Report: Top Democrat Party Operatives Set Up Biden to Fail at Debate to Force Him Out of Race
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Report: Top Democrat Party Operatives Set Up Biden to Fail at Debate to Force Him Out of Race

Report: Top Democrat Party Operatives Set Up Biden to Fail at Debate to Force Him Out of Race

The top dogs want the Democratic delegates to back Sen. Mark Kelly (D-AZ) at the Chicago DNC convention.

The New York Post reported that top-level Democrat Party operatives threatened to remove President Joe Biden by force from the 2024 presidential race if he did not drop out.

The sources? Someone close to Biden’s family.

The source told The New York Post: “That debate was a set-up to convince Democrats that he couldn’t run for president.”

Here we go. No doubt it was a soft coup:

The well-orchestrated “palace coup” to stop the faltering president seeking re-election has been in place for weeks, but stubborn Biden fought against it every step of the way, a source close to the Biden family told The Post Monday.

The insider also made clear the anger, paranoia and frustration Biden displayed as the party elite circled around him and piled on the pressure.

Part of the “elaborate” strategy to remove Biden from the race – as he announced in a shock letter posted on X Sunday – was allowing him to debate Republican candidate Donald Trump last month on live TV in Atlanta.

During the car crash 90-minute debate, Biden appeared confused, slack-jawed and at one point he froze up, with his shocking performance turning the tide against him.

Despite the backlash, Biden refused to drop out.

Then, the top guys threatened to invoke the 25th Amendment.

Here’s another bombshell.

The top dogs want the Democratic delegates to back Sen. Mark Kelly (D-AZ) at the Chicago DNC convention.


Apparently, Hunter went to his dad’s side because he felt these top guys set him up and “was very concerned about his father.”

“These people, these officials were not on Joe’s side,” added the source.

The source also said the party officials knew about Joe’s decline for at least two years:

Many were also shocked by the letter posted to Biden’s X account itself, as it was typed on his private letterhead rather than White House notepaper and signed electronically, the source said.

“Everyone was totally shocked,” the source said. “It was pretty telling that Jill Biden tweeted a heart emoji and nothing else.”

Democratic Party insiders have also known for at least two years how Biden was in decline, said the source.

“When I saw him a couple of years ago, it was frightening,” said the source. “He was just repeating slogans and had no idea who I was.”


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lol, no set up needed, the guy has Alzheimer’s or Lewy Dementia

    healthguyfsu in reply to gonzotx. | July 22, 2024 at 9:23 pm

    Shhh…when your wounded enemy is in a suicide pact to take out your remaining enemies, you don’t try to call for a ceasefire.

    Paula in reply to gonzotx. | July 23, 2024 at 10:58 am

    The democrats planned ahead and installed an injection seat in the oval office desk chair. Probably worthless because he hardly ever sat in it.

One could argue that. Getting rid of him was a service to the country.

The method was a service to the Party.

    Ironclaw in reply to Petrushka. | July 22, 2024 at 7:28 pm

    The problem is we’re still stuck with a demented pedophile in the white house for the next 6 months

      DaveGinOly in reply to Ironclaw. | July 22, 2024 at 9:58 pm

      If it’s any consolation, we know practically for a fact that he’s never been in charge and isn’t in charge now. His handlers knew exactly what they were doing. It’s possible Joe Biden is the worst president we’ve never really had, because he was never actually running the show.

      jb4 in reply to Ironclaw. | July 22, 2024 at 10:49 pm

      Correct, but a President Harris would be even tougher to beat.

        McGehee 🇺🇲 Trump 2024 in reply to jb4. | July 23, 2024 at 4:42 am

        Not so much.

        wendybar in reply to jb4. | July 23, 2024 at 4:44 am

        “Ahe-he-he-he-he-h-e-hhe-ha-ha-hahahahhahahahhahha0”- in Kamala.

