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Sticker Mule: ‘People Are Terrified to Admit They Support Trump’

Sticker Mule: ‘People Are Terrified to Admit They Support Trump’

“Many at Sticker Mule support Trump. Many at Sticker Mule also support Biden. The political hate needs to stop.”

In a world increasingly divided by political beliefs, Anthony Constantino, co-founder of Sticker Mule, took a daring step to bridge the gap and promote respectful discourse. Sticker Mule is a popular company that produces high-quality custom stickers and promotional products. Its emphasis on customer service and creative solutions has built a loyal following. Their recent action is a rare example of corporate bravery in a polarized political climate.

In his email to customers, Constantino stressed the importance of respecting differing opinions and kindness in political discussions.

Everything sounds good so far. Welp.

He also dared to express support for President Donald Trump, and that’s where he went wrong.

How dare he? How dare he show support for President Donald Trump?


He wrote in the email with the subject line Trump 2024, “I don’t care what your political views are but the hate for Trump and his supporters has gone too far. People are terrified to admit they support Trump.”

The email was written to grab attention and underscore the severity of the situation. Constantino acknowledged his own fears of expressing support for Trump, highlighting the climate of intimidation and fear that stifles open dialogue in America.

He continued, “Many at Sticker Mule support Trump. Many at Sticker Mule also support Biden. The political hate needs to stop.”

Constantino’s call to action was clear and compassionate: “Vocalize your support. Stop the hate.”

However, the reaction was swift and severe.

The Sticker Mule support team received a flurry of death threats. What would you expect in today’s political landscape?

In response, Constantino took decisive action to support his employees. He sent a follow-up email announcing $2,500 bonuses for each of the 79 support team members, totaling $195,000.

“I hope my message supporting Donald Trump and encouraging respect for all people becomes a learning moment for everyone. As much backlash as we received, it’s good for society that people learn that lots of people with BIG HEARTS support Trump. I want maximum happiness for everyone!”

If you support this kind of reaction from companies, head over to Sticker Mule’s post on X and show your support.


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henrybowman | July 21, 2024 at 2:48 pm

Do they sell “I Did This” stickers?
I’m running low, and wouldn’t mind placing another big order.

Close The Fed | July 21, 2024 at 2:49 pm

I’ll probably buy some items from him! Thanks!

Subotai Bahadur | July 21, 2024 at 2:50 pm

Some are afraid to express support for Trump. For myself, YHS makes his own political t-shirts, and while I have to get some supplies my plan Monday is to make one based on the picture showing a wounded Trump with a raised fist yelling fight. Not for sale, just for personal wear around town.

Subotai Bahadur

I still have my SORE/LOSERMAN bumper ticker from 2000.

Came out after the Supreme Court stopped Gore/Lieberman from trying to steal the election.

destroycommunism | July 21, 2024 at 3:56 pm

lefty just tried to m urder pres trump

good luck with the healing

The hateful X comments display the toxic result of democrat and media brainwashing. May God destroy their ability to do evil.

GravityOpera | July 22, 2024 at 12:24 am

Try being a Republican who won’t vote for Trump. THAT is how you get hateful comments.

Maybe some leftists can be shamed into being less leftist. But I doubt it and think he’s just going to have to realize he must pick a side and be willing to give up business from the other side.

That is where we are.