Another narrative debunked.
The neighbor of Thomas Matthew Crooks, who also happens to be a local GOP captain, said the family did not have political signs in the yard.
Holly, who did not give her last name, said she never knocked on their door because no one in the family showed up on the voter roll:
“I give out the signs, and I’ve never given to that house, I’ll tell you that,” said Holly, who alluded to the fact Crooks was a registered Republican.The shooting suspect also donated $15 to a progressive political action committee on the day of President Biden’s inauguration.”I walk by here all the time, other neighbors do,” Amy added. “You will not find one neighbor that will confirm or ever say they saw those signs in the yard.””I’m on a Republican committee here in Bethel Park,” Holly said. “I’m a committee woman, and I door-knock everywhere: for [2022 U.S. Senate nominee Dr. Mehmet] Oz, for [2022 gubernatorial nominee State Sen. Doug] Mastriano, for Trump, for all of them,” she said.Holly said she had never door-knocked at the Crooks’ home; campaigns and activists often have access to voter rolls with likely voters of respective parties.”I know who the Republicans are. I mean, he’s not on the list,” she said.Crooks’ mother, Mary, is registered as a Democrat, while his father is registered as a libertarian.