        FOTin1943 in reply to jb4. | July 23, 2024 at 8:20 am

        A few days ago, one of the 3 network “news” broadcasts identified her as “black” AND ASIAN. First time ever – from them or from her mouth; although she is of Jamaican/Hindu descent, she identifies for the masses as “black.” (African American would be tough to claim.) Maybe she will wear a sari if that gets her some more support?

          Pepsi_Freak in reply to FOTin1943. | July 24, 2024 at 1:57 am

          I was told (I didn’t check) that her birth certificate lists her as Caucasian. Wouldn’t surprise me, I am told many Pashtun are very white complected.

Cackling birdbrain Kamala doesn’t stand a chance. Watch for a big push for Mark Kelly.

    Mauiobserver in reply to sfharding. | July 22, 2024 at 7:42 pm

    Could be but the base of the Democrat party is young black women, wealthy white suburban women and young folks that are radical progressives and anti-western civilization. Since turn out is going to be key I would think Kelly would not motivate them to participate in the election.

    Maybe they have a solution to that but the loss of the base hits down ballot candidates as well as the top of the ticket.

      healthguyfsu in reply to Mauiobserver. | July 22, 2024 at 9:26 pm

      As you said, turn out is key. If they run Kamala they risk alienating the whole other side of the party that was willing to vote for Biden. The two were not a good mix…they were a typical pandering to two sides of a liquid where one is oil and the other is water.

      Hodge in reply to Mauiobserver. | July 23, 2024 at 2:04 am

      COUGH ( Michelle Obama) COUGH

      Black, female, “popular” . Her lack of a public record makes her difficult to attack. Anything Trump might say about her will be turned as racist AND sexist.

      It won’t be said aloud but the dog whistle will say that Barry will run things as his third term, with Michelle only doing the public appearances. This will be (sub Rosa) sold as a feature.

        mailman in reply to Hodge. | July 23, 2024 at 5:00 am

        I doubt she has any desire to actually do the leg work as President. If anything she comes across as even more feckless than her husband.

        jqusnr in reply to Hodge. | July 23, 2024 at 7:06 am

        I have said this for at least a year… mooch is gonna to be the nominee .,… which is why Obama didn’t endorse Harris
        “we are gonna have a great candidate out of the covemtopm.”

      jagibbons in reply to Mauiobserver. | July 23, 2024 at 8:17 am

      At Kamala has a very sordid and very public history that is easier to attack on the campaign trail as presidential candidate versus vp candidate. Then, it would just be a matter of Trump not being his usually rude and bombastic self. SImply run against the idea of the California “success” being forced onto the entire nation. Footage of the streets in SF, the fact that CA is near bankruptcy, footage of the riots in 2020 nationwide, stories of individuals impacted by repeat violent offenders being let off by Kamala herself and other so-called Soros prosecutors.

      The Dem track record paints a very grim picture.

    diver64 in reply to sfharding. | July 23, 2024 at 5:32 am

    I pay some attention to these things but have to admit Kelly was out of left field for me. If he resigns from the Senate to run against Harris, I don’t know if he needs to resign to do this, how will this affect the Gallego/Lake race as there would now be 2 open seats or would the Gov appoint someone immediately to serve to November or is it the end of Kelly’s term?

      jagibbons in reply to diver64. | July 23, 2024 at 8:18 am

      Not sure on Arizona law regarding senators, but in most states, he would not have to resign until inauguration day. Likely Gov Hobbs would appoint a temporary replacement at least until a special election, maybe to fill the remainder of the term.

        Milhouse in reply to jagibbons. | July 23, 2024 at 9:01 am

        Arizona law would in any case be irrelevant, since US senators are not governed by state laws. Once a senator is elected the state has no control over him whatsoever. It certainly can’t make him resign. (And no, this is not a result of the 17th amendment, as some people bizarrely seem to believe; it’s always been the case.)

        Even if elected president, he wouldn’t have to resign from the senate, although he certainly would. But that would happen some time in December. And yes, the governor would appoint a temporary replacement until the next election, which would be 2026.

