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Trump Shooter’s Former Classmate: ‘He Did Not Like Our Politicians’

Trump Shooter’s Former Classmate: ‘He Did Not Like Our Politicians’

“He just did not like politicians, especially with the choices that we had.”

A former classmate of Thomas Matthew Crooks, the guy who tried to kill former President Donald Trump, told Fox News that Crooks hated politicians.

Therefore, the Democrats cannot say a Trump supporter tried to kill Trump.

From Fox News:

“I brought up the fact that I’m Hispanic and, you know, I’m for Trump. And he said, ‘Well, you’re Hispanic, so shouldn’t you hate Trump?'” Vincent Taormina told Fox News Digital Tuesday. “No. He’s great. He was a great president. He called me stupid – or insinuated that I was stupid.”

It happened during a discussion in an English class at Bethel Park High School during the 2016 campaign, he said. Trump, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Sen. Bernie Sanders were all still in the race.

“He just did not like politicians, especially with the choices that we had,” Taormina said. “He did not like our politicians.”

Taormina that Crooks was usually quiet, except on certain topics that he seemed passionate about, including math and politics. And on those issues, he could be “smug [and] arrogant,” he added.

“He would just talk, talk and act like he knew everything, especially politics related, and he would say it in a tone that was like, ‘I’m better than you,’ in a type of way,” he said.


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Dimsdale | July 17, 2024 at 10:42 am

Perhaps so. I think he was a weak minded, easily influenced individual that got “persuaded” to do what he did.

Aside from that, there are too many “anomalies” that make me think that this goes far beyond one screwed up 20 yo. And now I hear of a detonator and a car packed with explosives? Roofs so steep they belonged on a ski chalet? This guy walking around, virtually unmolested, with a rifle and a range finder?

I wonder how much will be revealed and how much will be buried.

Bottom line: the DEI “head” of the SS needs to resign. At minimum. It is the only honorable thing to do, since she dropped the ball, big time.

Ironclaw | July 17, 2024 at 10:51 am

Rush Limbaugh nailed it, young heads full of mush. So I can hardly blame the guy for disliking politicians in general

Crawford | July 17, 2024 at 11:04 am

“Taormina that Crooks was usually quiet, except on certain topics that he seemed passionate about, including math and politics. And on those issues, he could be “smug [and] arrogant,” he added.”

Smug and arrogant? Leftist. Probably no politician was left-wing enough for him.

Grey_Man | July 17, 2024 at 11:10 am

Gamma male. Obviously hard left.

Joe-dallas | July 17, 2024 at 11:14 am

FWIW – I am a competitive cyclist which in my area of the country has a large hispanic competitive cycling community which tends to be middle to upper middle class of the hispanic community. We very rarely discuss politics, though what little has been discussed, that community is fairly solid republican and generally hate the progressive party. Granted my political discussion has been quite limited.

TargaGTS | July 17, 2024 at 11:17 am

I haven’t heard or read any reporting that this kid ever exhibited psychotic behavior. From all accounts (thus far), he did reasonably well in school, didn’t have any disciplinary problems while in school or any contact with law enforcement after he graduated. He also maintained a steady job and I’ve read local reporting that he was a reliable employee. Aside from the reported bullying that he may have endured, there really aren’t any of the hallmark signs that are often seen in young spree shooters.

Almost always when these things happen, the shooter’s struggle with mental illness – often long suffering mental illness – is well documented and the shooter is frequently even known well by law enforcement. Not this kid. It’s all very odd.

    destroycommunism in reply to TargaGTS. | July 17, 2024 at 4:25 pm

    yeah he was just cruising along and the constant demand that the left made that trump be stopped by any means necessary gave him the idea

destroycommunism | July 17, 2024 at 11:24 am

rumor has it he would have gone after fjb but didnt know which basement

    henrybowman in reply to destroycommunism. | July 17, 2024 at 2:55 pm

    Maybe he should have asked the snipers inside the building.
    Snipers inside a first floor building. 🤡
    It’s like WWII British Air Raid Watch Posts deciding to set up inside coal mines.

