The Campaign to Make Kamala Harris the New Barack Obama is Doomed
She’s beyond socially awkward and is complete cringe when speaking publicly.

One of the soundbites that came out of the RNC was Van Jones–Obama’s “environment czar” who had to leave in the dead of night after his commie leanings became known to the American people–who noted that he had not seen such enthusiasm for a candidate as he saw for Trump since 2008.
As if on cue, the hacktivist media is gushing over Kamala like she’s the second coming of Obama, replete with echoes of Chris Tingles Matthews and his “thrill going up his leg” upon hearing Obama utter words:
"I got the chills"
"I fell in love with her"
"A twinkle in her eyes"
"Jumping out of my seat"This was the media reaction to Kamala's first speech since the coup:
— End Wokeness (@EndWokeness) July 23, 2024
The problem, of course, is Kamala herself. She’s beyond socially awkward and is complete cringe when speaking publicly.
She's vapid and uninspiring.
— John LeFevre (@JohnLeFevre) July 22, 2024
It’s only going to get worse.
— Juanita Broaddrick (@atensnut) July 21, 2024
She's a fraud.
Her mother was an Indian with a Berkeley PhD. Her father was a professor at Stanford.
Now she’s keepin’ it real.
— John LeFevre (@JohnLeFevre) July 22, 2024
Indeed, no one takes her seriously. Including Putin.
Never forget that it was Kamala Harris who was sent to Europe to prevent the Russian invasion of Ukraine.
While there she contradicted herself before claiming sanctions will deter Putin.
A day later, he invaded.
— Bonchie (@bonchieredstate) July 22, 2024
Her policies are not just unAmerican but dangerous on a global scale.
She thinks we need to "reduce population" in order to stop climate change.
— John LeFevre (@JohnLeFevre) July 22, 2024
Her border czar appointment has been an abject failure.
NEW: I just confirmed that VP/Border Czar Kamala Harris has not talked with Border Patrol Chief Jason Owens, who has been in the position for the last year.
The same goes for retired BP Chief Raul Ortiz who disclosed back in March that he never “had one conversation” with the…
— Ali Bradley (@AliBradleyTV) July 22, 2024
Trying to build up some kind of Obama vibe and momentum with . . . this?
Yeah, not going to happen.
She's god-awful. Democrats are trying to rebuild the Obama enthusiasm thing, swooning on panels about how wonderful she is. Problem: Obama could speak without sounding like a eight-year-old (or like he's talking to eight-year-olds). It won't work.
— Fuzzy Slippers (@fuzislippers) July 23, 2024
And as of this writing Obama has still not endorsed Kamala. By the time he does, it will be too little, too late, and his acolytes will know it’s just politics.

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As of this writing Obama has still not endorsed Kamala but she has the Jussie Smollet endorsement:
“Jussie Smollet is one of the kindest, most gentle human beings I know. I’m praying for his quick recovery so he can vote for me.”
Just for the record Juicy Somolia has not officially endorsed Harris as of yet.
There are people who say we should not attack her record as a hard prosecutor. I say she sent people to jail for petty pot smoking; she sent a man she knew to be innocent to jail ( Jamal Trulove ), and she bailed out killers.
There are so many commentators here who believe that people who possess small amounts of marijuana should be in prison. To hell with you.
Post an example, JR. A real one. With a link. Tick-tock….
Evidently mind-reading is but one of JR’s many “talents.”
He should go back to Southfork.
Name them.
You LITERALLY have NO IDEA how many “commentators” (LOL) believe that people who are holding a small amount of pot should go to jail. NO IDEA.
Get the hell out of here, you smooth-brained idiot.
If there is one, I suspect it would be our resident authoritarian, Danny… a commenter who used to be the downvote king before JR, here, showed up.
It’s a telltale sign of your psychosis to jump at absentees who you perceive as villains rather than the clear subject matter in front of you in a position of power who actually completed the acts you deem so heinous.
No. That was Kamala. .but it is okay if she does it.
The hell with you if you don’t like her record, JR. She put people in jail for possessing personal amounts of marijuana and at the same time ran around trying to burnish her street creds by bragging she smoked pot. No amount of fake outrage on your part is going to get rid of her actions and record as prosecutor.
Kamala has proven repeatedly that she has no principles (like lots of politicians). She jailed people for trivial offenses, kept them in prison after their sentences completed, and also funded bail funds for BLM rioters. And she does it all with a cackle.