      Milhouse in reply to diver64. | July 23, 2024 at 8:57 am

      He wouldn’t have to resign, and certainly wouldn’t do so. Even if he got the nomination and then won the election, he probably wouldn’t resign from the senate until some time in December.

      Technically, even if elected president he wouldn’t have to resign from the senate. There is no constitutional bar to someone serving simultaneously as president and as a state’s senator, just as there’s no bar to serving both as chief justice and as secretary of state. But a person would have to be out of his mind to try to do both jobs. The presidency alone is really too big a job for one person to handle, which is why it notoriously ages its occupants; trying to be a senator on top of that would be insane. Which is why no one has ever tried it, and likely never will.

Cassius and Brutus got waved off at the last moment.

    DaveGinOly in reply to scooterjay. | July 22, 2024 at 10:02 pm

    However, this particular group of conspirators was more likely armed with hypodermic needles rather than pugiones.

Wouldn’t surprise me, this very early debate came out of the blue. But Sundowner himself threw down the gauntlet.

    bev in reply to Skip. | July 22, 2024 at 11:37 pm

    Did he? Oh sure, he may have spoken someone else’s words from a teleprompter.

    He was clueless. He thought he could rise to the moment.

    But, yes. They threw him under (cackling Kamala’s yellow school) bus.

      McGehee 🇺🇲 Trump 2024 in reply to bev. | July 23, 2024 at 4:44 am

      The Democrats were sure Trump would reject their terms and refuse to attend. Kind of hard to set someone up to fail when the brick wall you’re trying to run him into is universally expected not to show up.

      coyote in reply to bev. | July 23, 2024 at 11:52 am

      Good points. Actually, I wonder whether Biden even knows that he’s no longer in the race.

nordic prince | July 22, 2024 at 7:29 pm

Here’s something to ponder:

When exactly was the last time Biden made a public appearance?


Five days ago.

What’s he been doing? Don’t give me the “isolating” BS.

Why “drop out” via Twitter/X? Why no video or press conference?

Asking for a friend….

    Gremlin1974 in reply to nordic prince. | July 22, 2024 at 7:37 pm

    I agree. He needs to say he is dropping out and explain why.

    fscarn in reply to nordic prince. | July 22, 2024 at 8:57 pm

    Both Johnson and Nixon did it on live TV. Biden gives a tweet?

    Is the guy alive?

    “Joe, if ya go live on TV, there’s 10% in it for you. Whatcha say?

    ThePrimordialOrderedPair in reply to nordic prince. | July 22, 2024 at 9:00 pm

    The phone call into his campaign headquarters, now being taken over by Kamala, was funny. I don’t know who the hell got the idea to have Traitor Joe phone it in from down the street. Crazy. And he was on the phone the whole time while Kamala was yapping. Weirdest thing I’ve seen in 17 hours (which is really something these days!). And Traitor Joe sounded like he had been hitting the bottle. Hitting it hard.

    Azathoth in reply to nordic prince. | July 23, 2024 at 10:33 am

    There’s a lot of speculation that he’s dead.

    Supposedly there was some kind of medical emergency in Vegas, they cleared a path to the hospital but then they decided to simply fly him to Johns Hopkins.

    Because that’s what you do in a medical emergency, opt for a long plane trip instead of immediate care.

    Sometimes the ambulance rides back from an accident scene with the lights and sirens off.

Real American | July 22, 2024 at 7:33 pm

and yet they kept saying publicly he was as with it as ever.

1 minute video reveals the astonishing “incompetence” of the Secret Service.

1) The water tower.
2)The second story windows where the Secret Service posted counter-sniper team(s).
3)The sniper’s unobstructed line of sight from “sloped” roof to stage.

There’s a major conspiracy afoot.

henrybowman | July 22, 2024 at 7:40 pm

Mark Kelly?
Husband to one of the top two biggest gun-grabbers in America?
Over my dead body.
You can thank the McCain machine that this guy is in the Senate at all.

