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Retired Fire Chief Corey Comperatore Slain By Assassin’s Bullet Aimed At President Trump

Retired Fire Chief Corey Comperatore Slain By Assassin’s Bullet Aimed At President Trump

“The 50-year-old died a hero as his family revealed he was shielding his young daughter and wife from the gunfire when he was killed.”

By the Grace of God, President Trump was not seriously injured in the assassination attempt by 20-year-old Thomas Matthew Crooks. The now-deceased would-be assassin did, however, snuff out the life of retired Fire Chief, Corey Comperatore, from Buffalo Township, Pennsylvania.

The Daily Mail reports:

The member of the crowd killed in the assassination attempt on Donald Trump at his Pennsylvania rally has been identified.

Corey Comperatore, the retired fire chief of Buffalo Township, was sitting behind the former president shot and killed by gunman 20-year-old Thomas Matthew Crooks.

The 50-year-old died a hero as his family revealed he was shielding his young daughter and wife from the gunfire when he was killed.

Members of the audience frantically tried to save the father’s life in the bleachers in Butler after Crooks opened fire from a rooftop 130 yards away.

Family members paid tribute Comperatore who was well-known in the community.

His sister wrote on Facebook: ‘The PA Trump Rally claimed the life of my brother, Corey Comperatore.

‘The hatred for one man took the life of the one man we loved the most. He was a hero who shielded his daughters.

His wife and girls just lived through the unthinkable and unimaginable. My baby brother just turned 50 and had so much life left to experience.

‘Hatred has no limits and love has no bounds. Pray for my sister-in-law, nieces, my mother, sister, me and his nieces and nephews as this feels like a terrible nightmare but we know it is our painful reality.’

His daughter Allyson wrote on social media: ‘He died a real-life super hero.’

‘They are not going to tell you how quickly he threw my mom and I to the ground. They are not going to tell you that he shielded my body from the bullet that came at us.’

‘He loved his family. He truly loved us enough to take a bullet for us,’ she continued in the emotional tribute.

TribLive has more about what a good man Comperatore was and how well-respected and -liked he was among his neighbors and community:

Corey Comperatore, who recently turned 50, formerly served as chief of the Buffalo Township Volunteer Fire Department.

Word of his death spread quickly around the small, rural township in southeastern Butler County and neighboring communities.

Matt Achilles of Buffalo Township, who lived near Comperatore for four years, described Comperatore as a good neighbor and dedicated public servant.

“He lived about six houses down from us,” Achilles said, adding that Comperatore attended Saturday’s rally with his wife and two children.

“He was a good person,” Achilles said Sunday morning. “We might not have agreed on the same political views, but that didn’t stop him from being a good friend and neighbor.”

Achilles recalled Comperatore’s generous nature and friendly demeanor.

“He donated money to us when I was in the hospital and he would always come by at our yard sales. He always waved hello when I drove past his house,” Achilles said.

Buffalo Township Supervisor Mike Oehling Jr. said he posted a condolence message to his personal Facebook page Saturday night honoring Comperatore.

In that post, Oehling wrote, “REST IN PEACE. Gone too soon. Father, friend and patriot. Will never be forgotten. May his memory live on as an example to all of us. God Bless Corey Compertore.”

. . . . Freeport Mayor Zack Gent issued a statement Sunday in response to the news of Comperatore’s death, describing the community of Freeport, neighbors to Buffalo Township, as “heartbroken.”

Gent thanked Compertore for his decades of service to the Buffalo Township community, and beyond, as a volunteer fire fighter.

“On behalf of the Borough of Freeport, its first responders, its leadership and its residents, I want to send my sincerest condolences to Corey’s family,” Gent said. “We get by with a little help from our friends. Being a member of Buffalo Township Volunteeer Fire Department, I’m sure Corey assisted our fire department and residents on more than one occasion. I’m heartbroken for his family and friends. I thank him for his service to his community, and ours.”

As I am writing this, “RIP Hero” is trending on Twitter (X).

May this good man, this hero, rest in peace.

[Featured image via X]


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Skip | July 14, 2024 at 3:10 pm

I hoped we would learn who was ruthlessly murdered at the rally. He was killed as a innocent American
God bless his family

E Howard Hunt | July 14, 2024 at 3:13 pm

My condolences to a good family man who died protecting his family. I hate to think, however, that our culture has so degenerated that it is considered an act of heroism to protect your own daughter and wife. That should be a matter of course. Failure to do so would be cowardice.

ThePrimordialOrderedPair | July 14, 2024 at 3:26 pm

What a shame. The Comperatore family has my deepest condolences. Their father was a hero to the very end. It’s a shame they have to suffer this loss.

Peter Moss | July 14, 2024 at 3:30 pm

May his memory be a blessing to his family and all who knew him.