Name one.
The vast majority of people in prison “just for a small amount of pot” were actually apprehended for more and larger crimes. But the lazy prosecutors don’t want to be bothered with real work and drop all the other charges so the guy goes to jail for just pot.
Find me a real instance of “just a small amount of pot” AND NOTHING ELSE and I might look at your argument.
Name one.
Wasn’t the term “word salad” invented to describe Kamala’s answers to journalists’ questions?
No, it predates her by a long time. I first heard it in the ’80s, or maybe even the ’70s. But it could have been. She’s a prime example of it.
I don’t think he was being serious.
It is actually a long-time symptomatic descriptor for speech patterns of schizophrenia and other mental illnesses.
Not everyone is making a serious comment that requires you to correct them and educate everyone.
Thank you for defining ‘pedantry’ so nicely.
Well, every so often it’s politically useful to straighten out the record. For example, Trump gets bludgeoned for his use of the term “fake news” against his opponents. But a lot of people simply don’t remember (or never knew) that it was Barky and Cankles who originated the slur, immediately after losing to Trump, in order to tar HIM with it for the next four years. The fact that Trump turned it around into a weapon against them was a masterpiece of public relations. Of course, it didn’t hurt that it was nothing less than the unvarnished truth that all the actual fake news was coming from the Democrat-ass-kissing MSM.
At least Biden could work right up ’til the IHOP Early Bird special at 4pm.
Harris is only good ’til she hits the bottle at lunchtime.
Seriously, Scott Adams pretty much said the same thing.
Pretty much like Hillary.
Seriously, are there reports that she is a heavy drinker? I’ve not seen them and as incoherent as she is at the best of times, her expounded her wisdom while 3 sheets to the wind would be epic video.
I won’t say “If you look, you’ll find it” because my search fu is really lousy. But a couple of those “word salad”/”book report on a book I only read the dust jacket” appearances had her slurring her words. Many people assumed she was drunk.
(Also, I now find myself self-censoring the word “suck” from my comments. It’s gonna be a tough campaign….)
Ty Fuzzy..
She will always be a sow’s ear.
I am hoping Trump wins more than ever now.
Which is why I should point out a few things.
1. Who says Kamala will be making public appearances?
2. Media may be weakened but it is still extremely powerful.
3. Corporate media is still extremely powerful just look at how easily it got rid of a sitting president being the nominee of a major party (it only took three weeks).
Corporate media’s emotional blackmail has been extremely powerful in every election and is still powerful.
Why should anyone trust the stenographers, a/k/a the MSM, who work for the DemoncRat party? They gaslighted us on the Russian hoax, they gaslighted us on Hunter Biden’s laptop, and they gaslighted us on the state of Brandon’s mental condition until they couldn’t do it anymore. They should gave no credibility by now. The same goes for the other shills singing Harris’ praises.
They’re not even stenographers, they’re hagiographers.
Big Brother’s viewscreen is installed in every home. The people who watch it are never confused or dismayed when the truths they hear today contradict the truths they heard from the same people yesterday. Big Brother cannot lie, he just redefines the truth.
Nobody should trust them.
But they will.
An argument can be made that repetitive comments by the media have influenced the younger generation to believe that they could be the hero in removing a Hitler prior to him killing millions
She will get the nomination. All the Dims that have the big reputations are smart enough to know Trump is going to win in a landslide. They also know they stand a better chance of winning one or two election cycles later.
I laughed when Trump said she is “dumb as a rock.”
Dumber than a whole box of them.
I dunno. I had a pet rock in the ’70s that I’m sure could think circles around Kneepads.
Unlike Kamala, rocks can be useful.
“Dem chickenheads caint hold us down.”
I wonder about the word “chickenheads” getting recycled – it originates via Philip K. Dick’s Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep — as metaphor for socialist eugenics.
Hussein wants his 4th term. He wants Michele to continue it,
That reply was for the next commenter, jqusnr, I posted under the wrong comment….
Obama has said we are going to get a wonderful nominee at the convention
he has NOT endorse Harris.
it very well may not be Harris.
I think Obama wud like it if Mooch
wud take it. then he wudnt have to hide his influence.
who else .. Hillary .. (GOD help us)
Kennedy ?
gruesome Newsom or MI gov.
the only reason for it to be Harris
is money .. only her or Biden can touch it.
glad I stocked up on pop corn
If not Harris then who? Nobody ticks the guilt boxes the media will the throwing our way like Kamala does.
