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Trump Points Out the Difference in Treatment Between J6 Protesters and Mobs Destroying Property

Trump Points Out the Difference in Treatment Between J6 Protesters and Mobs Destroying Property

“How come nothing happened to the people that tried to burn down Minneapolis? Nothing happens to those people. But you went after the J6 people with a vengeance.”

The NAJB tried to use J6 against former President Donald Trump, but he gave them a perfect answer, pointing out the hypocrisy shown by authority punishing those protesters and those who destroy cities.

We haven’t seen those pro-Hamas mobs in the Capitol punished for any insurrection. How about those pro-Hamas mobs that have destroyed schools? It’s not fair.

It doesn’t mean Trump stuck up totally for the J6 protesters. But if you’re full force on one group then you better do the same to others.

Trump: “Let me bring it back to modern day, like about five days ago. We had a horrible attack on the Capitol. People spraying these incredible monuments with red paint that will never actually come off, especially on the limestone. They viscously attacked our government. They fought with police much more openly than January 6th. What’s going to happen to those people? What’s going to happen to the people in Portland that destroyed that city? How come nothing happened to the people that tried to burn down Minneapolis? Nothing happens to those people. But you went after the J6 people with a vengeance.”


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Close The Fed | July 31, 2024 at 5:21 pm

Yes, he didn’t take any crap. He also introduced them to the concept of being a professional and being ON TIME.

Didn’t grade them on a curve, as they are accustomed to.

destroycommunism | July 31, 2024 at 5:29 pm

blacks know they have whites over the barrel

( and of course facing down the barrel )

kamalala gets votes handed to her



    alaskabob in reply to destroycommunism. | July 31, 2024 at 6:03 pm

    It’s time to be a Rosa Parks…. “No!… I won’t be over the barrel”.

    Just love the Left’s …. Rosa sat down, so that Ruby could walk, so that Kamala could run. Rosa and Ruby are in a separate league to the present Kamala era where plenty of POC (ugh) have made it… even if that includes AGs and DAs abusing the law.

MoeHowardwasright | July 31, 2024 at 5:38 pm

He’s right. It’s an all out attack against anyone who doesn’t toe the demonrat line. FKH

    alaskabob in reply to MoeHowardwasright. | July 31, 2024 at 6:47 pm

    Of course, Trump is being excoriated for dis’n the journalists at the conference. The first question to Trump was more a BLM mantra than question.

      4fun in reply to alaskabob. | July 31, 2024 at 10:00 pm

      Well as we all found out after he was shot he isn’t a pansy like the democrats. So the two (Harris Faulkner was up there and not a bytch) democrat operatives of the msm got their heads handed to them.
      Some folks wonder why Trump went to the inquisition, but remember he’ll turn out some more black people who are finally wondering what do they really have to lose by voting for him versus the democrats.
      He doesn’t need 50% to vote for him, probably 15% or so will make a huge difference.


Willie did.

Trump seems to be making the point that we need one standard in how we view, react to, deploy LEO, authorize use of force and prosecute mob actions. Seems fair enough to me that we have one simple standard for it and that the standard can’t be the political or policy preferences of the mob or the whims of the particular regime. If the ‘right’ chooses to get their mob/riot on then hold them accountable and in exact same way that a ‘leftist’ mob is/isn’t held accountable. Personally I would have zero tolerance for mob actions of any political stripe.

    “equal justice under the law.” Actually in the Constitution, unlike “separation of church and state. “

    thalesofmiletus in reply to CommoChief. | August 1, 2024 at 9:40 am

    This is exactly why selective prosecution must be a legal defense. You’re never going to control big blue cities, but at least patriots will receive justice.

      Jumpingjarhead in reply to thalesofmiletus. | August 1, 2024 at 1:50 pm

      Given the sorry state of our post-Christian society and the fact that most cities are now ruthlessly controlled by black dimocrat slavemasters who maintain urban plantations for the captive votes of their slaves, there can never really be “equal justice.”

      This is proven by myriad urban prosecutions of whites and conservative blacks where they were convicted regardless of fundamental elements/proof of offenses being totally missing.

      Also the notorious practice by blacks of perjuring themselves to get on juries as the foreperson of the Roger Stone DD fed trial bragged after he was railroaded.

    Jumpingjarhead in reply to CommoChief. | August 1, 2024 at 1:44 pm

    Of course 99% of the J6 victims were not involved in any mob violence. The event was a classic set-up by ideologically corrupt fed LEOs.

He’s fearless

And that’s why I love him

And that chick in the blue?

What a bytch

He is FEARLESS! He strides into the belly of the beast and emerges unscathed.

Where was Harris? I am sure a later “interview” will be a soft as a marshmallow.

I will never understand why so many people are hellbent on minimizing January 6th with “whataboutism” or otherwise deny the severity of a violent mob storming Congress to interfere with Congress’ Constitutional duty to oversee the county of Electoral College and the peaceful transition of power which thankfully failed to result in anything worse.