Roosevelt University Program Restricted To Black Males Challenged By Equal Protection Project
From the Complaint: “In violation of Title VI this program illegally excludes and discriminates against all non-Black persons based on their race and in violation of Title IX this program illegally excludes and discriminates against all non-male students based on their sex.”

The Equal Protection Project (EPP) ( of the Legal Insurrection Foundation has challenged numerous racially discriminatory programs done in the name of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. This discrimination comes in various ways, but the overarching theme is to exclude or diminish some people and promote others, based on race, color, or ethnicity. We have filed over thirty complaints and legal actions since launch in February 2023, with over half the schools withdrawing or modifying the discriminatory programs. (See EPP Mid-2024 Impact Reports.)
Almost all of our actions have addressed discrimination in higher education. In our latest action, we have filed a Civil Rights Complaint (full embed at bottom of post) with the Office for Civil Rights of the U.S. Department of Education, against Roosevelt University (Illinois) regarding a race-based program for black chicago males.
From the Complaint:
We write in connection with Roosevelt University, based in Chicago and Schaumberg (“Roosevelt”), a private university, arising from its illegal sex-based and race-based discrimination in violation of Title VI and Title IX. Specifically, Roosevelt operates, administers and promotes the Black Male Leadership Academy (“BMLA”),2 which as its name indicates and the program description confirms is offered exclusively for Black males.
As the program website states, “The Black Male Leadership Academy (BMLA) provides opportunities for young men in grades 9-12 who attend Chicago public high schools and schools in the Chicagoland area, to expand their social, cultural and intellectual capital,” but upon clicking the “read more” button, the discriminatory nature of the program—that is, the fact that it is only open to “African-American males”—is made plain, as shown in the screen shot below.3 [image omitted]
In violation of Title VI this program illegally excludes and discriminates against all non-Black persons based on their race and in violation of Title IX this program illegally excludes and discriminates against all non-male students based on their sex. We expand on this below.
The story was covered in a short clip on local TV:
I also provided the following statements to the media:
“Opening up opportunities to disadvantaged high school students is a worthy goal, and one which the Equal Protection Project supports, but it must be done in a manner that does not discriminate based on race or sex.”
“It does society no good to inject more racism and sexism into the educational system through discriminatory college scholarships and programs.”
“Roosevelt knows better than to run educational programs that exclude students based on race and sex. Roosevelt’s own nondiscrimination standards forbid race and sex discrimination. Roosevelt should live up to its own set of rules.”
EPP is in a major expansion mode, and we expect to broaden our challenges to racially discriminatory programs. But we need your help. We are a small organization going up against powerful and wealthy government and private institutions devoted to DEI discrimination. Donations are greatly needed and appreciated.

Donations tax deductible
to the full extent allowed by law.
The Big 12 Conference has a program called Beyond Borders. It is my opinion that the selection criteria for this program deserves scrutiny.
What’s the endgame? If favorable treatment is not given this group, there will be almost zero representation among them in the more intellectually challenging jobs. That will start the whole cycle of systemic racism all over again because we are commanded to agree there are no inherent natural differences among the races. It’s the new religion, easier to disprove than a virgin birth, but held more obstinately nonetheless.
I think people are ready for a compromise based on a reawakening of Christian values. The good lord made some group’s abilities more lucrative in a technological world, but since we are all God’s children and our soul’s are not judged by IQ, we can share the earthly bounty without resorting to fairy tales.
Most people would trade supplementing this group’s income in return for being gainfully employed (to the limit of each person’s ability), and living in a crime-free family unit. Government propaganda could then be expended on emphasizing that human value is not based on material wealth or career fulfillment, but good character.
LFG!!! I’m going to increase my contribution to L.I. shortly!
Thank you for all y’all do!
DEI/CRT is such a fraud.
They must apologize immediately and resign.
Okay, I didn’t mean for my comment to be a response to be a response to E. H. H.
so the good ol boy network is bad
but this is pride
typical lefty
but they are winning and will win b/c no matter what rulings go against them
they ignore it and keep going
meanwhile america sinks further
Following the law, and causing discriminatory colleges to follow the law, should both be lauded.
Just as extremism in defense of liberty is not a vice, neither is careful use of the public funds. These colleges are publicly funded (per the Feds) by using the student loan programs.
The endgame is the ending of the inherent equity requirements that comprise the Griggs v. Duke Power. The men that were harmed by Duke Power really were harmed and deserved to be made whole. The conclusion of Griggs was wrong. A coherent argument for Griggs would require that all professional sports teams, and their deep-pocket leagues, be racially balanced.
In practice, state and local governments that sponsor (via tax deals and the like) professional sports teams or leagues that do not have a racial distribution that matches the general population are thumbing their noses at Griggs. Can we invalidate all tax breaks for non-equitable (body count) professional sports teams, and sue all state and local governments that are involved? Considering that that everybody involved knows about Griggs and knows about the racial imbalance, can those local officials, team owners, and league presidents be sued personally. They all conspired to ignore the law, and often did so under the color of authority.
and for more lefty racist carnage
The program recently graduated a dozen participants, all Black women from southwest Georgia. They have completed more than five months of training and are scheduled to begin working with pregnant and postpartum patients this year.
“We’re developing a workforce that’s going to be providing the support that Black women and birthing people need,” said Natalie Hernandez-Green, an associate professor of obstetrics and