Stop trying to make
‘fetch’Michelle happen.She has no desire to work even as hard as a campaign and figurehead presidency would require.
Also, stop thinking that 0bama runs the Dem party. He is and always has been a figurehead. Some might come to him for advice because he has some political skills, but he is no party mastermind.
“I got the chills”
“I fell in love with her”
“A twinkle in her eyes”
“Jumping out of my seat”
All sooo barfsome.
At least the crease in her pantsuit didn’t get mentioned.
Kamala talks like she’s an 8 year old. Joe sniffs 8 year olds. What’s up with these nutcases?
Please don’t insult 8 YOs.
Basically irrelevant. This election is now about “vote for Kamala or you’re racist, sexist, or both”. Also, it’s about increasing the margin of vote fraud, which was increasingly untenable with Biden. Recall during Obama’s elections there were incredibly suspicious vote totals in many districts, primarily black ones. The same can be done for Kamala now, plus even more padding using the presumptive female vote for her.
She’s going to have to increase enthusiasm for the right demographics, though, and get the vote out if they want to get within that margin of fraud. (I think that margin is already baked into many of the polls.)
In Obama’s 2008 rallies, John and Ken (KFI) described the affairs as run in an estrogen cloud, with women fainting. I don’t think Kamala can pull that off. Women want a boyfriend.
Sleeping her way to the top is not a plus with women either.
the pro segregation anti white crowd supports it
her enslavement to the welfare state will continue to bring misery to america
the dnc even at its most moderate are still communist na zi sympathizers
just think if michelle did challenge kamala
they could both say they slept their way to the top
Xi and Putin must be Zooming right now and having a good laugh. “That ditz would be a total pushover.”
No need to worry. As a natural born Jamaican, Harris is ineligible to assume the office of President. But, she was also ineligible to assume the office of Vice President.
That is not true. She was born in the USA, and that makes her a natural born USA citizen. She’s over 35, and she’s lived here for more than 14 years, so she’s eligible.
Her parents’ citizenship is irrelevant. So are any other citizenships she may have; nothing in the constitution requires a president to have only US citizenship. For all I know she may be a citizen of the USA, India, Jamaica, and Canada; it so, she’s still eligible.
Incorrect. Her parents’ citizenships are integrral to the determination of whether she is a natural born citizen or not.
LOL. Of course it does – that requirement is contained in the class “natural born citizen”. If you think that one can be a “natural born citizen” while holding other citizenships then you are just completely retarded.
Stop. Her parents citizenship is irrelevant. All that matters is that she was born on US soil in Oakland, CA in 1964. Full Stop.
As for whether someone can hold dual citizenship and be President, that has never come before the court. My guess is that SCOTUS would say yes as dual citizens have all the rights and privilege’s as American citizens and if they adopt the citizenship of another country without renouncing their US citizenship with that country being recognized by the US for this purpose, some are not, then that is a wrap.
That requirement is NOT included in “natural born citizen.”
It should be defined that way via legislation (simplest by stating that no American can be a citizen if they still hold citizenship in any other country). But it currently is not.
Congress is not allowed to legislate definitions for first-level COnstitutional language. That is just a backdoor method of amending the Constitution without formally amending it.
Congress is only allowed to legislate definitions for terms that the Constitution gives Congress the power to define.
This is all pretty simple and straightforward stuff. Constitution 101, as it were.
Of course Congress can’t amend the constitution. And you’re right that it can’t interpret the constitution by legislation either. GWB wasn’t suggesting that; I’m pretty sure he was suggesting a constitutional amendment. Because that is what it would take.
Oh, I see he said “via legislation”. Well, the only legislation that would work is an amendment. Because Congress can only define citizenship for those not born in the USA and not yet naturalized. Congress can extend citizenship by birth to people not born in the USA, as it has done for people born in Puerto Rico, and thus make them natural born citizens. But it can’t take away citizenship from those who are born in the USA, so it can’t prevent dual citizens from being natural born citizens.
Likewise it can make whatever rules it likes for naturalization, but it can’t change them retroactively so as to revoke naturalizations that have already taken place. It can decide that Puerto Ricans born in the future will not be citizens, but it can’t revoke the citizenship of those who were born under the existing law, and thus became citizens at birth.
Says only you and a lot of other crackpots whom nobody takes seriously. There is literally no support at all for this theory, which no one even claimed to believe until the attacks on 0bama started.
