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Report: White House Aides Found Out On Twitter (X) About Biden’s Withdrawal From Presidential Race

Report: White House Aides Found Out On Twitter (X) About Biden’s Withdrawal From Presidential Race

I wonder when Biden will find out?

Politico is reporting that White House aides believed that Biden was in it for the long haul . . . until they learned on Twitter (X) that he quit.

It certainly must have been a surprise to Biden’s campaign co-chair, as well:

This all seems very strange.


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destroycommunism | July 21, 2024 at 5:10 pm

good one:

“I wonder when biden will find out”

my guess?

they wont tell him

JUST IN: Gov. Newsom cancels his appearance at U.S. Ninth Circuit judicial conference scheduled in Sacramento tomorrow.

Peter Buttigieg or Gavin and Harris.

Has anyone told Joe, yet?

henrybowman | July 21, 2024 at 6:14 pm

Wait until they find out from the Joe Rogan show that they’ve all been fired.

Biden’s handled this about as well as he handled his withdrawal from Afghanistan. At least no one died this time.

Can’t wait to see how the black Shirley Temple explains this one ….

There was a time in my lifetime when it was pretty certain that dem presidential candidates were going to lose [Humphrey, Mondale]; the party stuck by those candidates then and gave it their best shot.

Wow …. not so today. If it looks like you’ll lose, you are expected to walk the plank. Those crazy dems ….this is the REAL threat to democracy.

Conservative Beaner | July 21, 2024 at 7:19 pm

Those aides knew this day was coming. It was so obvious to everyone that Biden’s days were numbered and they should have been updating thier resumes.

LibraryGryffon | July 21, 2024 at 7:21 pm

Is it bad that I laughed hysterically on reading this?

It seems to perfectly illustrate how functional the entire administration is.

I guess that is in their chain of command.

    henrybowman in reply to snowshooze. | July 21, 2024 at 11:53 pm

    Actually, the first person who heard that Biden would not be running again was General Li Zuocheng. Our General Milley is worth every yuan.

Kamala needs to be very careful to ensure all of Joe’s cabinet knows she intends on keeping them on once she becomes President. And then once in power, needs to be certain to fire them all, root and branch, down to their secretaries and caddies if she plans on maintaining any kind of control over her own decisions.

A new campaign slogan for Harris – feel free to use it.

“Wheels Up for Heels Up!”

Ninth Dimension | July 22, 2024 at 5:56 am

Is Joe still alive? Conscious? Is he aware of the letter on TwitterX? Did anybody witness the signature? What is the formal method for giving notice of abandoning a candidacy that has already raised significant amounts of campaign money? This is all very irregular, although not out of character for the Biden administration.

The_Mew_Cat | July 22, 2024 at 2:16 pm

Yes, it was all very strange. No televised announcements, just tweeting a letter. Even if he is alive, he might be comatose, and they don’t want to tell Kamala until they can forge the pardons they are expecting.