This has been an emotional week, starting with the attempted assassination of Donald Trump. I expressed my emotional reaction here.
It really is hard to believe it will only be a week tomorrow.
I watched some of the Republican National Convention coverage. Not wall-to-wall, but enough to get a sense.
I talked a little about my assessment on the Tony Katz Show. (Other topics we covered were the Florida case being thrown out and Equal Protection Project’s Civil Rights Complaint against Indiana University.)
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Partial Transcript (auto-generated, may contain transcription errors, cleaned up for transcript clarity)
Katz (00:00):There’s a lot to take and a lot to digest from the Republican National Convention. A tremendous amount. And nothing may be maybe greater than success. It cannot be overstated. The convention was a success. It was entertaining. It was enjoyable. It had the party in terms of like, hey, this is our nominee, and we’re not questioning, in an absolute straight direction where people could clearly see the enthusiasm was. T that is a little different. And certainly on the entertainment part that is super rare for Republicans. Tony Katz. Tony Katz today, good to be with you.William Jacobson joins us right now from Legal insurrection, Cornell Law, professor legal insurrection, uh, dot com. Uh, you have watched many of these, you have seen, uh, many of these conventions, in your take, how much did this convention upset the student body at CornellWAJ (01:01):<laugh> Well, I don’t think they watched it <laugh>, but I don’t think it upset them. They probably only saw clips on M-S-N-B-C, from their fake studio pretending to be at the convention when in fact they just had some digital background.Katz (01:15):Now, hold on before I even let you continue. I don’t know if people know this. The M-S-N-B-C background as William Jacobson is discussing, was meant to look like they were at the RNC. They were never there. It was a fake all this week. That is, that is stunning. Did they admit to that? Did they admit? Yeah. Yeah. We were trying to lie.WAJ (01:37):I don’t know, but, you know, talk about fake news. Okay. So, every now and then I do tune into M-S-N-B-C just for kicks. And, you know, I didn’t realize until after the fact that they were not there and they were pretending to be there. So talk about fake news. It was completely fake news. They were pretending to be at the RNC when they were not.Katz (01:59):As for the RNC itself, not fake news, your students didn’t see it. What did you think of it?WAJ (02:06):I thought it was really captivating. It was better than I expected. I’m not a fan of these conventions because it’s just, you know, ridiculous speech after ridiculous speech normally. But I actually found this one pretty interesting. I thought this was very well done.I think that it pushed a message, essentially rebranding the Republican Party as the party of the people, the real party of the people. I thought it was very effective.I wish they’d started Trump’s speech an hour earlier at 9:00 PM Eastern instead of 10:00 PM Eastern, because, frankly, I turned it off because I fell asleep <laugh> about an hour into it. And I would’ve liked to see the whole thing.And in fact, right now, I’ve been looking at the, the parts that I missed and I thought it was very good. I thought the whole convention really was good. It showed unity. You had the various candidates, it highlighted, things that are the Democratic Party weaknesses. So I thought it was an excellent convention, what that means going forward. I don’t know. It was obviously a little weird because you’re not even really sure who you’re running against. But overall I thought it was a huge success.
It was more than just a success, I think the convention had key emotional moments I’ll remember. There are too many to list, and many were politically important, such as the families of the Marines killed due to Biden’s botched Afghanistan withdrawal, and the remembrance of firefighter Corey Comperatore, murdered in the assassination attempt on Trump.
But I have three moments that may not have been the most politically gigantic, but they were touching to me.
Far and away the speech by Donald Trump, Jr.’s daughter Kai Trump was the winner of the convention. If any of my five granddaughters grows up to view me the way Kai views her grandfather, I’ll be a lucky man.
I also found the obvious love between Usha and JD Vance enthralling. This clip posted by Asra Nomani captured it.
And last but not least, the finale with Nessun Dorma. What an ending. (I just wish it came earlier in the evening so I could have seen it live.)
I’m looking forward to the DNC riots and looting in Chicago.