Trump Georgia Case: Court Schedules Fani Willis Disqualification Arguments in December
Another case that won’t happen before the election!

Another one bites the dust.
The Georgia Court of Appeals scheduled oral arguments regarding the efforts to disqualify Fulton County D.A. Fani Willis from the election interference case.
In other words, the election interference case won’t happen until after the election.
Former President Donald Trump and a few defendants wanted Willis off the case, alleging she had an improper relationship with then-special prosecutor Nathan Wade.
Judge Scott McAfee ruled there was no conflict of interest, and the case could go on if Willis or Wade stepped aside.
Wade stepped aside immediately.
Trump and his co-defendants filed an appeal.
The court stayed all the proceedings. If they received a request, they would schedule a tentative date of October 4.
The request came in, and the court scheduled it for December 5.

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fani said
I blows who and when I want to
I am protected by the black national anthem
That Fani is getting hung out to dry.
December? Looks like another Christmas present for Trump.
As Mr. Burns would say, “Excellent !”
The Naughty Nannie gets more bad news. Looks that gravy train to fame and riches has hit a derailment.
Ugly Fat Fanny has not lost any weight yet. It would be funny if she ended up 90 lbs.
I think that SCOTUS immunity ruling bodes bad for this crock of a case
Yes. But it’s still important to get it on the record that Fani’s behavior was corrupt.
FWIW, the investigation into the impropriety in Willis’ office (by Willis) is being conducted by the state legislature (Senate). There have already been several public hearings by the Senate committee as well as private interviews with county officials and whistleblowers. While this hearing is important (mostly because once disqualified, it’s almost a forgone conclusion the case dies on the vine because no one will want it), the existential threat to Willis herself is from both the state legislature and any criminal investigation that stems from it, which legal observers in GA believe is likely (and possibly already underway).
If she’s tossed she can always become a secret service agent. “Shots fired? Keep yo pants on whilst I finish these hot fries. Ize a commin.”
Such bad news for the communists, it almost makes you feel sorry for him, almost.
Sorry for them, dammit I really hate Autocorrect
So… is that all the cases? What’s the next step in Smith’s DC prosecution?
When the Merchan/Lambchop video gets leaked, Trump’ll have a hat trick.
take a load off, Fani.
Was there a reason given to not have this in October as the Judge originally said?
In Georgia, it’s apparently very common for tentative hearing dates in this Court of Appeals to get pushed back. When the stay was first granted, Atlanta lawyer and Fox News contributor Phil Holloway said that no one should be surprised if the case wasn’t heard by the appeals court until early next year. Other lawyers interviewed by the Atlanta Journal said the same thing at the time; there’s no way this case goes to trial before the election.
I’ve always heard “it takes TWO to TANGO” so if WADE was “compromised” then what was The Fani?? That “judge” did NOT do his job! But, we’re rather used to seeing LEFTWING “judges” NOT doing their jobs when cases are against the Right! Soros is scum, but he knows what he is doing! He KNOWS the best way to destroy the USA is from within. Destroying our Legal System and making it a WEAPON of the Left has long been his MO!
When will George have his citizenship STRIPPED and him DEPORTED to one of the Nations wanting him for CRIMES there?? Hopefully SOON!!
The judge said Wade was not compromised, but that having both of them on the same case created the appearance of a conflict of interest, so one of them had to go, and it didn’t matter which one. Now the appeals court will hear arguments and decide whether he was right.
That cannot happen, ever. Nobody is even alleging that his naturalization was invalid. And once someone is validly a US citizen that status can NEVER be revoked, for any reason whatsoever. That is the clear law, and every single court that has ever considered it has agreed.