Republican Leadership Points Out Democrats Are Ignoring The Will Of Their Own Voters [UPDATE]

In what can only be seen as a coordinated effort, Republican Congressional leaders are pointing out, quite rightly, that forcing Biden out undermines the very “democracy” they are always harping on.

I love this Alinsky-style counterattack because it not only holds Democrats to their own standards but highlights how completely cynical their attacks on Republicans have been.

First up, Senate Republican Leader, Mitch McConnell (KY):

Full text of McConnell’s statement:

For four years, the American people have faced historic inflation at home, chaos at the border, and weak leadership on the world stage. Our nation is less prosperous and less secure than it was in January, 2021. We cannot afford four more years of failure.“Unfortunately, the Democratic Party has been busy in recent weeks trying to upend the expressed will of the American people in primary elections across the country. Washington Democrats have not proven themselves any more capable than the President of delivering the secure borders, safe streets, and stable prices that working families deserve. They are selling open borders, higher prices, climate radicalism, and soft-on-crime policies, and the American people are not buying.

Next up, House Speaker, Mike Johnson (LA):

Full text:

At this unprecedented juncture in American history, we must be clear about what just happened. The Democrat Party forced the Democrat nominee off the ballot, just over 100 days before the election.Having invalidated the votes of more than 14 million Americans who selected Joe Biden to be the Democrat nominee for president, the self-proclaimed ‘party of democracy’ has proven exactly the opposite.The party’s prospects are no better now with Vice President Kamala Harris, who co-owns the disastrous policy failures of the Biden Administration. As second in command and a completely inept border czar, Harris has been a gleeful accomplice — not only in the destruction of American sovereignty, security, and prosperity, but also in the largest political coverup in U.S. history. She has known for as long as anyone of his incapacity to serve.Regardless of the chaos in the current White House, our adversaries around the globe should be reminded that the U.S. Congress, the U.S. military, and the American people are fully prepared and committed to defend our interests both at home and abroad.If Joe Biden is not fit to run for President, he is not fit to serve as President. He must resign the office immediately. November 5 cannot arrive soon enough.

And, finally, House Majority Leader Steve Scalise (LA)

Full text:

Democrat party bosses just proved that they have absolutely no respect for their own voters. After lecturing others about democracy, they just forced Joe Biden off the ticket—trashing the primary choice of 14 million of their own voters.For years, Democrats and their partners in the media maligned Americans who questioned the President’s fitness based on what they saw with their own eyes as conspiracy theorists. Every single one of these people—especially Vice President Harris—who participated in this cover up must answer for their involvement.It is not just Biden-Harris who have been polling so poorly, it is their entire administration’s failed, extreme agenda that is crushing hardworking families, causing record inflation, the worst border crisis in our lifetime, and chaos around the world.

Democrats should proceed at their own risk. If they continue to upend the democratic process, even their most zombie followers may revolt.


Interesting take from Rod Blagojevich, particularly in light of Obama’s statement that noticeably excludes an endorsement of Kamala Harris.

Tags: 2024 Presidential Election, Republicans