Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle resigned on Tuesday morning, 10 days after someone tried to assassinate former President Donald Trump and a day after a disastrous committee hearing.
Here’s her letter to her staff:
To the Men and Women of the U.S. Secret Service,
The Secret Service’s solemn mission is to protect our nation’s leaders and financial infrastructure. On July 13th, we fell short on that mission. The scrutiny over the last week has been intense and will continue to remain as our operational tempo increases. As your Director, I take full responsibility for the security lapse.
However, this incident does not define us. We remain an organization based on integrity and staffed by individuals of exceptional dedication and talent. As I’ve stated, the Secret Service will move forward with our investigatory and protective mission in a steadfast manner. We do not retreat from challenge. However, I do not want my calls for resignation to be a distraction from the great work each and every one of you do towards our vital mission.
When I got the call asking if I would return to the Secret Service after my brief retirement, I did not hesitate. I love this agency, our mission, and the great men and women who sacrifice so much every day. I have, and will always, put the needs of this agency first.
In light of recent events, it is with a heavy heart that, I have made the difficult decision to step down as your Director.
When I assumed the role as your Director, I pledged to do so with honor and integrity. These values have guided my entire career for 29 years. As many of you know, I served as a special agent for 27 years – securing events for FPOTUS Clinton, working as a supervisor on VP Cheney’s detail, leading RTC, operating as the SAIC of ATL, supervising VP Biden’s detail, and finally overseeing the agency’s protective mission under the Trump Administration as AD-OPO.
As I stated in the hearing yesterday, all of you are worthy of trust and confidence. You deserve the nation’s support in carrying out our critical mission. One of my favorite things about this workforce is that the men and women are fiercely committed to our mission.
Thank you for all that you do, and will continue to do, for our great nation.
FLASH: @SecretService Director Kim Cheatle announces her resignation in letter to staff:
To the Men and Women of the U.S. Secret Service,
The Secret Service’s solemn mission is to protect our nation’s leaders and financial infrastructure. On July 13th, we fell short on that…— Myles Miller (@MylesMill) July 23, 2024

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as long as they replace it with another anti american
nothing changes
Biden admitted he made a mistake appointing a white woman to be USSS Director. He said, “This time I will appoint a minority woman.”
IF he’s still alive, it’s unlikely he’ll even be aware that a new director has been appointed, much less who it is.
I can’t even say with much confidence that Biden has been informed that he is no longer running for re-election.
If he actually has dementia it won’t be difficult to convince him he voluntarily stepped down, or of anything else you like. The potential for self-interested manipulation is why legal guardians are often appointed for the elderly.
I can’t say with confidence who knew who any of the people serving in the Executive branch were.
*he knew who
Oh, he’s still alive. Too boost Kamala’s election prospects, they’d rush to have her sworn in as POTUS as soon as Joe snatches his rattling last breath (of deep sea diver sounds). Seeing that hasn’t happened, Kamala’s continuance VP is sufficient “proof of life.” president of
Maxine told him, “Thanks, but no thanks.”
they resign to avoid saying anything more incriminating
and no prison time is ever handed out
unless you are bannon navvaro and attempted on trump
Possible Harris running mate?
That would be like the Bobbsey Twins..
Boobsey Twins
She meets all of the required DEI requirements, up to and including incompetence.
Considering Kamala’s IQ, she is likely to name Joe Biden as her running mate.
Well, he’s not ineligible….
It took a near assassination to get rid of the DIE hire. Its time to end the practice of career bureaucrats.
I bet she never expected to be the patsy.
Like the other commies she’s kind of slow, but she finally figured it out
Shame I wanted to see her impeached and removed.
Unfortunately, that would not have happened. Her boss, MayJerkUs is still in his job.
I might celebrate if I thought she would be replaced by someone competent, but I don’t think any such thing will happen.
We’ll probably be presented with ” the FIRST transwoman head of the Secret Service!” Hurrah hurrah.
Sam Brinton comes to mind.
He would keep an eye on the president’s luggage.
Heh more likely the First Lady’s.
Yes, immediately!
How disgusting is that?
Buh Bye (waving hand and blowing kiss).
She didn’t resign! She “stepped down” from the director position, which means that she still is employed as a GS-15 or SES.
NOTICE with fjb and her etc the lefty controls the narrative
resigns steps down
stop letting lefty control the narrative
The reason Co-conspirator Cheatle was hired failed on 7/13.
Exactly! She repeatedly stated under oath, (giggle giggle) the there was no one on the roof because there was someone on “overwatch”, which means that whomever was watching allowed a 20 year old, with a rifle, climb onto the roof take aim and fire at Trump
I don’t think she was pushed out but decided after the House visit, to resign. That was about as brutal hearing from BOTH sides as I have ever heard. She had no allies like other Biden appointees have had and was basically alone. It was clear she had no answers for most of the failures and referred every question to the FBI. As with ALL Biden appointees, she was selected not on merit but on identity.
No. It was Nancy Mace filing her privileged motion for impeachment of Cheatle last night that did it, I would guess.