“top-level Democrat Party operatives threatened to remove President Joe Biden by force from the 2024 presidential race if he did not drop out.

The sources? Someone close to Biden’s family.”

I hope LI doesn’t become like the mainstream media and the National Inquirer by citing anonymous sources. We’ve have so much of this from their lies about Trump. We don’t need it now about lies about Biden.

    Paddy M in reply to JR. | July 22, 2024 at 8:01 pm

    If anyone would know a fake quote, it’d be you, JR.

      Paula in reply to Paddy M. | July 23, 2024 at 11:12 am

      I pass the time reading JR’s quotes while thinking about the passage of time while waiting for JR to say something intelligent..

    steves59 in reply to JR. | July 22, 2024 at 8:36 pm

    Hey Junior, why don’t you do us all a favor and start your own blog? You can indulge your TDS fantasies all you want, you can wring your hands and cluck endlessly about “muh principles,” you can choose to cite only “attributed” sources, and you can anonymously downvote anyone you want without fear, just like you did in the Tulsi Gabbard post.
    C’mon, it’ll be fun. You can send out an invite to all the posters here to contribute. I’m SURE the Comments section would be absolutely LIT.

Scott Adams today has all the entertainment conspiracy theories.

Irrespective of one’s political loyalties or feelings with regard to crime boss/dotard, Biden, the manner in which the vile Dhimmi-crat Party apparatchiks./nomenklatura and their media puppets/shills/lackeys/lapdogs toiled for four years, since 2020, to deceitfully convince the world that he was a man allegedly possessing singular and unquestioned vigor, vitality and mental acuity, and then swiftly and flippantly turned on a dime to kick him to the curb the minute that the ruse was up, reveals their intrinsic, Machiavellian and mercenary ruthlessness.

Obtaining and preserving raw political power, no matter the ends employed to achieve/maintain it, are all that the vile Dhimmi-crats care about.

    guyjones in reply to guyjones. | July 22, 2024 at 9:57 pm

    In truth, the Dhimmi-crats are an organized crime outfit; not a political party.

    artichoke in reply to guyjones. | July 22, 2024 at 11:10 pm

    and if the Republicans don’t learn how to do it even better, we’ll lose again. It’s results that count. Clucking “shame shame shame” is worthless, less than worthless.

The undemocratic way that Democrats act should be the story.

The fact that they knew and failed to implement the 25th Amendment should be the story.

The mystery of who is really in control should be the story.

Repudiation of Democrats should be the result. Their deception and failures are systemic, In 2024, you have to a fool to trust Democrats with your vote.

ChrisPeters | July 22, 2024 at 8:51 pm

The claim about a push for Mark Kelly doesn’t seem quite right, given all the high profile endorsements Kamala Harris has received over the last 24-36 hours.

Which is exactly what I predicted before the debate.

The only reason he would be allowed to step on the stage with Trump is if the decision had been made to get rid of Biden.

    artichoke in reply to Olinser. | July 22, 2024 at 11:13 pm

    And Trump, being either naive or not wanting to be too clever (we’re used to his dumb moves from his first term, he doesn’t really want conservatives to win) went ahead and debated Biden, in time for the Dems to use it to replace him.

    Then after he helped them like this, the Dems tried to kill him. What an idiot, and I mean Trump. I’ll vote for him, but I expect the same crap he did in his first term, finding ways to lose in one way after another.

      Mauiobserver in reply to artichoke. | July 22, 2024 at 11:49 pm

      If Trump had refused to debate Joe would have been able to sit in his basement eating pudding and be touted nonstop by the media as the great foreign policy mind of our generation and the wise elder too busy doing important leadership duties to appear in public except for brief photo ops. The polls would still be very close, and the Dems would have a relatively small cheating margin necessary to reelect Joe and provide enough coattails to possibly win the house.

        artichoke in reply to Mauiobserver. | July 23, 2024 at 12:18 am

        The polls for Biden were going down. And if Biden was likely to win, giving the Dems a free roll to put in another candidate at an open convention is a sure way to lose.