Terrible mistakes of judgement and gross incompetence on the part of the Secret Service allowed an assassin to be somewhere that no one other than a police officer should have been, standing watch.

When DJT gets back into office, he needs to fix this and fix it for good.

guyjones | July 14, 2024 at 4:06 pm

Awful, simply horrible. A good man was murdered at a political rally by a Dhimmi-crat fanatic who was incited, enabled and ginned-up by the vile Dhimmi-crats’ ceaseless vilification of and demonization of then-candidate, and, later President, Trump, specifically, and conservatives at-large.

The New Republic’s utterly wicked and despicable “Trump as Hitler” cover from a few weeks ago perfectly encapsulates the Dhimmi-crats’ inflammatory, irresponsible and dangerous incitement. If one contends that President Trump is a reincarnation of Hitler, then, one is tacitly advocating for his murder, as an alleged moral imperative.

Gremlin1974 | July 14, 2024 at 4:11 pm

Right after the assassination attempt there were those who immediately called it a hoax “because no one else was hit.”

I really really hope no one ever beats those people repeatedly with a Nerf Bat about the head and shoulders, that would be tragic.

destroycommunism | July 14, 2024 at 4:44 pm

rest in peace and condolences to the family

destroycommunism | July 14, 2024 at 4:44 pm

this man died b/c fjb said this ,,that cnn downplays and buries deep in the article:

“We’re done talking about the debate. It’s time to put Trump in the bullseye,” Biden said on that call, a recording of which was obtained by CNN.

    Think38 in reply to destroycommunism. | July 14, 2024 at 5:20 pm

    “We’re done talking about the debate. It’s time to put Trump in the bullseye.” — Joe Biden

    “Will no one rid me of this turbulent priest?” — Henry II

    Any similarity there?

amwick | July 14, 2024 at 5:32 pm

Ty Fuzzy..
This must have been difficult to write, it was difficult to read.
I only knew a little about Corey.. now I know he was a hero.

gonzotx | July 14, 2024 at 5:36 pm

Nothing really happened after the congressional Baseball game a few years back

The left is unhinged and the media is in on it it’s ok to murder elected Republicans.

Especially President Trump

goddessoftheclassroom | July 14, 2024 at 6:35 pm

As an English major and teacher, I ADORE Shakepare. His tragedies and histories especially encompass the humanity–the good and the bad–of his characters.
Prince Hal becomes Henry V..
To limit one’s judgment of a person to who he or she was in his or her past is ignorant and ungracious.
As Harriet Beecher Stowe wrote in “Uncle Tom’s Cabin,” ‘Now is all we have.’

smooth | July 14, 2024 at 7:25 pm

He was killed because he supported trump, like ashli babbitt.

What could one possibly add to this.
A great Man.
And to Professor Jacobson and all here at Legal Insurrection…
Just my thanks.

Doc-Wahala | July 14, 2024 at 8:48 pm

Please watch the video – folks in crowd filmed the shooter moving into position

henrybowman | July 14, 2024 at 10:03 pm

“The 50-year-old died a hero as his family revealed he was shielding his young daughter and wife from the gunfire when he was killed.”

Thank God for toxic masculinity.

OldProf2 | July 14, 2024 at 11:09 pm

This shooting was an inexcusable failure of the Secret Service. Trump’s team had asked for more USSS protection several times, and was always rebuffed. There is no way that someone with a rifle (or anyone, for that matter) should be allowed to climb to a high vantage point outside the secured area. The countersnipers are there to prevent that from happening.

As far as I can tell, there was only one countersniper unit (always 2 people) on duty at the event. Many years ago, when I was asked to patrol the river security zone for the President to visit our local dam, there were six countersniper units (12 men total) on all the highest points around the location. If the Trump event had even one more countersniper unit (as they had repeatedly requested), the assassin likely would have been shot before getting into firing position.

Heads should roll at the Secret Service and Homeland Security for denying Trump the security staff he obviously needed. Bennie Thompson should be removed from Congress for trying to remove Trump’s security entirely under his proposed bill, HR 8081.

diver64 | July 15, 2024 at 5:46 am

The DEI head of The Secret Service should have been fired months ago with the reports coming out of there but no one had the guts or will to do it. Wonder if someone will step up now

AF_Chief_Master_Sgt | July 15, 2024 at 8:54 am


I hope Trump invites the family to the RNC convention, and proudly tells everyone what a hero this man was.

I also hope the family brings a monumental lawsuit against the shooter’s family because dad provided the weapon.

texansamurai | July 15, 2024 at 10:08 am

your final acts kept your wife and family safe and unharmed

thank you, sir, for reminding the rest of us of our fundamental duty in this life

rest in peace

Robins111 | July 15, 2024 at 12:31 pm

Rest in Peace Brother
R Scott McLeod, Fire Chief, (Retired)

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