You are the one who is retarded, because you just invented something that has no basis whatsoever, in anything. Yes, a natural born citizen can hold two citizenships, or three, or ten. There is no one who knows anything about the subject who would disagree.
Will people please stop this “Harris is not a citizen” crap. SCOTUS in the 1898 ruling United States v. Wong Kim Ark, addressed this and it has not returned to the court. It could but as of now there has not been a serious challenge to it although I think there should.
If you are born on US Soil or US lands overseas (military bases, territories, controlled places like embassies which are US Soil by treaty) you are considered a natural born citizen of the US. There is no dispute that Harris was born in Oakland, CA in 1964 therefore she is an American Citizen.
People born in unincorporated US territories are not automatically US citizens unless Congress has passed a statute saying they are. People born in American Samoa are not US citizens unless one of their parents was. People born in Puerto Rico didn’t use to be US citizens until about a century ago, when Congress passed a statute saying they were.
There are two things that will be a big influence in the coming race. One, the “People” never base their votes on the intelligence or merit of the person running. If you doubt me just look at obama and Biden. Harris is a laughing joke but already the MSM has a box full of accolades to throw out about her. Two, The failures of Biden’s administration will not be blamed on her or carried over to her. It will be all FJB’s fault. Every reason to vote for her will be about things that have nothing to do with competence, ie abortion, women’s rights, free everything, color, race, gender, electing the first woman to POTUS, and many other trite reasons to vote for her. The RNC will try to make her ignorance about everything a big deal but they had better worry about the MSM BS!
We already elected and re-elected a transparently thin-skinned, petulant, arrogant, dim-witted, sanctimonious and incompetent demagogue/hustler and malignant narcissist to the White House. The consequences to the U.S., allies and the free world were hugely destructive. Seems we should have learned a lesson, there.
And, narcissist-incompetent-dunce, Obama, is still poisoning our politics and civics, and, is a gleeful racial arsonist, to this very day.
“Seems we should have learned a lesson, there.”
The Democrats did. They learned those people were now electable, and how to do it from now on.
You have an extraordinary talent for thoroughly insulting-describing people. Thank you for sharing that with us. It’s inspiring.
Why? She’s almost exactly like Barky. The only big difference is that Kamala doesn’t really have the third world experience of being raised in some muslim sh*thole. Kamala spent her teen years being raised in Canada.
Kamala might share Barky’s ineligibility. I don’t know what the status of her parents were when she was born – if they were naturalized before or after.
Do people already forget what Barky is like?? Barky was socially awkward and sucked at public speaking. He had to read off a teleprompter for everything. EVERYTHING … whihc is why that TOTUS twitter account (which was hysterical) was started. Barky couldn’t even manage to read the TOTUS all the time, too – “corpse-men” … “Oh`-ree-ahn!!”, just to point out a couple of many. Barky was an inept incompetent who could not do a single thing. But the media propped him up the whole time. It was meaningless, but I loved the time he was trying to show off for kids at the White House shooting jump shots and missed 22 in a row. Barky finally hit the 23rd shot. That night, the MSM news shows showed Barky hitting the one shot. It was hysterical. I’m still laughing about it.
Barky was a joke and a fool and was one of the most unskilled and untalented people anyone would ever run into. Kamala and Barky are very much alike.
if they were naturalized before or after
It doesn’t matter.
And I disagree on 0bama not being able to give a speech. He is a natural at doing that, IMO. He made a decent frontman for the cabal.
Don’t forget that he need the prompter to talk to a kindergarten class. And still didn’t do it very well.
She is like Barky, well surrounded by Marxists and steeped in Marxists theory
Barky’s wife could end up being her running mate.
I long predicted Mooch would be the Democrats/ Marxists Presidential candidate, I can’t see any way or form 2 Women of color on the same ticket.
I’m just surprised that with her attending a french school then Westmount during her high school years in Montreal, she has never exhibited an ability to speak French. I find that odd.
Why? Despite living a goodly chunk of her life in America, she’s never exhibited much ability to speak English, either.
Kamala has zero fund raising capability. She dropped out early in 2020 because nobody donated to her campaign. Any funds she has now has been released from “escrow” being held for biden. Kamala is a fake candidate in that regard, she has no real base.
And now TImcast is claiming that Trump is suing the campaign because “Joe giving Kamala his money” is a violation of campaign finance law. If noting else, it’s great lawfare.