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Rep. Jerry Nadler, Three Other Dems Who Hold Top Committee Positions, Call On Biden To Drop Out

Rep. Jerry Nadler, Three Other Dems Who Hold Top Committee Positions, Call On Biden To Drop Out

“The House Democrats who said Biden should drop out of the 2024 race were Reps. Adam Smith of Washington, Jerry Nadler of New York, Mark Takano of California and Joe Morelle of New York.”

Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-NY) and four other Democrat representatives have called for Joe “I am the Democratic Party” Biden to step down from the presidential race.

NBC News reports (archive link):

Four additional Democrats in Congress told their lawmaker colleagues during a phone call Sunday that they believe President Joe Biden should step aside to allow someone else to be the party’s nominee for president, according to multiple people on the call and familiar with the discussion.

The House Democrats who said Biden should drop out of the 2024 race were Reps. Adam Smith of Washington, Jerry Nadler of New York, Mark Takano of California and Joe Morelle of New York.

NBC News has reached out to the Biden campaign for comment.

The four lawmakers hold top positions on key House committees and bring the number of Democrats in Congress who have called for the president to reconsider his bid for president to nearly a dozen.

Smith is the top Democrat on the Armed Services Committee, with similar positions held by Nadler on the Judiciary Committee, Takano on the Veterans’ Affairs Committee and Morelle on the House Administration Committee.

Nadler, et al. are hardly the Lord Almighty, but the calls for Biden to step aside are growing, not abating.

Politico has more:

Several more senior House Democrats called on President Joe Biden to abandon his reelection bid during a private call convened by Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries on Sunday afternoon, according to several people participating.

. . . . Other members on the call voiced concerns about Biden’s path to November, including Reps. Jim Himes (Conn.), Zoe Lofgren (Calif.), Don Beyer (Va.) and Rick Larsen (Wash.). It’s a poor omen for the Biden campaign as the entire Democratic elected apparatus prepares to return to Washington on Monday evening where lawmakers will face tough questioning about their party’s standard-bearer.

. . . . Democratic ire at Biden’s response during the ABC News interview that only “the Lord almighty” could force him from the presidential contest continued to bubble up on Sunday.

“We have to win this election,” said Sen. Peter Welch (D-Vt.) on MSNBC. “This isn’t a decision for Lord almighty. This is a real world decision for real world people in politics who care about our country.”

MSNBC is all over it. Interesting.


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gonzotx | July 7, 2024 at 7:50 pm

Nadler is a pig
When you’ve e lost the pig…

Johnny Cache | July 7, 2024 at 8:02 pm

Thought he’d be the nominee, but with more prominent people against it every day, I don’t see how it’s possible. And because the Democrats do not play by anyone’s rules but their own, and change those rules all the time, I’m not sure this chaos is welcome. Desperate people becoming more desperate….all bets are off on what they do.

    Lucifer Morningstar in reply to Johnny Cache. | July 7, 2024 at 8:48 pm

    Well, the democrat leadership is going to have to nominate someone because the Aug. 7th Ohio deadline to get candidates listed on the Ohio ballot is fast approaching. One month and counting. So they’ll have to decide between “virtually” nominating a Biden/Harris candidacy or choosing someone completely different. Because if they don’t they won’t have any presidential candidate listed on the Ohio ballot. Sucks to be democrats but that’s the law in Ohio so they’ve got 30 days to decide what to do. Don’t envy them at all their decision. That’s for sure.

henrybowman | July 7, 2024 at 8:14 pm

“Biden’s response during the ABC News interview that only “the Lord almighty” could force him from the presidential contest”
He said he MIGHT listen to the Almighty.
Until the Almighty descends to change Joe’s diaper everyday, I suspect he’ll have to settle for second place.

Conservative Beaner | July 7, 2024 at 8:31 pm

The problem I see with this “civil war” it may be a distraction from what is really going on.

E Howard Hunt | July 7, 2024 at 8:45 pm

Biden said that only god could tell him to bow out. On top of his other maladies he has dyslexia and meant only dog can tell him to bow out. White House staff are feeding Commander treats in hopes he will let Joe know that he is barking up the wrong tree.

25th Amendment or bust! He should be gone. Does not mean he will be.

How can Democrats be trusted with anything after this?

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