        I’m not sure Trump will lose, but it will be closer than it would have been. Dems are somewhat optimistic because Trump’s negatives are very strong, and they’re doing their best to minimize surviving the assassination attempt, to keep those strong negatives in place and not have them replaced by sympathy for an old man who was almost assassinated but miraculously escaped.

ThePrimordialOrderedPair | July 22, 2024 at 8:57 pm

Report: Top Democrat Party Operatives Set Up Biden to Fail at Debate to Force Him Out of Race


That is complete BS. Laughable.

Biden and his team were trying to respond to Trump’s debate challenge by presenting Trump with a debate that was so bad and skewed against Trump that he would refuse it, and then Traitor Joe and his people would refuse to debate Trump, claiming that they had tried to offer him to debate but Trump had refused. Trump totally messed up their plans by agreeing to the insane conditions – a month early, on CNN, with anti-Trump moderators, no audience, mics controlled by CNN, … Trump didn’t care – he accepted the debate and Traitor Joe and his people had had their bluff called. From there, it’s all ignominious history.

This idea that setting up the retarded vegetable, Traitor Joe, by proposing a debate to Trump with such awful conditions that most people would have assumed Trump would not accept, is just too funny for words.

Meanwhile, after the insane debate debacle, Traitor Joe hit the road and was making a fool of himself over and over again. His interview with Lester Holt was INSANE!!! I mean, that interview was totally nuts. And then his interview with BET was crazy. But Joe thought he was killing it!

I loved the Detroit rally were the media tried to make it seem as if Traitor Joe was speaking to thousands when bgonthescene showed that there were only about 100 people in the audience in front of Joe. LOL.

    No way. Trump could certainly say he was waiting until he was the R candidate and would debate the official D candidate. The way it’s always been done. Why have two people who have not yet been nominated formally, debate before their respective conventions? And since Trump was sure of nomination, he had no reason to agree to it.

    Trump probably did it to help the Dems find a better candidate. He’s still a Dem at heart, as far as I can tell. So much coitus interruptus with him. Over and over he gets to the verge of victory and manages to spoil it, and he’s very smart so he does it on purpose.

    Biden challenged Trump.

      ThePrimordialOrderedPair in reply to Azathoth. | July 23, 2024 at 12:20 pm

      Trump made the initial challenge, saying that he would debate Traitor Joe “anytime, anywhere”. Then, Joe (his team) came back with a debate proposal to Trump that they were sure Trump would reject.

        Why was Biden’s team sure Trump would reject it? Other than that it was clear to them that Trump would want to force the Dems to commit to his nomination before a debate?

        Then I suppose Biden was outsmarted by his team that wanted to replace him (he should have forced the Dems to commit to his nomination) and Trump was trapped by his own expansive challenge, which didn’t anticipate such a risky move by Biden.

The democrats cannot invoke the 25th. To make it stick the would have to have the cooperation of the congressional Republicans.

I’m inclined to believe Joe is getting a slice of revenge by not making a public appearance.

“The most fascinating thing we learned today during the USSS director testimony is that federal officials are using Signal & Telegram to communicate with staff“

It would have been interesting who Democrats would have selected if Biden announced when he should have.

No one set up Biden. Biden had to participate in the debate.

    artichoke in reply to spappas. | July 22, 2024 at 11:19 pm

    Why? Trump was not yet the R nominee, he was not yet the D nominee, we never have gen election debates before the conventions. The debate was bad for both of them (Biden gets kicked out, Trump gets a tougher opponent) and it’s very weird that it happened.

They don’t even trust him to give his own speech on pulling out. I think they will hide him away as much as possible to keep him in the Oval Office. The more he talks in public the more the case he isn’t fit to be there.

“Setting Biden up to fail” = letting him speak.

Kyle Becker

Think about this: Trump almost gets assassinated.

Days later, Biden has a medical emergency in Vegas requiring “self isolation” at home.

