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Report: Major Democratic Donors Withholding $90 Million if Biden Stays on Top of Ticket

Report: Major Democratic Donors Withholding $90 Million if Biden Stays on Top of Ticket

Another donor said Future Forward approached him many times but confirmed “he and his friends had been ‘holding off.'”

Sources told The New York Times that some major Democratic donors threatened to withhold around $90 million from a pro-Biden super PAC if he stays in the race:

The two people briefed on the frozen pledges declined to say which individual donors were pulling back promised checks, which were estimated to total around or above $90 million. It was not clear how much of the pledged money was earmarked for Future Forward’s super PAC versus its nonprofit arm, which has also been running advertising in key battleground states. The super PAC has been shying away from making major strategic decisions until it gets clarity on who will be atop the ticket, according to a separate person close to the group.

Future Forward didn’t comment on the situation.

However, a Future Forward advisor said “the group expected contributors who had paused donations to return once the current uncertainty about the ticket was resolved.”

Well, Biden’s weird big boy press conference did just enough to keep him in the race. That’s still good news for Trump and the Republicans.

Another donor said Future Forward approached him many times but confirmed “he and his friends had been ‘holding off.'”

A Future Forward poll after the debate showed four Democrats performed better than Biden as a replacement against Trump.

Plenty of those evil wealthy people have told Biden to step aside. 20 Democrats in Congress told him to do the same thing.

I bet the donors come back soon. I doubt Biden drops out. Democrats will find a way to win in November. They won’t let 2016 happen again.

Unless the Democrats want to so they can play victim and find a way to destroy Trump while he’s in office since they failed in his first term.


Donations tax deductible
to the full extent allowed by law.


Democrats are not democrats.

Olinser | July 12, 2024 at 2:39 pm

The problem the Democrats are facing is very simple.

It simply never occurred to them that the arrogant jackass would REFUSE TO LEAVE. I mean the delusional dementia patient ACTUALLY BELIEVES that he’s an amazing President sailing to re-election.

That’s the problem. The dementia has so utterly disconnected from reality that he’s not capable of thinking for himself, and Jill is ensuring that nothing penetrates his bubble because she wants to stay right where she is.

    On the other hand, why should he leave, unless the 25th Amendment comes into play?

    Isn’t this just election interference by another name, practiced by the undemocrats that pretend they are all about the public interest.

    Andy in reply to Olinser. | July 12, 2024 at 4:30 pm

    Cmon man- American’s LOVE an underdog come back – against all odds winner. Bail on him now means you are a fair weather friend with no faith in your core beliefs.

    4fun in reply to Olinser. | July 12, 2024 at 10:24 pm

    Should get a writing campaign from the grassroots repubs to send joie boi letters telling him how much he means to them for all he’s done and what he promises for the future.
    Let him wave that around the bribery crowd. They ain’t donating 90 million from the charity of their heats, they expect big time returns on their investments.

Ironclaw | July 12, 2024 at 3:22 pm

Donors are the one thing that might get them to completely shut by the aside. You can’t run a campaign without money.

TargaGTS | July 12, 2024 at 3:40 pm

“Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer will not attend Biden’s Michigan appearance on Friday. Sen. Gary Peters, a steadfast Biden supporter, and Rep. Elissa Slotkin, who is vying for Michigan’s open Senate seat, will also be absent. United Auto Workers President Shawn Fain is traveling for a conference and won’t attend either.”

Biden won’t be the nominee. This is not how you treat the guy who’s going to be at the top of the ticket.

    4fun in reply to TargaGTS. | July 12, 2024 at 10:31 pm

    Fleeing for their political lives like the cowards they are and always will be.

      Ghostrider in reply to 4fun. | July 13, 2024 at 4:32 am

      You said it. Absolutely correct, especially Whitmer. She goes from being a supporter and potentially his replacement to a no-show. Faith on the other hand must know Dearborn is lost because the Muslim vote is a no show too. Put Michigan’s electoral college votes in the Red column.