So, it’s entirely possible it was “A pox on both their houses!” situation. That’s actually very believable.

What isn’t believable is that he, without any real precursors, just up and decided that day or that week to go and shoot Trump. He just built some kablooies, grabbed a ladder, borrowed dad’s gun, and headed off to Butler? Nah.

guyjones | July 17, 2024 at 1:24 pm

The bastard sounds like a typical Dhimmi-crat– smug, arrogant, intolerant, dismissive of others’ opinions and brimming with fallacious notions of alleged moral superiority.

    CommoChief in reply to guyjones. | July 17, 2024 at 2:10 pm

    To be fair there’s more than a small bit of smug moral superiority on the right from certain quarters that often veers into sort of schoolmarm ish lectures that seek to impose their religious beliefs. Runs the gambit from newly converted evangelicals all fired up to those sort of post Christian moralizing goons like David French with the common thread being they are correct and we are not just wrong but evil if we disagree. The fact is we are all human, fallible and generally weak vessels who can all use some improvement and strive to be better.

      guyjones in reply to CommoChief. | July 17, 2024 at 2:35 pm

      There be some of that smugness among conservatives, but, I see a whole hell of a lot less of it than occurs on the left, where every appartichik with an Ivy league degree (e.g., narcissistic, empty suit, Obama-types) fallaciously believe themselves to be the smartest person in a given room. Arrogance and a sense of self-perceived moral and intellectual superiority are hallmarks of contemporary leftism.

        CommoChief in reply to guyjones. | July 17, 2024 at 4:20 pm

        To be sure the smugness of a lefty true believer is very difficult to top….but let’s not pretend the right doesn’t have it’s share of folks who claim the moral high ground and regard the rest of us as immoral troglodytes. The Never Trump wing comes to mind, for that matter the Only Trump wing is pretty zealous and uncompromising. Then there’s the parade of fallen evangelical TV preachers who got caught with their pants down or buying jets or refusing to open up their mega church as a.shelter after a natural disaster b/c they didn’t want mud on the new carpet….The d/prog don’t have a monopoly on smugness though they do have a very commanding lead.

          guyjones in reply to CommoChief. | July 17, 2024 at 8:35 pm

          Fair enough, LOL. But, from a pervasiveness standard still maintain that the left’s “social justice” ethos and other assorted nonsense means there is much, much more of this arrogance/smugness on the left, vis-a-vis alleged moral/intellectual superiority. It’s the arrogance of the apparatchik centralized planner who gives us utterly destructive and idiotics conceits such as Obamacare, or, the “Green New Deal.” It’s reflected in the way that conservatives have been ceaselessly and unrelentingly vilified, intensely, since Obama’s wretched tenure. Vilified as an alleged existential threat to democracy, alleged racists, xenophobes, white supremacists, Christian Nationalists, etc. Conservatives possess real issues with “liberals”/”progressives”/Dhimmi-crats and their agenda, but, we generally don’t engage in that same level of vitriol and demonization.

Larry4 | July 17, 2024 at 2:00 pm

I wonder if an alphabet agency accessed a medical database looking for mental health particulars that could be manipulated. I think they could then use their Antifa cut-outs to groom/train the discovered asset. Once they know the specific skill set of their asset they manage/tweak the security of the event so they can get their guy in position to do some damage.

    The_Mew_Cat in reply to Larry4. | July 17, 2024 at 4:26 pm

    If this happened there must be very few people involved. If any of those people suddenly end up dead by any means, your suspicions should be heightened. For instance, the USSS officer in charge of the event. If he gets killed on a highway in the next few weeks, I would suspect conspiracy.

    And the 20 yo punk left no social media trail. Perhaps, but he must have a browsing history. He must have learned of the rally somewhere.

destroycommunism | July 17, 2024 at 4:27 pm

The Left did everything in their power to stop/censor the trans manifesto

they are doing the same here to stop any attachment to their agenda

but it was in fact …their agenda to do what he did


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