Last public appearance reported to be July 17, when deboarding a plane in Delaware.

In the time since: Trump shows up at the RNC, accepts the GOP nomination.

Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Hakeem Jeffries ramp up pressure campaign to push Biden out.

Leaks abound. WaPo reports Obama not happy with Biden’s election chances.

Pelosi starts operation: “Get Joe Out, the Hard Way.”

Biden aides Ricchetti, Donilon execute plan to push him out.

Hunter, Jill reportedly have a screaming fest.

A resignation letter with a suspect, digital signature with no official letterhead is issued on X.

White House staff is blindsided. Chief of Staff informs Cabinet, takes over comms.

Endorsements begin: Hillary. Bill. Newsom.

Finally, Obama speaks out: “Joe Biden has been one of America’s most consequential presidents…”

Kamala shows up to take over.

Family members Frank and Valerie Biden say that ‘health was a factor.’

FEC filings changed. Donations transferred over to her campaign.

Kamala somehow raises $81 million in 24 hours. $81 MILLION.

Kamala reportedly gets the delegates to be the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee.

Joe Biden hasn’t been seen in public *the whole time.*

How is this not a COUP?

See new posts

Mark Groubert

The assassination attempt on Trump has no press conferences, no reports, no updates, no resignations, no oversite, no firings, no names of snipers or cops involved. No picture of weapon. No CNN interview with parents of shooter. No nuthin’.

8:45 PM · Jul 22, 2024

Uhhhh guys…

is NOT acting President right now.

He just delegated duties to the Secretary of State, and the Secretary of the Treasury.




    CommoChief in reply to gonzotx. | July 23, 2024 at 8:09 am

    The same folks who ran it when Joe was in Delaware 4 days a week… or when in DC for that matter. Biden is the avatar.

Does anyone really believe Biden will ever be seen alive again?

Does anyone really believe that Biden agreed to drop out?

Who’s in charge here?

E Howard Hunt | July 23, 2024 at 8:03 am

The debate scheduling had all the authenticity that surrounded Barry’s press conference in which he released his certified mimeographed birth certificate.

I suspect there’s lots of truth to the Sen Kelly rumor. On paper he’s a good candidate for the d/prog; Military officer, astronaut, Senator, wife was shot by a loony so gets sympathy votes.

That said the decision to select Biden as the avatar then compound the error by putting Harris as the VP in an effort to get DJT out of office has put some serious shackles on them. They kicked the can on their internal party conflict and all the same divisions among the factions exist. You have the Bernie/Occupy wing (lefty socialists) and the Clinton wing (uniparty corporatist grifters) behind Harris with the Obama wing (globalist shills) still on the sidelines. Then there’s the tribal aspects within the party of identity politics,.DEI, ESG. How they gonna kick Harris to the curb for some white dude? The VP is the heir apparent and shanking Harris b/c she’s an awful candidate in favor of a ‘better’ candidate reveals to their own true believers that the d/prog elders don’t care about ID politics or DEI or equity. All that crap was window dressing they hypocritically abandon when it conflicts with gaining and maintaining power.

2smartforlibs | July 23, 2024 at 9:25 am

Wasn’t that obvious by the timing? It was to many.

It’s all a little too convenient. These accounts read as though the DNC went back over the timeline and has now set up a bunch of strawmen to make it look like what has happen was what was intended to happen. It’s all ringing just “a little too perfect.”

Interesting though, that they want to focus on Sen. Mark Kelly. I’ve long advocated that Harris, Newsom, and Whitmer were all media-created stars. But they’re all train-wrecks and that the DNC had other folks in mind for the slot. Harris just now blew Newsom and Whitmer off the board and simplified the field, so the question now is “who do the Super Delegates want?” I’m guessing it ain’t Harris, and she’s the only one they’ll have to implode now.

destroycommunism | July 23, 2024 at 10:38 am

b/c the drugs that were suppose to go to fjb on debate night

somehow went missing………