Super Troll Trump will start donating to the Biden campaign to keep the ship afloat.

That’s how “owned” they are at this point.

Napalm….. mmmmm smells so sweet.

Olinser | July 12, 2024 at 4:37 pm

The problem that they have is BIDEN HAS NO IDEA WHAT THIS MEANS.

He isn’t running his ‘campaign’, if you can even call it that, he has no idea what the money goes towards, and only has a vague idea that ‘more money = good’.

You can’t use logic or reason to get somebody out of a position they didn’t use logic or reason to get themselves into. Biden thinks he’s an amazing President that’s sailing towards a guaranteed re-election, and nothing can convince him otherwise.

    DaveGinOly in reply to Olinser. | July 12, 2024 at 9:56 pm

    For crying out load, they’re trying to talk sense to someone with dementia.

    Lucifer Morningstar in reply to Olinser. | July 12, 2024 at 11:24 pm

    >>Biden Jill Ed.D thinks he’s an amazing President that’s sailing towards a guaranteed re-election, and nothing can convince him her otherwise.<<

    FTFY.. It’s Jill Ed.D that thinks he’s sailing to a guaranteed re-election. Joe doesn’t think anything much these days

Eagle1 | July 12, 2024 at 4:45 pm

Biden’s not wrong when he says that no one else polls better. (Well, at least he has been at this point.)

When does the starvation of money become an irreversible issue? It is one thing to get and have money, but it is another to “deploy” to money to good effect. That incoming money (and we don’t know how much of the $250M is usable vice pledged) needs to be spent to hire staff, and even for simple things like making signs. You can’t do that without the cash

    henrybowman in reply to Eagle1. | July 12, 2024 at 7:04 pm

    “Biden’s not wrong when he says that no one else polls better. (Well, at least he has been at this point.)”

    He’s forgotten that the press and the polls are all part of the same smoke and mirrors machine.

    And it’s not his dementia. Hillary also made the mistake of getting high on her own supply. She engineered Trump to be the nominee because he was the easiest to beat (in her opinion), then kept quoting the polls saying that Trump had no chance in hell to win.

    It’s a classic leftist syndrome — you can hide or distort the truth enough to fool the people, but the greater universe still rolls on following its own scientific laws. You are NOT a woman with balls. Your plumbing did NOT make you competent walkway engineers or special forces. Applications to your Ivy Propaganda Mill will NOT keep rolling in. And the puppet of your insane clown posse will NOT persevere.

Paula | July 12, 2024 at 4:47 pm

Bare Naked Biden

The problem the democrats have is that once someone pointed out the emperor has no clothes, it’s rather difficult to go back to pretending that he does.

destroycommunism | July 12, 2024 at 5:12 pm

lets stop pretending that the omar branch isnt in charge

they are

Paula | July 12, 2024 at 5:33 pm

Biden was going to give his donors a tour of his Titanic Campaign, but on the way he decided to debate an iceberg named Trump. The only way they can tour his campaign now is by going down on a submersible. The donors say they still love Biden, but their support doesn’t run that deep.

CPOMustang | July 12, 2024 at 5:58 pm

Dare I hope if he pulls the the plug he pulls it all the way, resigns, and shafts them with Kamala!

SeymourButz | July 12, 2024 at 6:24 pm

Sounds like he’ll be with JFK soon.

Will not happen – particularly if Biden* gets the nomination anyway (IMO that is the way to bet).

Better make up their minds fairly quickly, ballots need to be printed and there is a lead time to get them done.

Ghostrider | July 13, 2024 at 5:00 am

Joe’s claim his campaign has $200 + million in the bank is a reference to gross revenue that has been raised. It may reflect cash on hand but I seriously doubt he has any idea of what his accounts payable are or other unrealized expenses are. Without these frozen large donor funds, Joe’s campaign might find itself needing to apply for bank lines of credit just tonpay its bills.

In politics the phrase “no path forward” means my campaign is broke—out of dough and in the red.

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