Yeah, even AOC went after her, surprisingly enough. Some of the congresscriters grabbed the opportunity to gallop around on their AR-15s-eeeeebil hobbyhorses and at least one member of the Squad tried to claim the delay in neutralizing the shooter was due to ‘implicit bias,’ but there was bipartisan agreement that the Secret Service f*cked up on her watch and she was responsible for that.
That acceptance letter of the resignation “from” Traitor Joe is a joke. I don’t know who wrote that but Traitor Joe wasn’t even in the same country as that letter.
This is all so crazy – we are being governed “by text”. This is infantile. This is a mockery of civil government.
Biden didn’t resign.
He “decided” to stop running for another term.
Technically he is still the President of the US. No less so than all those other times he’s been incoherent, somn0lescent, under a lid, etc. They’re just pretending less.
The letter of resignation was from Cheatle. Traitor Joe accepted it in “his” letter. That’s what this thread is about.
Since no one seems to mention it in relation to this event let me repeat:
Last night around 8PM, Nancy Mace filed a privileged motion to impeach Cheatle. The House was going to be forced to vote on it within 48 hours.
And, while they won’t, they probably should still vote on it.
We need a proof of life on Joe. Having Jill’s handpicked USSS director resign tells us Joe isn’t deciding anything in the White House.
I still wanna know what’s up with this dude in tac gear, pointing his rifle at Trump as he got into “the beast”, was he too late to deliver the coup de grace? ( upper right corner of screen @ 5:09- 5:20 and gets waved off by a DEI cutie)
He was on the far side of the vehicle, and Trump was already in it, with lots of armor between Trump and him. He was also up on the stage before they moved Trump off. In neither case was he pointing his weapon at Trump. In the latter footage, he was pointing somewhere down past The Beast. (He is beyond the front corner of the vehicle and is not angling toward the camera or the vehicle.)
It’s a really good thing to notice, however.
The Secret Service’s solemn mission is to protect our nation’s leaders and financial infrastructure.
and you and the organization you formerly “led” failed in spectacular fashion
whether by deliberate malfeasance or extraordinary ineptitude your actions cost the life of one good man and the wounding of several others
unfortunately, as to the future, you’ve demonstrated to the world that the hallowed secret service, long revered as the best of the best, might indeed be diverse but are no longer capable of fulfilling their core mission
and those that wish america and its leaders harm were paying attention
Now that they have their sacrificial lamb, the “investigation” will drag on and eventually they’ll quietly issue a “report” sometime next year. End of story.
Exactly. Don’t be fooled – she took one for the team and stepped down. Mayorkas and whoever else is pulling her strings need to go as well.
Talk about getting hit by a ton of bricks to get the point that she should resign. She should have realized right after it happened that resigning was the right thing to do. She made matters worse by thinking she could weather the storm.
Her position was that of “acting lightning rod,” and it was meant for her to take the heat to distract from other aspects of the assassination attempt, and to distract from the current state of Joe.
Her main duty, and the primary reason she got the job, was to help stage-manage Biden. That’s no longer necessary, so she’s dispensable now.
Letting Trump get shot at was simply an added benefit of her incompetence.
I do not want my calls for resignation to be a distraction
Huh? You mean the calls for your resignation? Did no one edit this before you sent it out?
all of you are worthy of trust and confidence
10 days ago proved that to be wrong.
I love how she says “Yes, I’m taking responsibility… but let me tell you how great I am, da**it!” When you’re being thrown out on your ear, you don’t generally get to list all your “accomplishments” as if you were at a retirement party. Class act, there.
Dr. Jill has a sad.
IOW I fked up, lick me.
She should be appointed as Special Council to investigate the Bowman fire alarm incident. 😛
She resigned because Mace was finally going to force a vote on impeaching her and the Democrats knew they had to vote for it.
What gets me is that Cheatle was an actual Secret Service agent for over two decades. She wasn’t some inexperienced friend-of-a-friend handed the top slot as a favor, she actually came up through the ranks. She’d been on protective details. She knew the job firsthand, not just in her field in general but the procedures, processes, and policies specific to the Secret Service.
When some of her employees failed, spectacularly and publicly, at the task she used to do, both as the boss and just as a professional, she should have been hellbent on finding out what went wrong. I get that until all the evidence has been reviewed she has to be very, very closemouthed about personnel actions, but she hasn’t even pretended to care how it came to happen that her agency botched its core mission on her watch. It took her days to talk to the agents themselves and AFAIK she STILL hasn’t gone to the fairgrounds. When one of the Congresscritters asked her if she, as an experienced Secret Service agent, thought the ag building roof should have been secured, she wouldn’t even answer.
It’s nuts.
Post of the day.
She resigned immediately after Mace finally forced the issue and filed a motion for impeachment.
Cheatle thought she could ride out the mean tweets and the RINOs would never actually call a vote.
The second a vote was scheduled, she resigned.
Crappy letter; makes it sound like the whole agency was blamed when it’s mostly her failure. Even more disturbing is that she has been an usss agent for 27(?) years. She really should be criminally charged.
She really should.
She’s no longer Director, but I bet she isn’t unemployed. Failure rarely comes with real consequences for government employees.