 650-seat Lower House. Prime Minister Rishi Sunak’s Conservatives are expected to get merely 131 seats, a far cry from the 365 they got in 2019.

If the exit poll prives correct, the Labour Party will return to power for the first time after 14 years of Conservative rule. Starmer, who replaced Jeremy Corbyn as the Labour leader in 2020, managed to turn around the party despite the colossal mess left behind by his predecessor.

After 21 months in power, The BBC reported the exit poll:

Labour is set to win a general election landslide with a majority of 170, according to an exit poll for the BBC, ITV and Sky.

If the forecast is accurate, it means Sir Keir Starmer will become prime minister with 410 Labour MPs – just short of Tony Blair’s 1997 total.

The Conservatives are predicted to slump to 131 MPs, their lowest number in post-war history.

The Liberal Democrats are projected to come third with 61 MPs.

The Scottish National Party will see its number of MPs fall to 10 and Reform UK is forecast to get 13 MPs, according to the exit poll.

The Green Party of England and Wales is predicted to double its number of MPs to two and Plaid Cymru are set to get four MPs. Others are forecast to get 19 seats.

The early results do not come as a surprise. Opinion polls ahead of the vote suggested that the Conservatives were on course to a historic defeat. If the trend shown in the exit poll continues, Labour will likely head for one of the largest majorities in parliament. Conversely, the Conservatives are expected to suffer one of their worst-ever defeats.

The Conservatives failed miserably on the issue of Brexit following the 2016 referendum. Eight years after the people of Britain voted to take back control of their borders from the European Union (EU), the country has been swarmed by illegal migrants from continental Europe.

Nigel Farage’s anti-establishment UK Reform Party is expected to get 13 seats.

First UK general election requiring voter ID

It is the first UK general election in which voters need a photo ID to vote in person. “This is the first general election where voter ID will be required, after new rules were introduced in 2023,” Sky News UK reported. “There are 22 types of identification you can use, including a passport or driving licence.” This is a fairly common practice across Europe. I voted in last month’s EU elections by showing my German photo ID card.


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Paula | July 4, 2024 at 6:09 pm

UK Labor Party heading for a landslide. Just like Trump.

1A_Rules | July 4, 2024 at 6:29 pm

What did Labour promise to do about the unwanted immigration? I don’t follow British politics closely. But it would seem to only get worse. Not sure what the vote means in that regard.

    UnCivilServant in reply to 1A_Rules. | July 4, 2024 at 6:45 pm

    Bascially, The country has to somehow survive five years of all of the stuff they threw the Tories out for, except worse, before they get another vote. I expect labour will persecute anyone who foted Reform in attempt to prevent a vote in five years from making a difference. Oh, and up the rate of importing hostile foreigners.

    The electoral system is set up to penalize the smaller parties. And the short notice meant Reform didn’t have candidates in place or much time for swaying the electorate.

destroycommunism | July 4, 2024 at 6:50 pm


maybe france will fight the uk again

destroycommunism | July 4, 2024 at 6:52 pm

ohh the conservatives were in power during the acceptance of the migrants from hell????

CommoChief | July 4, 2024 at 6:54 pm

Frankly the Tories deserve this outcome. They squandered their opportunity to make substantial reforms backing down and running trying to be ‘labor lite’. Hopefully the disastrous policies that labor is about to embark upon can be overcome before they do too much lasting damage. We were very fortunate to have had a political reform wake up call with DJT in ’16 who disrupted to some extent the existing status quo of the reigning DC consensus/uniparty policies whose extent depended on if the d/prog or GoP was running the show but whose direction was the always the same; bigger, more intrusive Federal gov’t, over regulation, open borders/imported cheap labor, forever wars, outsourcing manufacturing and restrictions on domestic natural resource extraction. Hopefully Farage can be the same sort of thorn to the political establishment in Britain of the voters give him the opportunity at some point.

TargaGTS | July 4, 2024 at 6:57 pm

The Tories enjoyed an enormous victory 5-years ag0 and then decided to govern like progressives; incompetent, financially unrestrained and burdened by scandal after scandal. Brits were tired of an anemic economy, crumbling infrastructure and a health system that was ineffective and unresponsive. So, they’ve decided to put people in charge who will surely only make it worse BUT, will make it worse with even more foreigners. Good luck Limeys, you’re gonna need it.

The Conservative Party are being punished for betraying their voters and Labour and the Lib Dems are benefitting from this. In Scotland the SNP is also being punished for different reasons. But the main news is the emergence of Nigel Farage’s Reform UK which is forecast to move from no seats in the last General Election to 13 in this and it is expected that one of these seats will go to Farage and another to the abrasive Lee Anderson. The first five seats have gone to Labour, four have been held and one has been taken from the Conservatives. The big story here though is Reform’s strong results. Unfortunately, due to the British system, the Lib Dems will receive far less votes than Reform but will have many more seats. This could be a tipping point where Reform puts itself in a position to either replace or absorb the Conservatives. Quite honestly though, it would not want the majority of Conservative MPs.

geronl | July 4, 2024 at 7:41 pm

Labour is not more popular. It’s that the Tories have committed suicide (as did the SNP) and Reform is taking as many of their voters away as possible.

txvet2 | July 4, 2024 at 7:51 pm

They’re going to be sorry, but then they would end up being sorry either way. There are no conservatives in the UK.

ThePrimordialOrderedPair | July 4, 2024 at 8:00 pm

UK Election: Labour Party Heading for a Landslide

Great Britain will be toast within 2 years. The UK will probably be gone as an entity. This is the final stretch.

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