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Report: Thomas Matthew Crooks Shot Trump From Roof Law Enforcement Used as Staging Area

Report: Thomas Matthew Crooks Shot Trump From Roof Law Enforcement Used as Staging Area

“The gunman gained roof access without a ladder, according to a source briefed on the preliminary findings.”

ABC News reported that Thomas Matthew Crooks shot former President Donald Trump from a rooftop the law enforcement used as a staging area:

The building where gunman Thomas Crooks scrambled onto the roof and opened fire was the staging area for the local police tactical team doing overwatch of the crowd, two law enforcement officials told ABC News.

Sources previously told ABC News that the building had been swept, but investigators are trying to determine whether roof access had been properly locked down.

The gunman gained roof access without a ladder, according to a source briefed on the preliminary findings.


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Petrushka | July 15, 2024 at 2:52 pm

Well, that’s interesting.

When did the press start doing their job?

Oh boy. So it was part of the perimeter… and abandoned.
I guess it’s a local who’s going to go down for this.

Why have the Secret Service and the CIA on the same roof???

And, despite some conclusions I’ve been drawing, it looks like the shooter was on the backside slope of the roof. Means he might have had a more stable platform than I was giving him credit for. (I bet his “sh** was still wobbly.”)

texansamurai | July 15, 2024 at 3:29 pm

part of the perimeter or no, there is typically no warning with “lone wolf” attacks until the offense begins yet these guys (along with several bystanders) neglected to act when another guy (with a rifle) proceeds to climb up on a building within their eyesight–they had evidence/information in front of them beforehand–they could have prevented this

    venril in reply to texansamurai. | July 15, 2024 at 3:51 pm

    Yep, reports were that a cop climbed to the roof after complaints in the crowd, But ran back down the ladder when the shooter pointed hi rifle at him. Then the shooter fired on Trump and the crowd. Saw it reported but not whether it was confirmed,

Paddy M | July 15, 2024 at 3:48 pm

I don’t think any group of supposed professionals can be this incompetent. I know that is what we’re going to be told, but I don’t buy it.

    Gremlin1974 in reply to Paddy M. | July 15, 2024 at 7:36 pm

    It’s worse than that. They are supposed to be the Premier Experts in Personal Protection in the world.

    That is not what anyone saw during this event.

E Howard Hunt | July 15, 2024 at 4:15 pm

Daily wire had a good piece on absurdity of female agents.

There’s some “this doesn’t match with that” involved with the ladder. The early reports were “There is no ladder” followed by “the police used the ladder to climb up there to see what he was doing, and retreated when he pointed a rifle at them.” Most rooftops do not have access without some real effort (or a ladder). If this spot was a local LE staging area, it is quite possible the police brought the ladder, used it, and did not leave an officer or two positioned when they left for other tasks, thus leaving the nutcase an easy way to access the spot. Note: This does *NOT* mean the cops were in on it, just that the ladder in question was used by them earlier, and had not been stored (most likely because the staging area was going to be used by the police later.)

There’s a bit of a human blind spot in regard to their shared gear . Remember the J6 riots where the CP stacked their chemical spray containers close to the lines, and after some back-and-forth, wound up on the receiving end of them? *Your* gear as a cop is under tight control, but when a thing becomes under the control of multiple officers moving around… I expect this to get resolved in the next week or two. It’s a heck of an ‘oops’ if correct.

destroycommunism | July 15, 2024 at 5:17 pm

look the msm is going to make sh up for as long as they can to slant information to their liking


we must realize that legal weapons are more dangerous than the criminals we allow to roam the streets


destroycommunism | July 15, 2024 at 5:24 pm


would this be the same law enforcement that signed off to lies about trump?

that did everything they could to elect hillary>>>biden????

cause maybe we wont have to wait..this time,,, for 60 years to go by before the ( possible) gov involvement in subterfuge against americans is revealed


or peaceful protester ashli babbits being murdered

SField | July 15, 2024 at 5:50 pm

First time I’ve seen a pic of the shooter and rifle. It’s a bit blurry, but…

The rifle, assumed caliber, and distance were all well within the capabilities of the design. However, the choice of optics/sights is wrong.

Without going into too many details, that combination is better employed in short range engagements. Very effective close in and out to around 50-75 meters.

The less than effective sight setup for the given range suggests a shooter with a grasp of basic skills but lacking the knowledge of an intermediate level marksman.

He had a basic grasp, but was inexperienced, thankfully.

inspectorudy | July 15, 2024 at 6:09 pm

We are to believe that the best place to shoot from was left to the local police. If you looked at the aerial picture and thought, where would I go to shoot from? The most obvious spot is exactly where the shooter chose. In every other direction, no above-ground places would make a good shooting spot. The USSS and Mayorkas will blame the local cops for this failure but it is all on the USSS and the polarization of the unit. Has Biden appointed one single competent person in his entire cabinet?

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