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Trump Defining Black Jobs: ‘A Black Job is Anybody That has a Job’

Trump Defining Black Jobs: ‘A Black Job is Anybody That has a Job’

It was not a “gotcha” moment no matter how much the left frames it.

I see the left trying to make it appear that the panel tried to “get” former President Donald Trump when she asked him about black jobs.

Oh, sweetheart. You expected him to answer like leftists with suggestions like maids, right?

Trump’s answer is simple: “A black job is anybody that has a job.”

Trump added: “Coming from the border are millions and millions of people that happen to be taking black jobs. … It’s an invasion of millions and millions of people. … The black population is affected the most by that, and Kamala is allowing that to happen.”


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henrybowman | July 31, 2024 at 4:56 pm

A black job is regreasing your bearings. A brown job is mucking out your corral. And a red job is repainting your barn.

This is getting very old. A job has no color unless your a racist who thinks brown people are locked permanently into menial labor. The left obviously does, Trump does not.
Up this way digging your waterline up to replace it, cutting firewood for the winter or roofing your house has no color, race, religion or sexual preference. Who else you done this for and what’s it going to cost are the questions if you can’t do it for yourself.
What in the hell do we need black journalist groups for? Are they less qualified than everyone else so need affirmative action to report on stories?

destroycommunism | July 31, 2024 at 5:22 pm

and thats why he is winner!!!!!

stolen elections are not

he is a winner

destroycommunism | July 31, 2024 at 5:43 pm

kamala defined what blacks ( who think like her) define as a job:

somewheres where you all end up in the same place

her exact words

thats how sick they are

Black (and White/Hispanic) wages go down as more immigrants come in. Housing prices go up as more immigrants team up to rent available rentals. Trump is right on this.

Democrats don’t care because they can use immigrants to fake votes. GOPe does not care because they like having cheap labor.

For years Trump touted that he had the highest numbers “of black jobs, Hispanic jobs, Asian jobs, female jobs,” always referring, very obviously, to the employment statistics.

Now Democrats come out and pretend that “black jobs” refers to jobs that are appropriate for black people to do, like menial work.

They did the same thing this week with Trump talking about how he was going to “fix” our elections. In unison, Democrats all pretended to not know the definition of fix (to repair what is broken), and claimed that he was admitting that he was going to rig elections.

“Fix” can mean that, and we all understand that this is what Democrats always strive to do: rig elections. But the context was clear. Trump was telling Christians that, because our election systems are broken, they really need to vote this year, to help him overcome the margin of Democrat election fraud.

Once our elections are honest again, Trump gently chastised the evangelicals, once they are fixed, then Christians will be able to return to shirking their civic duty by not voting again. Classic Trump.

    Milhouse in reply to AlecRawls. | August 1, 2024 at 1:58 am

    We’ve played this game before, when Tony Blair said that now that we’ve determined what we need to do, we need to fix the facts around that policy. We need to gather the facts, fix them in place, and make a case to convince the public to support what we already know needs to be done. The meaning was perfectly clear, but the left whipped up on outrage on the premise that he was using “fix” in a sense that only exists in USAn slang, meaning to “rig”.

    I still don’t know what they pretended to think “binders of women” or “legitimate rape” meant. The meaning in those cases was even clearer, since there really is only one meaning for those phrases, but somehow they insinuated it was something bad.

    And I just saw a video of someone getting his knickers in a knot because Eric Trump used the perfectly ordinary English word “spades”.

Dude will talk to anyone and answer anything it’s very refreshing after angry yell at the clouds Biden and oh so scripted Harris. No matter what you think you of Trump you know where he stands on everything. The same can not be said for Kamala coverup.

    henrybowman in reply to schmuul. | August 1, 2024 at 12:28 am

    I still don’t know where Trump stands on guns. I know where he tells the NRA he stands. And I know what he does when he gets into office — abuse regulations to ban gun components. It’s quite demoralizing. I have to keep reminding myself that Trump was a Democrat all his life before he ran for President, and maybe he hasn’t quite discovered all the connections between conservative issues and why they exist.

      Milhouse in reply to henrybowman. | August 1, 2024 at 1:52 am

      Deep in his heart? You know where he stands — in his heart he’s a liberal Democrat and doesn’t agree with us on almost anything. But as president he governed like a conservative, and there’s a very good chance that he’ll do the same the second time around.

        Azathoth in reply to Milhouse. | August 1, 2024 at 8:53 am

        Can’t help yourself, eh, Democrat?

        You’re right–he doesn’t agree with YOU on almost anything.

        But he didn’t govern like a conservative–they’re too left wing.

        Trump governed like a right-wing president.

        He didn’t try to ‘conserve’. He didn’t seek ‘progress’

        He sought–and seeks– to promote

        To promote American things.

        Individual effort, responsibility and duty
        And the ability of individuals to choose, freely to work together when it’s in their own best interest

        Trump looked ahead –not to the progressive hell the left wants– but to the exceptional American future the founders gave us the tools to create.

        Washington loathed the idea of parties–because he knew they would become corrupt. And they have. There IS a ‘uniparty’ –but it’s utterly leftist in nature and design.

        And Trump stands in opposition to it.

          Milhouse in reply to Azathoth. | August 1, 2024 at 6:02 pm

          Can’t help yourself, eh, Democrat?

          Can’t help yourself, devil-worshiper? You are a demon from Hell, a servant of the Prince of Lies, so of course you lie.

If “black jobs” are important to you why the heck would you vote for Democrats wanting to import Mexican and Central American labor and replace blacks in those jobs? Get rid of the tens of millions of them that shouldn’t be in the country but for non-enforcement of the border and the aggregate wages blacks earn would be substantially higher.

Great answer. A black job is any job a black person happens to have.